Tag Archives: Welcome


By: Josh Day

Re-posted from: https://www.juliafordatascience.com/welcome/


Thanks for checking out the Julia for Data Science Newsletter!  

We post high-quality articles to help you learn Julia with emphasis on data science.  Articles range from:

  • 🚀 Installing and Setting Up Julia.
  • ⚡ Performance Tips.
  • ❤️ Tours of Cool Julia Packages.
  • 🔥 In-Depth Tutorials.
  • 😀 And more!

What Brought You Here?

We want to know!  We're just starting out and would love to hear what you want to learn about.  Contact us at:

Twitter: @JuliaForDataSci


Thanks for checkout out Julia For Data Science.


By: Sören Dobberschütz

Re-posted from: https://tensorflowjulia.blogspot.com/2018/08/welcome.html

Welcome! With this blog, we are going to explore the Tensorflow.jl-Package for the Julia Programming Language

I am new to both Tensorflow and Julia – so please don’t expect any in-depth programming tricks or advanced API explanations. I will use Google’s newly released Machine Learning Crash Course and implement most of the exercises in a Jupyter notebook.

Why Julia?

Julia is a rather new programming language, initially released in 2012. The things that attracted me personally are

  • Most of my professional life, I have developed code in Matlab. Julia’s syntax is very close to that of Matlab, which makes the transition very easy. 
  • Julia is open-source. So no hassles with obtaining an expensive license.
  • Julia is fast (as compared to Matlab or Python). Its just-in-time compiler compiles the code to native machine code before execution. One of the first bits of code I wrote with Julia contained a part that enlarged and appended a big array for thousands of iterations. Of course this is very bad programming practise – but still it performed surprisingly well.

Why TensorFlow?

  • TensorFlow is open-source and used by Google and many other big companies for production machine learning tasks. 


I am neither affiliated with Google (who runs the Machine Learning Crash Course), Julia or the creators of Tensorflow.jl. This is a pure just-for-fun hobby project.