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6 Months of DifferentialEquations.jl: Where We Are and Where We Are Going

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from: http://www.stochasticlifestyle.com/6-months-differentialequations-jl-going/

So around 6 months ago, DifferentialEquations.jl was first registered. It was at first made to be a library which can solve “some” types of differential equations, and that “some” didn’t even include ordinary differential equations. The focus was mostly fast algorithms for stochastic differential equations and partial differential equations.

Needless to say, Julia makes you too productive. Ambitions grew. By the first release announcement, much had already changed. Not only were there ordinary differential equation solvers, there were many. But the key difference was a change in focus. Instead of just looking to give a production-quality library of fast methods, a major goal of DifferentialEquations.jl became to unify the various existing packages of Julia to give one user-friendly interface.

Since that release announcement, we have enormous progress. At this point, I believe we have both the most expansive and flexible differential equation library to date. I would like to take this time to explain the overarching design, where we are, and what you can expect to see in the near future.

(Note before we get started: if you like what you see, please star the DifferentialEquations.jl repository. I hope to use this to show interest in the package so that one day we can secure funding. Thank you for your support!)

JuliaDiffEq Structure

If you take a look at the source for DifferentialEquations.jl, you will notice that almost all of the code has gone. What has happened?

The core idea behind this change is explained in another blog post on modular interfaces for scientific computing in Julia. The key idea is that we built an interface which is “package-independent”, meaning that the same lines of code can call solvers from different packages. There are many advantages to this which will come up later in the section which talks about the “addon packages”, but one organizational advantage is that it lets us split up the repositories as needed. The core differential equation solvers from DifferentialEquations.jl reside in OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, StochasticDiffEq.jl, etc. (you can see more at our webpage). Packages like Sundials.jl, ODEInterface.jl, ODE.jl, etc. all have bindings to this same interface, making them all work similarly.

One interesting thing about this setup is that you are no longer forced to contribute to these packages in order to contribute to the ecosystem. If you are a developer or a researcher in the field, you can develop your own package with your own license which has a common interface binding, and you will get the advantages of the common interface without any problems. This may be necessary for some researchers, and so we encourage you to join in and contribute as you please.

The Common Interface

Let me then take some time to show you what this common interface looks like. To really get a sense, I would recommend checking out the tutorials in the documentation and the extra Jupyter notebook tutorials in DiffEqTutorials.jl. The idea is that solving differential equations always has 3 steps:

  1. Defining a problem.
  2. Solving the problem.
  3. Analyzing the solution.

Defining a problem

What we created was a generic type-structure for which dispatching handles the details. For defining an ODE problem, one specifies the function for the ODE, the initial condition, and the timespan that the problem is to be solved on. The ODE

 u' = f(t,u)

with an initial condition u_0 and and timespan (t_0,t_f) is then written as:

prob = ODEProblem(f,u0,(t0,tf))

There are many different problem types for different types of differential equations. Currently we have types (and solvers) for ordinary differential equations, stochastic differential equations, differential algebraic equations, and some partial differential equations. Later in the post I will explain how this is growing.

Solving the problem

To solve the problem, the common solve command is:

sol = solve(prob,alg;kwargs...)

where alg is a type-instance for the algorithm. It is by dispatch on alg that the package is chosen. For example, we can call the 14th-Order Feagin Method from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl via

sol = solve(prob,Feagin14();kwargs...)

We can call the BDF method from Sundials.jl via

sol = solve(prob,CVODE_BDF();kwargs...)

Due to this structure (and the productivity of Julia), we have a ridiculous amount of methods which are available as is seen in the documentation. Later I will show that we do not only have many options, but these options tend to be very fast, often benchmarking as faster than classic FORTRAN codes. Thus one can choose the right method for the problem, and efficient solve it.

Notice I put in the trailing “kwargs…”. There are many keyword arguments that one is able to pass to this solve command. The “Common Solver Options” are documented at this page. Currently, all of these options are supported by the OrdinaryDiffEq.jl methods, while there is general support for large parts of this for the other methods. This support will increase overtime, and I hope to include a table which shows what is supported where.

Analyzing the solution

Once you have this solution type, what does it do? The details are explained in this page of the manual, but I would like to highlight some important features.

First of all, the solution acts as an array. For the solution at the ith timestep, you just treat it as an array:


You can also get the ith timepoint out:


Additionally, the solution lets you grab individual components. For example, the jth component at the ith timepoint is found by:


These overloads are necessary since the underlying data structure can actually be a more complicated vector (some examples explained later), but this lets you treat it in a simple manner.

Also, by default many solvers have the option “dense=true”. What this means is that the solution has a dense (continuous) output, which is overloaded on to the solver. This look like:


which gives the solution at time t. This continuous version of the solution can be turned off using “dense=false” (to get better performance), but in many cases it’s very nice to have!

Not only that, but there are some standard analysis functions available on the solution type as well. I encourage you to walk through the tutorial and see for yourself. Included are things like plot recipes for easy plotting with Plots.jl:


Now let me describe what is available with this interface.

Ecosystem-Wide Development Tools and Benchmarks

Since all of the solutions act the same, it’s easy to create tools which build off of them. One fundamental toolset are those included in DiffEqDevTools.jl. DiffEqDevTools.jl includes a bunch of functions for things like convergence testing and benchmarking. This not only means that all of the methods have convergence tests associated with them to ensure accuracy and correctness, but also that we have ecosystem-wide benchmarks to know the performance of different methods! These benchmarks can be found at DiffEqBenchmarks.jl and will be referenced throughout this post.

Very Efficient Nonstiff ODE Solvers

The benchmarks show that the OrdinaryDiffEq.jl methods achieve phenomenal performance. While in many cases other libraries resort to the classic dopri5 and dop853 methods due to Hairer, in our ecosystem have these methods available via the ODEInterface.jl glue package ODEInterfaceDiffEq.jl and so these can be directly called from the common interface. From the benchmarks on non-stiff problems you can see that the OrdinaryDiffEq.jl methods are much more efficient than these classic codes when one is looking for the highest performance. This is even the case for DP5() and DP8() which have the same exact timestepping behavior as dopri5() and dop853() respectively, showing that these implementations are top notch, if not the best available.

