Tag Archives: Uncategorized

Partition all the datas!

By: Jacob Quinn

Re-posted from: https://quinnj.home.blog/2020/11/13/partition-all-the-datas/

It’s been a while, but I wanted to put up a quick post around some new functionality in the Tables.jl package; as of the v1.1 release, a new function Tables.partitions has been introduced into the Tables.jl interfaces. Tables.partitions adds a “batch processing” layer to the already established Tables.rows/Tables.columns interfaces to allow input source tables to signal that they have natural “batches” or partitions. If a source overloads Tables.partitions, each partition/iteration should return a valid “table”, aka an object that satisfies the rows or columns interfaces.

Why partitions? There are certain workflows and algorithms that work best on “batches” of data, by employing the popular map-reduce methodology, or in cases of extremely large datasets, just merely processing such large tables chunk by chunk.

What are some concrete uses already out there? Here are a few examples:

  • In the Arrow.jl package, data is naturally stored in “record batches”. The package provides the Arrow.Stream type to allow iterating record batches from arrow data. The Arrow.write also allows writing input table partitions out as separate record batches, using separate threads to write each batch.
  • In the CSV.jl package, the CSV.Chunks type is provided for processing extremely large files in “chunks”, where each iteration is a CSV.File object. Because CSV.File is a valid Tables.jl table, CSV.Chunks naturally satisfies the Tables.partitions interface by returning itself. CSV.write also now supports the partition=true keyword argument that allows writing out multiple files at once using multiple threads, writing input partitions out to the separate files.

There has also been efforts at providing several convenience functions to make working with partitions easier. For example:

  • Tables.partitioner: is basically a lazy version of map, where each element returned must satisfy the Tables.jl source interface. This allows for easy “partitioning”, of multiple tables where each table is a partition. For example, Tables.partitioner(CSV.File, array_of_csv_filenames) will returned a object where Tables.partitions applys CSV.File to each element of the array_of_csv_filenames array. This allows treating a bunch of csv file as a single “long” table, as long as each csv file has the same schema.
  • TableOperations.joinpartitions: can take a partitioned input table, and return a single “table” that satisfies the Tables.columns interface; it does this by taking the columns of each partition and “appending” them together using the ChainedVector array type from the SentinelArrays.jl package.
  • TableOperations.makepartitions: Take an input Tables.jl compatible table source, along with an integer number of rows, and return an object that implements Tables.partitions by returning the # of specified rows in each partition.

Anyway, it’s exciting to already hear about people adopting these behaviors/functionality and enjoying the benefits of partitioning data seamlessly across packages. As always, feel free to ping me in the JuliaLang #data channel, or hit me up on twitter.

GPU-Accelerated ODE Solving in R with Julia, the Language of Libraries

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from: http://www.stochasticlifestyle.com/gpu-accelerated-ode-solving-in-r-with-julia-the-language-of-libraries/

R is a widely used language for data science, but due to performance most of its underlying library are written in C, C++, or Fortran. Julia is a relative newcomer to the field which has busted out since its 1.0 to become one of the top 20 most used languages due to its high performance libraries for scientific computing and machine learning. Julia’a value proposition has been its high performance in high level language, known as solving the two language problem, which has allowed allowed the language to build a robust, mature, and expansive package ecosystem. While this has been a major strength for package developers, the fact remains that there are still large and robust communities in other high level languages like R and Python. Instead of spawning distracting language wars, we should ask the question: can Julia become a language of libraries to accelerate these other languages as well?

This is definitely not the first time this question was asked. The statistics libraries in Julia were developed by individuals like Douglas Bates who built some of R’s most widely used packages like lme4, Bioconductor, and Matrix. Doug had written a blog post in 2018 showing how to get top notch performance in linear mixed effects model fitting via JuliaCall. In 2018 the JuliaDiffEq organization had written a blog post demonstrating the use of DifferentialEquations.jl in R and Python (the Jupyter of Diffrential Equations). Now rebranded as SciML for Scientific Machine Learning, we looked to expand our mission and bring automated model discovery and acceleration include other languages like R and Python with Julia as the base.

