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JuliaCon 2014 Optimization Presentations

By: Julia Developers

Re-posted from: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/JuliaLang/~3/CU3LIHUY51s/juliacon-opt-session

Optimization Session

Iain Dunning / Joey HuchetteJuliaOpt – Optimization Packages for Julia

Iain Dunning and Joey Huchette are both doctoral students in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Operations Research Center, where they study constrained continuous and combinatorial numerical optimization methods and theory. In this session they present the JuliaOpt suite of optimization packages and how they interoperate. They also discuss how various Julia features enable exciting functionality in these packages.

Madeleine Udell — Convex Optimization in Julia

Madeleine Udell is a PhD candidate in Computational & Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University, where she works with Professor Stephen Boyd. Madeleine’s work focuses on modeling and solving large-scale optimization problems and in finding and exploiting structure in high dimensional data. She is the lead developer of the CVX.jl package.

Metaprogramming and Macros in Julia (Stefan Karpinski)

By: JuliaLanguage YouTube

Re-posted from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpNeNCGmyZE&feature=youtube_gdata

Julia is homoiconic: it represents its own code as a data structure of the language itself. Since code is represented by objects that can be created and manipulated from within the language, it is possible for a program to transform and generate its own code. Metaprogramming (http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.1/manual/metaprogramming/) is described in detail in the Julia manual.