These are the benchmarks on the implementations of the Dormand-Prince 4/5 methods. Also included is a newer method, the Tsitorous 4/5 method, which is now the default non-stiff method in DifferentialEquations.jl since our research has shown that it is more efficient than the classical methods (on most standard problems).

A Wide Array of Stiff ODE Solvers

There is also a wide array of stiff ODE solvers which are available. BDF methods can be found from Sundials.jl, Radau methods can be found from ODEInterface.jl, and a well-optimized 2nd-Order Rosenbrock method can be found in OrdinaryDiffEq.jl. One goal in the near future will be to implement higher order Rosenbrock methods in this fashion, since it will be necessary to get better performance, as shown in the benchmarks. However, the Sundials and ODEInterface methods, being that they use FORTRAN interop, are restricted to equations on Float64, while OrdinaryDiffEq.jl’s methods support many more types. This allows one to choose the best method for the job.

Wrappers for many classic libraries

Many of the classic libraries people are familiar with are available from the common interface, including:

  1. CVODE
  2. LSODA
  3. The Hairer methods

and differential algebraic equation methods including

  1. IDA (Sundials)
  2. DASKR

Native Julia Differential Algebraic Equation Methods

DASSL.jl is available on the common interface and provides a method to solve differential algebraic equations using a variable-timestep BDF method. This allows one to support some Julia-based types like arbitrary-precision numbers which are not possible with the wrapped libraries.

Extensive Support for Julia-based Types in OrdinaryDiffEq.jl

Speaking of support for types, what is supported? From testing we know that the following work with OrdinaryDiffEq.jl:

  1. Arbitrary precision arithmetic via BigFloats, ArbFloats, DecFP
  2. Numbers with units from Unitful.jl
  3. N-dimensional arrays
  4. Complex numbers (the nonstiff solvers)
  5. “Very arbitrary arrays”

Your numbers can be ArbFloats of 200-bit precision in 3-dimensional tensors with units (i.e. “these numbers are in Newtons”), and the solver will ensure that the dimensional constraints are satisfied, and at every timestep give you a 3-dimensional tensor with 200-bit ArbFloats. The types are declared to match the initial conditions: if you start with u0 having BigFloats, you will be guaranteed to have BigFloat solutions. Also, the types for time are determined by the types for the times in the solution interval (t0,tf). Therefore can have the types for time be different than the types for the solution (say, turn off adaptive timestepping and do fixed timestepping with rational numbers or integers).

Also, by “very arbitrary arrays” I mean, any type which has a linear index can be used. One example which recently came up in this thread involves solving a hybrid-dynamical system which has some continuous variables and some discrete variables. You can make a type which has a linear index over the continuous variables and simply throw this into the ODE solver and it will know what to do (and use callbacks for discrete updates). All of the details like adaptive timestepping will simply “just work”.

Thus, I encourage you to see how these methods can work for you. I myself have been developing MultiScaleModels.jl to build multi-scale hybrid differential equations and solve them using the methods available in DifferentialEquations.jl. This shows that heuristic for classic problems which you “cannot use a package for” no longer apply: Julia’s dispatch system allows DifferentialEquations.jl to handle these problems, meaning that there is no need for you to have to ever reinvent the wheel!

Event Handling and Callbacks in OrdinaryDiffEq.jl

OrdinaryDiffEq.jl already has extensive support for callback functions and event handling. The documentation page describes a lot of what you can do with it. There are many things you can do with this, not just bouncing a ball, but you can also use events to dynamically change the size of the ODE (as demonstrated by the cell population example).

Specification of Extra Functions for Better Performance

If this was any other library, the header would have been “Pass Jacobians for Better Performance”, but DifferentialEquations.jl’s universe goes far beyond that. We named this set of functionality Performance Overloads. An explicit function for a Jacobian is one type of performance overload, but you can pass the solvers many other things. For example, take a look at:

f(Val{:invW},t,u,γ,iW) # Call the explicit inverse Rosenbrock-W function (M - γJ)^(-1)

This seems like an odd definition: it is the analytical function for the equation (M - \gamma J)^{-1} for some mass matrix M built into the function. The reason why this is so necessary is because Rosenbrock methods have to solve this every step. What this allows the developers to do is write a method which goes like:

if has_invW(f)
  # Use the function provided by the user
  # Get the Jacobian
  # Build the W
  # Solve the linear system

Therefore, whereas other libraries would have to use a linear solver to solve the implicit equation at each step, DifferentialEquations.jl allows developers to write this to use the pre-computed inverses and thus get an explicit method for stiff equations! Since the linear solves are the most expensive operation, this can lead to huge speedups in systems where the analytical solution can be computed. But is there a way to get these automatically?

Parameterized Functions and Function Definition Macros

ParameterizedFunctions.jl is a library which solves many problems at one. One question many people have is, how do you provide the model parameters to an ODE solver? While the standard method of “use a closure” is able to work, there are many higher-order analyses which require the ability to explicitly handle parameters. Thus we wanted a way to define functions with explicit parameters.

The way that this is done is via call overloading. The syntax looks like this. We can define the Lotka-Volterra equations with explicit parameters a and b via:

type  LotkaVolterra <: Function
f = LotkaVolterra(0.0,0.0)
(p::LotkaVolterra)(t,u,du) = begin
         du[1] = p.a * u[1] - p.b * u[1]*u[2]
         du[2] = -3 * u[2] + u[1]*u[2]

Now f is a function where f.a and f.b are the parameters in the function. This type of function can then be seamlessly used in the DifferentialEquations.jl solvers, including those which use interop like Sundials.jl.