With the release of diffeqr v1.0, we can now demonstrate many advances in R through the connection to Julia. Specifically, I would like to use this blog post to showcase:

  1. The new direct wrapping interface of diffeqr
  2. JIT compilation and symbolic analysis of ODEs and SDEs in R using Julia and ModelingToolkit.jl
  3. GPU-accelerated simulations of ensembles using Julia’s DiffEqGPU.jl

Together we will demonstrate how models in R can be accelerated by 1000x without a user ever having to write anything but R.

A Quick Note Before Continuing

Before continuing on with showing all of the features, I wanted to ask for support so that we can continue developing these bridged libraries. Specifically, I would like to be able to support developers interested in providing a fully automated Julia installation and static compilation so that calling into Julia libraries is just as easy as any Rcpp library. To show support, the easiest thing to do is to star our libraries. The work of this blog post is build on DifferentialEquations.jl, diffeqr, ModelingToolkit.jl, and DiffEqGPU.jl. Thank you for your patience and now back to our regularly scheduled program.

diffeqr v1.0: Direct wrappers for Differential Equation Solving in R

First let me start with the new direct wrappers of differential equations solvers in R. In the previous iterations of diffeqr, we had relied on specifically designed high level functions, like “ode_solve”, to compensate for the fact that one could not directly use Julia’s original DifferentialEquations.jl interface directly from R. However, the new diffeqr v1.0 directly exposes the entirety of the Julia library in an easy to use framework.

To demonstrate this, let’s see how to define the Lorenz ODE with diffeqr. In Julia’s DifferentialEquations.jl, we would start by defining an “ODEProblem” that contains the initial condition u0, the time span, the parameters, and the f in terms of `u’ = f(u,p,t)` that defines the derivative. In Julia, this would look like:

using DifferentialEquations
function lorenz(du,u,p,t)
  du[1] = p[1]*(u[2]-u[1])
  du[2] = u[1]*(p[2]-u[3]) - u[2]
  du[3] = u[1]*u[2] - p[3]*u[3]
u0 = [1.0,1.0,1.0]
tspan = (0.0,100.0)
p = [10.0,28.0,8/3]
prob = ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan,p)
sol = solve(prob,saveat=1.0)

With the new diffeqr, diffeq_setup() is a function that does a few things:

  1. It instantiates a Julia process to utilize as its underlying compute engine
  2. It first checks if the correct Julia libraries are installed and, if not, it installs them for you
  3. Then it exposes all of the functions of DifferentialEquations.jl into its object

What this means is that the following is the complete diffeqr v1.0 code for solving the Lorenz equation is:

de <- diffeqr::diffeq_setup()
f <- function(u,p,t) {
  du1 = p[1]*(u[2]-u[1])
  du2 = u[1]*(p[2]-u[3]) - u[2]
  du3 = u[1]*u[2] - p[3]*u[3]
u0 <- c(1.0,1.0,1.0)
tspan <- c(0.0,100.0)
p <- c(10.0,28.0,8/3)
prob <- de$ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, p)
sol <- de$solve(prob,saveat=1.0)

This then carries on through SDEs, DDEs, DAEs, and more. Through this direct exposing form, the whole library of DifferentialEquations.jl is at the finger tips of any R user, making it a truly cross-language platform.

(Note that the only caveat is that diffeq_setup requires that the user has already installed Julia and julia is included in the path. We hope that future developments can eliminate this need.)

JIT compilation and symbolic analysis of ODEs and SDEs in R via ModelingToolkit.jl

The reason for Julia is speed (well and other things, but here, SPEED!). Using the pure Julia library, we can solve the Lorenz equation 100 times in about 0.05 seconds:

@time for i in 1:100 solve(prob,saveat=1.0) end
0.048237 seconds (156.80 k allocations: 6.842 MiB)
0.048231 seconds (156.80 k allocations: 6.842 MiB)
0.048659 seconds (156.80 k allocations: 6.842 MiB)

Using diffeqr connected version, we get:

lorenz_solve <- function (i){
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   6.81    0.02    6.83
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   7.09    0.00    7.10
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   6.78    0.00    6.79

That’s not good, that’s about 100x difference! In this blog post I described that interpreter overhead and context switching are the main causes of this issue. We’ve also demonstrated that ML accelerators like PyTorch generally do not perform well in this regime since those kinds of accelerators rely on heavy array operations, unlike the scalarized nonlinear interactions seen in a lot of differential equation modeling. For this reason we cannot just slap any old JIT compiler onto the f call and then put it into the function since there would still be left over. So we need to do something a bit tricky.