This is very general syntax which can handle any general function. However, the next question was, is there a way to do this better for the problems that people commonly encounter? Enter the library ParameterizedFunctions.jl. As described in the manual, this library (which is part of DifferentialEquations.jl) includes a macro @ode_def which allows you to define the Lotka-Volterra equation

\begin{align} \frac{dx}{dt} &= ax - bxy \\ \frac{dy}{dt} &= -cy + dxy \\ \end{align}

as follows:

f = @ode_def LotkaVolterraExample begin
  dx = a*x - b*x*y
  dy = -c*y + d*x*y
end a=>1.5 b=>1.0 c=>3.0 d=1.0

Notice that at the bottom you pass in the parameters. => keeps the parameters explicit, while = passes them in as a constant. Flip back and forth to see that it matches the LaTeX so that way it’s super easy to debug and maintain.

But this macro isn’t just about ease of use: it’s also about performance! What happens silently within this macro is that symbolic calculations occur via SymEngine.jl. The Performance Overloads functions are thus silently symbolically computed, allowing the solvers to then get maximal performance. This gives you an easy way to define a stiff equation of 100 variables in a very intuitive way, yet get a faster solution than you would find with other libraries.

Sensitivity Analysis

Once we have explicit parameters, we can generically implement algorithms which use them. For example, DiffEqSensitivity.jl transforms a ParameterizedFunction into the senstivity equations which are then solved using any ODE solver, outputting both the ODE’s solution and the parameter sensitivities at each timestep. This is described in the manual in more detail. The result is the ability to use whichever differential equation method in the common interface matches your problem to solve the extended ODE and output how sensitive the solution is to the parameters. This is the glory of the common interface: tools can be added to every ODE solver all at once!

In the future we hope to increase the functionality of this library to include functions for computing global and adjoint sensitivities via methods like the Morris method. However, the current setup shows how easy this is to do, and we just need someone to find the time to actually do it!

Parameter Estimation

Not only can we identify parameter sensitivities, we can also estimate model parameters from data. The design of this is described in more detail is explained in the manual. It is contained in the package DiffEqParamEstim.jl. Essentially, you can define a function using the @ode_def macro, and then pair it with any ODE solver and (almost) any optimization method, and together use that to find the optimal parameters.

In the near future, I would like to increase the support of DiffEqParamEstim.jl to include machine learning methods from JuliaML using its Learn.jl. Stay tuned!

Adaptive Timestepping for Stochastic Differential Equations

Adaptive timestepping is something you will not find in other stochastic differential equation libraries. The reason is because it’s quite hard to do correctly and, when finally implemented, can have so much overhead that it does not actually speedup the runtime for most problems.

To counteract this, I developed a new form of adaptive timestepping for stochastic differential equations which focused on both correctness and an algorithm design which allows for fast computations. The result was a timestepping algorithm which is really fast! This paper has been accepted to Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, and where we show that the correctness of the algorithm and its efficiency. We actually had to simplify the test problem so that way we could time the speedup over fixed timestep algorithms, since otherwise they weren’t able to complete in a reasonable time without numerical instability! When simplified, the speedup over all of the tested fixed timestep methods was >12x, and this speedup only increases as the problem gets harder (again, we chose the simplified version only because testing the fixed timestep methods on harder versions wasn’t even computationally viable!).

These methods, Rejection Sampling with Memory (RSwM), are available in DifferentialEquations.jl as part of StochasticDiffEq.jl. It should help speed up your SDE calculations immensely. For more information, see the publication “Adaptive Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations via Natural Embeddings and Rejection Sampling with Memory”.

Easy Multinode Parallelism For Monte Carlo Problems

Also included as part of the stochastic differential equation suite are methods for parallel solving of Monte Carlo problems. The function is called as follows:


where the extra keyword arguments are passed to the solver, and N is the number of solutions to obtain. If you’ve setup Julia on a multinode job on a cluster, this will parallelize to use every core.

In the near future, I hope to expand this to include a Monte Carlo simulation function for random initial conditions, and allow using this on more problems like ODEs and DAEs.

Smart Defaults

DifferentialEquations.jl also includes a new cool feature for smartly choosing defaults. To use this, you don’t really have to do anything. If you’ve defined a problem, say an ODEProblem, you can just call:

sol = solve(prob;kwargs...)

without passing the algorithm and DifferentialEquations.jl will choose an algorithm for you. Also included is an `alg_hints` parameter with allows you to help the solver choose the right algorithm. So lets say you want to solve a stiff stochastic differential equations, but you do not know much about the algorithms. You can do something like:

sol = solve(prob,alg_hints=[:stiff])

and this will choose a good algorithm for your problem and solve it. This reduces user-burden to only having to know properties of the problem, while allowing us to proliferate the solution methods. More information is found in the Common Solver Options manual page.

Progress Monitoring

Another interesting feature is progress monitoring. OrdinaryDiffEq.jl includes the ability to use Juno’s progressbar. This is done via the keyword arguments like:

sol = solve(prob,progress=true,

You can also set a progress message, for which the default is:

ODE_DEFAULT_PROG_MESSAGE(dt,t,u) = "dt="*string(dt)*"\nt="*string(t)*"\nmax u="*string(maximum(abs.(u)))

When you scroll over the progressbar, it will show you how close it is to the final timepoint and use linear extrapolation to estimate the amount of time left to solve the problem.

When you scroll over the top progressbar, it will display the message. Here, it tells us the current dt, t, and the maximum value of u (the independent variable) to give a sanity check that it’s all working.

The keyword argument progress_steps lets you control how often the progress bar updates, so here we choose to do it every 100 steps. This means you can do some very intense sanity checks inside of the progress message, but reduce the number of times that it’s called so that way it doesn’t affect the runtime.

All in all, having this built into the interface should make handling long and difficult problems much easier, I problem that I had when using previous packages.

(Stochastic) Partial Differential Equations

There is rudimentary support for solving some stochastic partial differential equations which includes semilinear Poisson and Heat equations. This is able to be done on a large set of domains using a finite element method as provided by FiniteElementDiffEq.jl. I will say that this library is in need of an update for better efficiency, but it shows how we are expanding into the domain of adding easy-to-define PDE problems, which then create the correct ODEProblem/DAEProblem discretization and which then gets solved using the ODE methods.

Modular Usage

While all of this creates the DifferentialEquations.jl package, the JuliaDiffEq ecosystem is completely modular. If you want to build a library which uses only OrdinaryDiffEq.jl’s methods, you can directly use those solvers without requiring the rest of DifferentialEquations.jl

An Update Blog

Since things are still changing fast, the website for JuliaDiffEq contains a news section which will describe updates to packages in the ecosystem as they occur. To be notified of updates, please subscribe to the RSS feed.

Coming Soon

Let me take a few moments to describe some works in progress. Many of these are past planning stages and have partial implementations. I find some of these very exciting.

Solver Method Customization

The most common reason to not use a differential equation solver library is because you need more customization. However, as described in this blog post, we have developed a design which solves this problem. The advantages huge. Soon you will be able to choose the linear and nonlinear solvers which are employed in the differential equation solving methods. For linear solvers, you will be able to use any method which solves a linear map. This includes direct solvers from Base, iterative solvers from IterativeSolvers.jl, parallel solvers from PETSc.jl, GPU methods from CUSOLVER.jl: it will be possible to even use your own linear solver if you wish. The same will be true for nonlinear solvers. Thus you can choose the internal methods which match the problem to get the most efficiency out.

Specialized Problem Types and Promotions

One interesting setup that we have designed is a hierarchy of types. This is best explained by example. One type of ODE which shows up are “Implicit-Explicit ODEs”, written as:

 u' = f(t,u) + g(t,u)

where f is a “stiff” function and g is a “nonstiff” function. These types of ODEs with a natural splitting commonly show up in discretizations of partial differential equations. Soon we will allow one to define an IMEXProblem(f,g,u0,tspan) for this type of ODE. Specialized methods such as the ARKODE methods from Sundials will then be able to utilize this form to gain speed advantages.

However, lets say you just wanted to use a standard Runge-Kutta method to solve this problem? What we will automatically do via promotion is make

h(t,u) = f(t,u) + g(t,u)

and then behind the scenes the Runge-Kutta method will solve the ODE

 u' = h(t,u)

Not only that, but we can go further and define

 k(t,u,u') = h(t,u) - u'

to get the equation

 k(t,u,u') = 0

which is a differential algebraic equation solver. This auto-promotion means that any method will be able to solve any problem type which is lower than it.

The advantages are two-fold. For one, it allows developers to write a code to the highest problem available, and automatically have it work on other problem types. For example, the classic Backwards Differentiation Function methods (BDF) which are seen in things like MATLAB’s ode15s are normally written to solve ODEs, but actually can solve DAEs. In fact, DASSL.jl is an implementation of this algorithm. When this promotion structure is completed, DASSL’s BDF method will be a native BDF method not just for solving DAEs, but also ODEs, and there is no specific development required on the part of DASSL.jl. And because Julia’s closures compile to fast functions, all of this will happen with little to no overhead.

In addition to improving developer productivity, it allows developers to specialize methods to problems. The splitting methods for implicit-explicit problems can be tremendously more performant since it reduces the complexity of the implicit part of the equation. However, with our setup we go even further. One common case that shows up in partial differential equations is that one of these equations is linear. For example, in a discretization of the semilinear Heat Equation, we arise at an ODE

 u' = Au + g(u)

where A is a matrix which is the discretization of the LaPlacian. What our ecosystem will allow is for the user to specify that the first function f(t,u) = Au is a linear function by wrapping it in a LinearMap type from LinearMaps.jl. Then the solvers can use this information like:

if is_linear(f)
  # Perform linear solve
  # Perform nonlinear solve

This way, the solvers will be able to achieve even more performance by specializing directly to the problem at hand. In fact, it will allow methods require this type of linearity like Exponential Runge-Kutta methods to be able to be developed for the ecosystem and be very efficient methods when applicable.

In the end, users can just define their ODE by whatever problem type makes sense, and promotion magic will make tons of methods available, and type-checking within the solvers will allow them to specialize directly to every detail of the ODE for as much speed as possible. With DifferentialEquations.jl also choosing smart default methods to solve the problem, the user-burden is decreased and very specialized methods can be used to get maximal efficiency. This is a win for everybody!

Ability to Solve Fun Types from ApproxFun.jl

ApproxFun.jl provides an easy way to do spectral approximations of functions. In many cases, these spectral approximations are very fast and are used to decompose PDEs in space. When paired with timestepping methods, this gives an easy way to solve a vast number of PDEs with really good efficiency.

The link between these two packages is currently found in SpectralTimeStepping.jl. Currently you can fix the basis size for the discretization and use that to solve the PDE with any ODE method in the common interface. However, we are looking to push further. Since OrdinaryDiffEq.jl can handle many different Julia-defined types, we are looking to make it support solving the ApproxFun.jl Fun type directly, which would allow the ODE solver to adapt the size of the spectral basis during the computation. This would tremendously speedup the methods and make it as fast as if you were to specifically design a spectral method to a PDE. We are really close to getting this!

New Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations

I can’t tell you too much about this because these methods will be kept secret until publication, but there are some very computationally-efficient methods for nonstiff and semi-stiff equations which have already been implemented and are being thoroughly tested. Go tell the peer review process to speedup if you want these quicker!

Improved Plot Recipes

There is already an issue open for improving the plot recipes. Essentially what will come out of this will be the ability to automatically draw phase plots and other diagrams from the plot command. This should make using DifferentialEquations.jl even easier than before.

Uncertainty Quantification

One major development in scientific computing has been the development of methods for uncertainty quantification. This allows you to quantify the amount of error that comes from a numerical method. There is already a design for how to use the ODE methods to implement a popular uncertainty quantification algorithm, which would allow you to see a probability distribution for the numerical solution to show the uncertainty in the numerical values. Like the sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation, this can be written in a solver-independent manner so that way it works with any solver on the common interface (which supports callbacks). Coming soon!

Optimal Control

We have in the works for optimal control problem types which will automatically dispatch to PDE solvers and optimization methods. This is a bit off in the distance, but is currently being planned.