In my JuliaCon 2020 talk, Automated Optimization and Parallelism in DifferentialEquations.jl I demonstrated how ModelingToolkit.jl can be used to trace functions and generate highly optimized sparse and parallel code for scientific computing all in an automated fashion. It turns out that JuliaCall can do a form of tracing on R functions, something that exploited to allow autodiffr to automatically differentiate R code with Julia’s AD libraries. Thus it turns out that the same modelingtoolkitization methods used in AutoOptimize.jl can be used on a subset of R codes which includes a large majority of differential equation models.

In short, we can perform automated acceleration of R code by turning it into sparse parallel Julia code. This was exposed in diffeqr v1.0 as the `jitoptimize_ode(de,prob)` function (also `jitoptimize_sde(de,prob)`). Let’s try it out on this example. All you need to do is give it the ODEProblem which you wish to accelerate. Let’s take the last problem and turn it into a pure Julia defined problem and then time it:

fastprob <- diffeqr::jitoptimize_ode(de,prob)
fast_lorenz_solve <- function (i){
system.time({ lapply(1:100,fast_lorenz_solve) })
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,fast_lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   0.05    0.00    0.04
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,fast_lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   0.07    0.00    0.06
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,fast_lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   0.07    0.00    0.06

And there you go, an R user can get the full benefits of Julia’s optimizing JIT compiler without having to write lick of Julia code! This function also did a few other things, like automatically defined the Jacobian code to make implicit solving of stiff ODEs much faster as well, and it can perform sparsity detection and automatically optimize computations on that.

To see how much of an advance this is, note that this Lorenz equation is the same from the deSolve examples page. So let’s take their example and see how well it performs:

Lorenz <- function(t, state, parameters) {
  with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
    dX <-  a * X + Y * Z
    dY <-  b * (Y - Z)
    dZ <- -X * Y + c * Y - Z
    list(c(dX, dY, dZ))
parameters <- c(a = -8/3, b = -10, c = 28)
state      <- c(X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1)
times      <- seq(0, 100, by = 1.0)
out <- ode(y = state, times = times, func = Lorenz, parms = parameters)
desolve_lorenz_solve <- function (i){
  state      <- c(X = runif(1), Y = runif(1), Z = runif(1))
  parameters <- c(a = -8/3 * runif(1), b = -10 * runif(1), c = 28 * runif(1))
  out <- ode(y = state, times = times, func = Lorenz, parms = parameters)
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,desolve_lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   5.03    0.03    5.07
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,desolve_lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   5.42    0.00    5.44
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,desolve_lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   5.41    0.00    5.41

Thus we see 100x acceleration over the leading R library without users having to write anything but R code. This is the true promise in action of a “language of libraries” helping to extend all other high level languages!

GPU-acceleration of ODEs in R via DiffEqGPU.jl

Can we go deeper? Yes we can. In many cases like in optimization and sensitivity analysis of models for pharmacology the users need to solve the same ODE thousands or millions of times to understand the behavior over a large parameter space. To solve this problem well in Julia, we built DiffEqGPU.jl which transforms the pure Julia function into a .ptx kernel to then parallelize the ODE solver over. What this looks like is the following solves the Lorenz equation 100,000 times with randomized initial conditions and parameters:

using DifferentialEquations, DiffEqGPU
function lorenz(du,u,p,t)
  du[1] = p[1]*(u[2]-u[1])
  du[2] = u[1]*(p[2]-u[3]) - u[2]
  du[3] = u[1]*u[2] - p[3]*u[3]
u0 = [1.0,1.0,1.0]
tspan = (0.0,100.0)
p = [10.0,28.0,8/3]
prob = ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan,p)
prob_func = (prob,i,repeat) -> remake(prob,u0=rand(3).*u0,p=rand(3).*p)
monteprob = EnsembleProblem(prob, prob_func = prob_func, safetycopy=false)
sol = solve(monteprob,Tsit5(),EnsembleGPUArray(),trajectories=100_000,saveat=1.0f0)

Notice how this is only two lines of code different from what we had before, and now everything is GPU accelerated! The requirement for this to work is that the ODE/SDE/DAE function has to be written in Julia… but diffeqr::jitoptimize_ode(de,prob) accelerates the ODE solving in R by generating a Julia function, so could that mean…?