Geometric and Symplectic Integrators

A newcomer to the Julia-sphere is GeometricIntegrators.jl. We are currently in the works for attaching this package to the common interface so that way it will be easily accessible. Then, Partitioned ODE and DAE problems will be introduced (with a promotion structure) which will allow users to take advantage of geometric integrators for their physical problems.

Bifurcation Analysis

Soon you will be able to take your ParameterizedFunction and directly generate bifurcation plots from it. This is done by a wrapper to the PyDSTool library via PyDSTool.jl, and a linker from this wrapper to the JuliaDiffEq ecosystem via DiffEqBifurcate.jl. The toolchain already works, but… PyCall has some nasty segfaults. When these segfaults are fixed in PyCall.jl, this functionality will be documented and released.

Models Packages

This is the last coming soon, but definitely not the least. There are already a few “models packages” in existence. What these packages do is provide functionality which makes it easy to define very specialized differential equations which can be solved with the ODE/SDE/DAE solvers. For example, FinancialModels.jl makes it easy to define common equations like Heston stochastic volatility models, which will then convert into the appropriate stochastic differential equation or PDE for use in solver methods. MultiScaleModels.jl allows one to specify a model on multiple scales: a model of proteins, cells, and tissues, all interacting dynamically with discrete and continuous changes, mixing in stochasticity. Also planned is PhysicalModels.jl which will allow you to define ODEs and DAEs just by declaring the Hamiltonian or Legrangian functions. Together, these packages should help show how the functionality of DifferentialEquations.jl reaches far beyond what previous differential equation packages have allowed, and make it easy for users to write very complex simulations (all of course without the loss of performance!).


I hope this has made you excited to use DifferentialEquaitons.jl, and excited to see what comes in the future. To support this development, please star the DifferentialEquations.jl repository. I hope to use these measures of adoption to one day secure funding. In the meantime, if you want to help out, join in on the issues in JuliaDiffEq, or come chat in the JuliaDiffEq Gitter chatroom. We’re always looking for more hands! And to those who have already contributed: thank you as this would not have been possible without each and every one of you.

The post 6 Months of DifferentialEquations.jl: Where We Are and Where We Are Going appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.

Pkg Update: Your Window to the Julia Package Ecosystem

By: ChrisRackauckas

Re-posted from: http://www.pkgupdate.com/?p=18

Introduction to Pkg Update

Welcome to Pkg Update. This new blog focuses on the Julia package ecosystem: how packages/organizations are changing, what new projects you should be aware of, and how Base issues are propagating through the package-sphere. I hope that this will be a nice summary of the vast changes that happen throughout the Julia ecosystem. I want this to be a resource which both package users and package developers could read to get a general understanding of the big movements in the community. The goal is to link together issues/PRs/discussions from the the vast number of repositories to give a coherent idea of what changes to anticipate and congratulate. As Base continues to slim (for those who don’t know, there’s a trend for Base to become slimmer for a leaner install, with more functionality provided by the Julia organizations such as JuliaMath), I hope this helps you stay up to date with where everything is going!

While I try my best to be active throughout the Julia-sphere, this is not something that can be done alone. Please feel free to contact me via email, Twitter, or Gitter to give a summary of what’s going on in your organization / area of expertise. Also, if anyone is willing to join the Pkg Update team, I would be happy to have you! I am looking for correspondents to represent different Julia organizations and to help summarize the changes.

That said, here’s a quick highlight of some recent updates both users and developers might need to know.

JuliaMath: Exciting Developments in LibM.jl

I have to give a shoutout to @musm for his incredible work in Libm.jl. This project started with a discussion on whether Julia should continue to use OpenLibm (Libm is the math library which supplies the approximations for common functions like “sin” and “exp”). From this discussion the ambitious idea of creating a pure-Julia Libm was put forward, and Libm.jl has continued with the momentum.

Sleef is a C library notable for it’s use of SIMD. Libm.jl is largely based on a port of that code to Julia, it also has some added safety and correctness for edge cases over the original code. While the ported code is based on the non-SIMD parts of the C source, it reliably takes advantage f SIMD hardware none-the-less — thanks to LLVM autovectorisation . The code is particularly vectorisation friendly, as it uses next-to-no branches or table lookups Most of the benchmarks for this implementation are within 2x of C programs calling Sleef. In practice, because of how lining and FFI works, this means that using the julia Sleef implementation is significantly faster than ccalling the C sleef library. Not to mention safer.

Other libraries (Musl and Cephes) now have partial ports to Julia as well. There is work being done to use the strategies of these libraries together to build an even better Libm which might be dubbed Amal.jl. This library, being a Julia implementation, will have much broader support for the type system, including native implementations for Float16 and quad-precision floats, leading to a much more robust mathematical foundation.

JuliaStats API Decision: Degrees of Freedom as “dof”

This issue and the associated PR went through rather quickly. It highlighted the fact that until now, degrees of freedom in the stats packages had a tendency to use “df”, which is a naming conflict with using “df” as an instance for a DataFrame (a very common usage). The decision was to change the naming for degrees of freedom to dof. Since this change is in StatsBase, you can expect that this convention will propagate throughout the statistics stack: “df” for dataframes and “dof” for degrees of freedom.

JuliaDiffEq: Upcoming Sundials API Update

Sundials.jl, the interface to the popular ODE suite, has recently undergone a large overhaul to help improve the wrapper and to stop memory leaks. This is being combined with major changes to the “simplified interface” and an upgrade in the Sundials version. Thus the upcoming tag will be a minor release with some breaking but exciting improvements, including the ability to use the Sundials ARKODE solvers.

JunoLab: The Plot Pane is Taking Off

With the Julia v0.5 release, Juno released a new version of their stack which included an updated plot pane. The developers were rallied and many plotting packages now support the plot pane. This includes support from Plots.jl, meaning that the plots will plot in the plot pane if the backend is compatible. While Plotly is not compatible with the plot pane, a recent PR has added plot pane compatibility to PlotlyJS. PyPlot and GR are compatible with the plot pane. Also, compatibility with Gadfly has been added. This means that, at least on the master version of the Juno stack and the plotting packages, the plot pane is all working! For regular users you may want to wait for this all to be released, but if you’re brave, it’s already ready for testing and I have been making good use of it. Note that in Plots.jl you can still use the `gui()` command to open up the non-plot pane window. This can be useful since some plotting backends (like PyPlot) are not interactive in the plot pane.

JuliaML Manifesto Released, and Major Progress Ensues

If you haven’t read Tom Brelof’s JuliaML manifesto, I would take a good look at it. He gives an introduction to JuliaML, the new machine learning based Julia organization, and shows how the Learn ecosystem is leading to an easy-to-use but highly extendable API. If you’re interested in machine learning, this is an organization to start following. Lots of progress is happening over here.

New Package Highlights

Lastly, I would like to finish off each post by highlighting some newer and promising projects. Since this is the first post and there’s lots to say, I picked a few.


(Disclaimer: this is one of my own libraries) ParallelDataTransfer.jl has hit the top of the 14-day change chart on Julia Pulse, rapidly picking up steam since it’s new release. The package is pretty simple: it offers a easy-to-use API for performing safe data transfers between processes. The README also shows how to use the library within type-stable functions, giving an easy way to construct highly parallel Julia algorithms.


Another package showing large movement on the Julia Pulse is Query.jl. This package allows you to query from Julia data sources, including any iterable, DataFrames, and Arrays. It even allows for queries through DataStreams sources, effectively connecting the queries to CSVs and SQLite databases. It’s not hard to see the promising future that has.


A Google Summer of Code project which has caught my attention is RNG.jl. This package does exactly what you’d expect: it implements a bunch of random number generators. The benchmarks show that there are some promising RNGs which are both fast and suitable for parallel usage. I could see this library’s RNGs as becoming a staple for many Julia packages.

That’s the End of the First Post!

Let me know what you think of this new blog. I tried to cover as wide of a range as I could, but to get a better sense of the even larger community, I will need your help. Let me know if you’re willing to be an organization correspondent who can write one of many (multiple) dispatches, or if you don’t have the time, feel free to submit stories when possible.

An Introduction to Structural Econometrics in Julia

By: Bradley Setzler

Re-posted from: http://juliaeconomics.com/2016/02/09/an-introduction-to-structural-econometrics-in-julia/

This tutorial is adapted from my Julia introductory lecture taught in the graduate course Practical Computing for Economists, Department of Economics, University of Chicago.

The tutorial is in 5 parts:

  1. Installing Julia + Juno IDE, as well as useful packages
  2. Defining a structural econometric challenge
  3. Data generation, management, and regression visualization
  4. Numerical simulation of optimal agent behavior under constraints
  5. Parallelized estimation by the Method of Simulated Moments

1. Installing Julia + Juno IDE, as well as useful packages

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to using Julia in the past has been the absence of an easy-to-install IDE. There used to be an IDE called Julia Studio which was as easy to use as the popular RStudio for R. Back then, you could install and run Julia + Julia Studio in 5mins, compared to the hours it could take to install Python and its basic packages and IDE. When Julia version 0.3.X was released, Julia Studio no longer worked, and I recommended the IJulia Notebook, which requires the installation of Python and IPython just to use Julia, so any argument that Julia is more convenient to install than Python was lost.

Now, with Julia version 0.4.X, Juno has provided an excellent IDE that comes pre-bundled with Julia for convenience, and you can install Julia + Juno IDE in 5mins. Here are some instructions to help you through the installation process:

  1. Go to http://julialang.org/downloads/ and look for “Julia + Juno IDE bundles“. Click to download the bundle for your system (Windows, Mac, or Linux).
  2. After the brief download (the entire Julia language + Juno IDE is less than 1GB), open the file and click through the installation instructions.
  3. Open Juno, and try to run a very simple line of code. For example, type 2+2, highlight this text, right-click, and choose the option Evaluate. A bubble should display 4 next to the line of code.
    • Trouble-shooting: On my Mac running OS X Mavericks, 2+2 failed and an unhelpful error was produced. After some searching, I found that the solution was to install the Jewel package. To install Jewel from within Juno, just type Pkg.add(“Jewel”), highlight this text, and Evaluate. After this, 2+2 was successful.
  4. You have successfully installed Julia + Juno IDE, which includes a number of important packages already, such as DataFrames, Gadfly, and Optim. Now, you will want to run the following codes to install some other packages used in the econometric exercises below:

2. Defining a structural econometric challenge

To motivate our application, we consider a very simple economic model, which I have taught previously in the mathematical economics course for undergraduates at the University of Chicago. Although the model is analytically simple, the econometrics become sufficiently complicated to warrant the Method of Simulated Moments, so this serves us well as a teachable case.

Let c_i \geq 0 denote consumption and 0 \leq l_i \leq 1 denote leisure. Consider an agent who wishes to maximize Cobb-Douglas utility over consumption and leisure, that is,

U(c_i,l_i) = c^\gamma_i l^{1-\gamma}_i .

where 0 \leq \gamma \leq 1 is the relative preference for consumption. The budget constraint is given by,

c_i \leq (1-\tau)w_i(1-l_i)+\epsilon_i,

where w_i is the wage observed in the data, \epsilon_i is other income that is not observed in the data, and \tau is the tax rate.

The agent’s problem is to maximize U(c_i,l_i) subject to the budget constraint. We assume that non-labor income is uncorrelated with the wage offer, so that \mathbb{E}[\epsilon_i | w_i]=0. Although this assumption is a bit unrealistic, as we expect high-wage agents to also tend to have higher non-labor income, it helps keep the example simple. The model is also a bit contrived in that we treat the tax rate as unobservable, but this only makes our job more difficult.