Yes, it does mean we can use DiffEqGPU directly on ODEs defined in R. Let’s see this in action. Once again, we will write almost exactly the same code as in Julia, except with `de$` and with diffeqr::jitoptimize_ode(de,prob) to JIT compile our ODE definition. What this looks like is the following:

de <- diffeqr::diffeq_setup()
degpu <- diffeqr::diffeqgpu_setup()
lorenz <- function (u,p,t){
  du1 = p[1]*(u[2]-u[1])
  du2 = u[1]*(p[2]-u[3]) - u[2]
  du3 = u[1]*u[2] - p[3]*u[3]
u0 <- c(1.0,1.0,1.0)
tspan <- c(0.0,100.0)
p <- c(10.0,28.0,8/3)
prob <- de$ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan,p)
fastprob <- diffeqr::jitoptimize_ode(de,prob)
prob_func <- function (prob,i,rep){
ensembleprob = de$EnsembleProblem(fastprob, prob_func = prob_func, safetycopy=FALSE)
sol = de$solve(ensembleprob,de$Tsit5(),degpu$EnsembleGPUArray(),trajectories=100000,saveat=1.0)

Note that diffeqr::diffeqgpu_setup() does the following:

  1. It sets up the drivers and installs the right version of CUDA for the user if not already available
  2. It installs the DiffEqGPU library
  3. It exposes the pieces of the DiffEqGPU library for the user to then call onto ensembles

This means that this portion of the library is fully automated, all the way down to the installation of CUDA! Let’s time this out a bit. 100,000 ODE solves in serial:

@time sol = solve(monteprob,Tsit5(),EnsembleSerial(),trajectories=100_000,saveat=1.0f0)
15.045104 seconds (18.60 M allocations: 2.135 GiB, 4.64% gc time)
14.235984 seconds (16.10 M allocations: 2.022 GiB, 5.62% gc time)

100,000 ODE solves on the GPU in Julia:

@time sol = solve(monteprob,Tsit5(),EnsembleGPUArray(),trajectories=100_000,saveat=1.0f0)
2.071817 seconds (6.56 M allocations: 1.077 GiB)
2.148678 seconds (6.56 M allocations: 1.077 GiB)

Now let’s check R in serial:

> system.time({ de$solve(ensembleprob,de$Tsit5(),de$EnsembleSerial(),trajectories=100000,saveat=1.0) })
   user  system elapsed
  24.16    1.27   25.42
> system.time({ de$solve(ensembleprob,de$Tsit5(),de$EnsembleSerial(),trajectories=100000,saveat=1.0) })
   user  system elapsed
  25.45    0.94   26.44

and R on GPUs:

> system.time({ de$solve(ensembleprob,de$Tsit5(),degpu$EnsembleGPUArray(),trajectories=100000,saveat=1.0) })
 user  system elapsed
12.39    1.51   13.95
> system.time({ de$solve(ensembleprob,de$Tsit5(),degpu$EnsembleGPUArray(),trajectories=100000,saveat=1.0) })
 user  system elapsed
12.55    1.36   13.90

R doesn’t reach quite the level of Julia here, and if you profile you’ll see it’s because the `prob_func`, i.e. the function that tells you which problems to solve, is still a function written in R and this becomes the bottleneck as the computation becomes faster and faster. Thus you will get closer and closer to the Julia speed with longer and harder ODEs, but it still means there’s work to be done. Another detail is that the Julia code is able to be further accelerated by using 32-bit numbers. Let’s see that in action:

using DifferentialEquations, DiffEqGPU
function lorenz(du,u,p,t)
  du[1] = p[1]*(u[2]-u[1])
  du[2] = u[1]*(p[2]-u[3]) - u[2]
  du[3] = u[1]*u[2] - p[3]*u[3]
u0 = Float32[1.0,1.0,1.0]
tspan = (0.0f0,100.0f0)
p = Float32[10.0,28.0,8/3]
prob = ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan,p)
prob_func = (prob,i,repeat) -> remake(prob,u0=rand(Float32,3).*u0,p=rand(Float32,3).*p)
monteprob = EnsembleProblem(prob, prob_func = prob_func, safetycopy=false)
@time sol = solve(monteprob,Tsit5(),EnsembleGPUArray(),trajectories=100_000,saveat=1.0f0)
# 1.781718 seconds (6.55 M allocations: 918.051 MiB)
# 1.873190 seconds (6.56 M allocations: 917.875 MiB)

Right now the Julia to R bridge converts all 32-bit numbers back to 64-bit numbers so this doesn’t seem to be possible without the user writing some Julia code, but we hope to get this fixed in one of our coming releases.

To figure out where that leaves us, let’s use deSolve to solve that same Lorenz equation 100 and 1,000 times:

Lorenz <- function(t, state, parameters) {
  with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
    dX <-  a * X + Y * Z
    dY <-  b * (Y - Z)
    dZ <- -X * Y + c * Y - Z
    list(c(dX, dY, dZ))
parameters <- c(a = -8/3, b = -10, c = 28)
state      <- c(X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1)
times      <- seq(0, 100, by = 1.0)
out <- ode(y = state, times = times, func = Lorenz, parms = parameters)
desolve_lorenz_solve <- function (i){
  state      <- c(X = runif(1), Y = runif(1), Z = runif(1))
  parameters <- c(a = -8/3 * runif(1), b = -10 * runif(1), c = 28 * runif(1))
  out <- ode(y = state, times = times, func = Lorenz, parms = parameters)
> system.time({ lapply(1:100,desolve_lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
   5.06    0.00    5.13
> system.time({ lapply(1:1000,desolve_lorenz_solve) })
   user  system elapsed
  55.68    0.03   55.75

We see the expected linear scaling of a scalar code, so we can extrapolate out and see that to solve 100,000 ODEs it would take deSolve 5000 seconds, as opposed to the 14 seconds of diffeqr or the 1.8 seconds of Julia. In summary:

  1. Pure R diffeqr offers a 350x acceleation over deSolve
  2. Pure Julia DifferentialEquations.jl offers a 2777x acceleration over deSolve


We hope that the R community has enjoyed this release and will enjoy our future releases as well. We hope to continue building further connections to Python as well, and make the installation process as seamless as possibly by having the diffeq_setup() function automatically download and install a version of Julia if it’s not acessible from your path. Together this will make Julia a true language of libraries that can be used to accelerate scientific computation in the surrounding higher level scientific ecosystem.

The post GPU-Accelerated ODE Solving in R with Julia, the Language of Libraries appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.

Checkpoint: Implementing Linear Relations for Linear Time Invariant Systems

By: philzook58

Re-posted from: https://www.philipzucker.com/checkpoint-implementing-linear-relations-for-linear-time-invariant-systems/

I’m feeling a little stuck on this one so I think maybe it is smart to just write up a quick checkpoint for myself and anyone who might have advice.

The idea is to reimplement the ideas here computing linear relations https://www.philipzucker.com/linear-relation-algebra-of-circuits-with-hmatrix/ There is a lot more context written in that post and probably necessary background for this one.

Linear relations algebra is a refreshing perspective for me on systems of linear equations. It has a notion of composition that seems, dare I say, almost as useful as matrix multiplication. Very high praise. This composition has a more bidirectional flavor than matrix multiplication as it a good fit for describing physical systems, in which interconnection always influences both ways.

In the previous post, I used nullspace computations as my workhorse. The nullspace operation allows one to switch between a constraint (nullspace) and a generator (span) picture of a vector subspace. The generator view is useful for projection and linear union, and the constraint view is useful for partial-composition and intersection. The implementation of linear relation composition requires flipping between both views.

I’m reimplementing it in Julia for 2 reasons

  • To use the Julia ecosystems implementation of module operations
  • to get a little of that Catlab.jl magic to shine on it.