The goal of the econometrician is to identify the model parameters \gamma and \tau from the data (c_i,l_i,w_i)^N_{i=1} and the assumed structure. In particular, the econometrician is interested in the policy-relevant parameter \bar\psi \equiv \frac{1}{N}\sum^N_{i=1}\psi(w_i), where,

\psi(w_i) \equiv \mathbb{E}_{\epsilon} \frac{\partial}{\partial \tau} C(w_i,\epsilon; \gamma, \tau),

and C(\cdot) denotes the demand for consumption. \psi(w_i) is the marginal propensity for an agent with wage w_i to consume in response to the tax rate. \bar{\psi} is the population average marginal propensity to consume in response to the tax rate. Of course, we can solve the model analytically to find that \psi(w_i) = -\gamma w_i and \bar\psi = -\gamma \bar{w}, where \bar{w} is the average wage, but we will show that the numerical methods achieve the correct answer even when we cannot solve the model.

3. Data generation, management, and regression visualization

The replication code for this section is available here.

To generate data that follows the above model, we first solve analytically for the demand functions for consumption and leisure. In particular, they are,

C(w_i,\epsilon_i; \gamma, \tau) = \gamma (1-\tau) w_i + \gamma \epsilon_i

L(w_i,\epsilon_i; \gamma, \tau) = (1-\gamma) + \frac{(1-\gamma) \epsilon_i}{ (1-\tau) w_i}

Thus, we need only draw values of w_i and \epsilon_i, as well as choose parameter values for \gamma and \tau, in order to generate the values of c_i and l_i that agents in this model would choose. We implement this in Julia as follows:

####### Set Simulation Parameters #########
srand(123)           # set the seed to ensure reproducibility
N = 1000             # set number of agents in economy
gamma = .5           # set Cobb-Douglas relative preference for consumption
tau = .2             # set tax rate

####### Draw Income Data and Optimal Consumption and Leisure #########
epsilon = randn(N)                                               # draw unobserved non-labor income
wage = 10+randn(N)                                               # draw observed wage
consump = gamma*(1-tau)*wage + gamma*epsilon                     # Cobb-Douglas demand for c
leisure = (1.0-gamma) + ((1.0-gamma)*epsilon)./((1.0-tau)*wage)  # Cobb-Douglas demand for l

This code is relatively self-explanatory. Our parameter choices are N=1000, \epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1), \gamma=1/2, and \tau=1/5. We draw the wage to have distribution w_i \sim \mathcal{N}(10,1), but this is arbitrary.

We combine the variables into a DataFrame, and export the data as a CSV file. In order to better understand the data, we also non-parametrically regress c_i on w_i, and plot the result with Gadfly. The Julia code is as follows:

####### Organize, Describe, and Export Data #########
using DataFrames
using Gadfly
df = DataFrame(consump=consump,leisure=leisure,wage=wage,epsilon=epsilon)  # create data frame
plot_c = plot(df,x=:wage,y=:consump,Geom.smooth(method=:loess))            # plot E[consump|wage] using Gadfly
draw(SVG("plot_c.svg", 4inch, 4inch), plot_c)                              # export plot as SVG
writetable("consump_leisure.csv",df)                                       # export data as CSV

Again, the code is self-explanatory. The regression graph produced by the plot function is:


4. Numerical simulation of optimal agent behavior under constraints

The replication code for this section is available here.

We now use constrained numerical optimization to generate optimal consumption and leisure data without analytically solving for the demand function. We begin by importing the data and the necessary packages:

####### Prepare for Numerical Optimization #########

using DataFrames
using JuMP
using Ipopt
df = readtable("consump_leisure.csv")
N = size(df)[1]

Using the JuMP syntax for non-linear modeling, first we define an empty model associated with the Ipopt solver, and then add N values of c_i and N values of l_i to the model:

m = Model(solver=IpoptSolver())    # define empty model solved by Ipopt algorithm
@defVar(m, c[i=1:N] >= 0)       # define positive consumption for each agent
@defVar(m, 0 <= l[i=1:N] <= 1)  # define leisure in [0,1] for each agent 

This syntax is especially convenient, as it allows us to define vectors of parameters, each satisfying the natural inequality constraints. Next, we define the budget constraint, which also follows this convenient syntax:

 @addConstraint(m, c[i=1:N] .== (1.0-t)*(1.0-l[i]).*w[i] + e[i] )        # each agent must satisfy the budget constraint 

Finally, we define a scalar-valued objective function, which is the sum of each individual’s utility:

 @setNLObjective(m, Max, sum{ g*log(c[i]) + (1-g)*log(l[i]) , i=1:N } )  # maximize the sum of utility across all agents 

Notice that we can optimize one objective function instead of optimizing N objective functions because the individual constrained maximization problems are independent across individuals, so the maximum of the sum is the sum of the maxima. Finally, we can apply the solver to this model and extract optimal consumption and leisure as follows:

 status = solve(m)                                                       # run numerical optimization c_opt = getValue(c)                                                     # extract demand for c l_opt = getValue(l)                                                     # extract demand for l 

To make sure it worked, we compare the consumption extracted from this numerical approach to the consumption we generated previously using the true demand functions:


Thus, we consumption values produced by the numerically optimizer’s approximation to the demand for consumption are almost identical to those produced by the true demand for consumption. Putting it all together, we create a function that can solve for optimal consumption and leisure given any particular values of \gamma, \tau, and \epsilon:

 function hh_constrained_opt(g,t,w,e)      m = Model(solver=IpoptSolver())                                         # define empty model solved by Ipopt algorithm
  @defVar(m, c[i=1:N] >= 0)                                               # define positive consumption for each agent
  @defVar(m, 0 <= l[i=1:N] <= 1)                                          # define leisure in [0,1] for each agent
  @addConstraint(m, c[i=1:N] .== (1.0-t)*(1.0-l[i]).*w[i] + e[i] )        # each agent must satisfy the budget constraint
  @setNLObjective(m, Max, sum{ g*log(c[i]) + (1-g)*log(l[i]) , i=1:N } )  # maximize the sum of utility across all agents
  status = solve(m)                                                       # run numerical optimization
  c_opt = getValue(c)                                                     # extract demand for c
  l_opt = getValue(l)                                                     # extract demand for l
  demand = DataFrame(c_opt=c_opt,l_opt=l_opt)                             # return demand as DataFrame

hh_constrained_opt(gamma,tau,array(df[:wage]),array(df[:epsilon]))          # verify that it works at the true values of gamma, tau, and epsilon

5. Parallelized estimation by the Method of Simulated Moments

The replication codes for this section are available here.

We saw in the previous section that, for a given set of model parameters \gamma and \tau and a given draw of \epsilon_{i} for each i, we have enough information to simulation c_{i} and l_{i}, for each i. Denote these simulated values by \hat{c}_{i}\left(\epsilon;\gamma,\tau\right) and \hat{l}_{i}\left(\epsilon;\gamma,\tau\right). With these, we can define the moments,

\hat{m}\left(\gamma,\tau\right)=\mathbb{E}_{\epsilon}\left[\begin{array}{c} \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}\left[\hat{c}_{i}\left(\epsilon\right)-c_{i}\right]\\ \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}\left[\hat{l}_{i}\left(\epsilon\right)-l_{i}\right] \end{array}\right]

which is equal to zero under the model assumptions. A method of simulated moments (MSM) approach to estimate \gamma and \tau is then,


where W is a 2\times2 weighting matrix, which is only relevant when the number of moments is greater than the number of parameters, which is not true in our case, so W can be ignored and the method of simulated moments simplifies to,

\left(\hat{\gamma},\hat{\tau}\right)=\arg\min_{\gamma\in\left[0,1\right],\tau\in\left[0,1\right]}\left\{ \mathbb{E}_{\epsilon}\left[\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}\left[\hat{c}_{i}\left(\epsilon\right)-c_{i}\right]\right]\right\} ^{2}+\left\{ \mathbb{E}_{\epsilon}\left[\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}\left[\hat{l}_{i}\left(\epsilon\right)-l_{i}\right]\right]\right\} ^{2}

Assuming we know the distribution of \epsilon_i, we can simply draw many values of \epsilon_i for each i, and average the moments together across all of the draws of \epsilon_i. This is Monte Carlo numerical integration. In Julia, we can create this objective function with a random draw of \epsilon as follows:

function sim_moments(params)
  this_epsilon = randn(N)                                                     # draw random epsilon
  ggamma,ttau = params                                                        # extract gamma and tau from vector
  this_demand = hh_constrained_opt(ggamma,ttau,array(df[:wage]),this_epsilon) # obtain demand for c and l
  c_moment = mean( this_demand[:c_opt] ) - mean( df[:consump] )               # compute empirical moment for c
  l_moment = mean( this_demand[:l_opt] ) - mean( df[:leisure] )               # compute empirical moment for l
  [c_moment,l_moment]                                                         # return vector of moments

In order to estimate \hat{m}\left(\gamma,\tau\right), we need to run sim_moments(params) many times and take the unweighted average across them to achieve the expectation across \epsilon_i. Because each calculation is computer-intensive, it makes sense to compute the contribution of \hat{m}\left(\gamma,\tau\right) for each draw of \epsilon_i on a different processor and then average across them.

Previously, I presented a convenient approach for parallelization in Julia. The idea is to initialize processors with the addprocs() function in an “outer” script, then import all of the needed data and functions to all of the different processors with the require() function applied to an “inner” script, where the needed data and functions are already managed by the inner script. This is incredibly easy and much simpler than the manual spawn-and-fetch approaches suggested by Julia’s official documentation.

In order to implement the parallelized method of simulated moments, the function hh_constrained_opt() and sim_moments() are stored in a file called est_msm_inner.jl. The following code defines the parallelized MSM and then minimizes the MSM objective using the optimize command set to use the Nelder-Mead algorithm from the Optim package:

####### Prepare for Parallelization #########

addprocs(3)                   # Adds 3 processors in parallel (the first is added by default)
print(nprocs())               # Now there are 4 active processors
require("est_msm_inner.jl")   # This distributes functions and data to all active processors

####### Define Sum of Squared Residuals in Parallel #########

function parallel_moments(params)
  params = exp(params)./(1.0+exp(params))   # rescale parameters to be in [0,1]
  results = @parallel (hcat) for i=1:numReps
  avg_c_moment = mean(results[1,:])
  avg_l_moment = mean(results[2,:])
  SSR = avg_c_moment^2 + avg_l_moment^2

####### Minimize Sum of Squared Residuals in Parallel #########

using Optim
function MSM()
  out = optimize(parallel_moments,[0.,0.],method=:nelder_mead,ftol=1e-8)
  println(out)                                       # verify convergence
  exp(out.minimum)./(1.0+exp(out.minimum))           # return results in rescaled units

Parallelization is performed by the @parallel macro, and the results are horizontally concatenated from the various processors by the hcat command. The key tuning parameter here is numReps, which is the number of draws of \epsilon to use in the Monte Carlo numerical integration. Because this example is so simple, a small number of repetitions is sufficient, while a larger number would be needed if \epsilon entered the model in a more complicated manner. The process is run as follows and requires 268 seconds to run on my Macbook Air:

numReps = 12                                         # set number of times to simulate epsilon
gamma_MSM, tau_MSM = MSM()                           # Perform MSM

Finally, given the MSM estimates of \gamma and \tau, we define the numerical derivative, \frac{df(x)}{dx} \approx \frac{f(x+h)-f(x-h)}{2h}, for some small h, as follows:

function Dconsump_Dtau(g,t,h)
  opt_plus_h = hh_constrained_opt(g,t+h,array(df[:wage]),array(df[:epsilon]))
  opt_minus_h = hh_constrained_opt(g,t-h,array(df[:wage]),array(df[:epsilon]))
  (mean(opt_plus_h[:c_opt]) - mean(opt_minus_h[:c_opt]))/(2*h)

barpsi_MSM = Dconsump_Dtau(gamma_MSM,tau_MSM,.1)

Thus, we estimate the policy parameter \bar\psi to be approximately -5.017 on average, while the true value is \bar\psi = -\gamma \bar{w} = -(1/2)\times 10=-5, so the econometrician’s problem is successfully solved.

Bradley Setzler