It was a disappointment of the previous post that I could only treat resistor-like circuits. The new twist of using module packages allows treatment of inductor/capacitor circuits and signal flow diagrams.

When you transform into Fourier space, systems of linear differential equations become systems of polynomial equations \frac{d}{dx} \rightarrow i \omega. From this perspective, modules seem like the appropriate abstraction rather vector spaces. Modules are basically vector spaces where one doesn’t assume the operation of scalar division, in other words the scalar are rings rather than fields. Polynomials are rings, not fields. In order to treat the new systems, I still need to be able to do linear algebraic-ish operations like nullspaces, except where the entries of the matrix are polynomials rather than floats.

Syzygies are basically the module analog of nullspaces. Syzygies are the combinations of generators that combine to zero. Considering the generators of a submodule as being column vectors, stacking them together makes a matrix. Taking linear combinations of the columns is what happens when you multiply a matrix by a vector. So the syzygies are the space of vectors for which this matrix multiplication gives 0, the “nullspace”.

Computer algebra packages offer syzygy computations. Julia has bindings to Singular, which does this. I have been having a significant and draining struggle to wrangle these libraries though. Am I going against the grain? Did the library authors go against the grain? Here’s what I’ve got trying to match the catlab naming conventions:

using Singular

import Nemo

using LinearAlgebra # : I

CC = Nemo.ComplexField(64)
P, (s,) = PolynomialRing(CC, ["s"])
i = Nemo.onei(CC) # P(i) ? The imaginary number

#helpers to deal with Singular.jl
eye(m) = P.(Matrix{Int64}(I, m, m)) # There is almost certainly a better way of doing this. Actually dispatching Matrix?
zayro(m,n) = P.(zeros(Int64,m,n)) #new zeros method?
mat1(m::Int64) = fill(P(m), (1,1) )
mat1(m::Float64) = fill(P(m), (1,1) )
mat1(m::spoly{Singular.n_unknown{Nemo.acb}}) = fill(m, (1,1))

# Objects are the dimensionality of the vector space
struct DynOb

# Linear relations represented 
struct DynMorph

dom(x::DynMorph) = DynOb(size(x.input)[2])
codom(x::DynMorph) = DynOb(size(x.output)[2])
id(X::DynOb) = DynMorph(eye(X.m), -eye(X.m))

# add together inputs
plus(X::DynOb) = DynMorph( [eye(X.m) eye(X.m)] , - eye(X.m) )

mcopy(X::DynOb) = Dyn( [eye(X.m) ; eye(X.m)] , -eye(2*X.m) ) # copy input

delete(A::DynOb) = DynMorph( fill(P.(0),(0,A.m)) , fill(P.(0),(0,0)) )   
create(A::DynOb) = DynMorph( fill(P.(0),(0,0)) , fill(P.(0),(0,A.m)) )
dagger(x::DynMorph) = DynMorph(x.output, x.input)

# cup and cap operators
dunit(A::DynOb) = compose(create(A), mcopy(A))
dcounit(A::DynOb) = compose(mmerge(A), delete(A))

scale(M) = DynMorph( mat1(M),mat1(-1))
diff =  scale(i*s) # differentiation = multiplying by i omega
integ = dagger(diff)
#cupboy = DynMorph( [mat1(1) mat1(-1)] , fill(P.(0),(1,0)) )
#capboy = transpose(cupboy)


# relational operations
# The meet
# Inclusion

# I think this is a nullspace calculation?
# almost all the code is trying to work around Singular's interface to one i can understand
function quasinullspace(A)
   rows, cols = size(A)
   vs = Array(gens(Singular.FreeModule(P, rows)))
   q = [sum(A[:,i] .* vs) for i in 1:cols]
   M = Singular.Module(P,q...)
   S = Singular.Matrix(syz(M)) # syz is the only meat of the computation
   return Base.transpose([S[i,j] for j=1:Singular.ncols(S), i=1:Singular.nrows(S) ])

function compose(x::DynMorph,y::DynMorph) 
    nx, xi = size(x.input)
    nx1, xo = size(x.output)
    @assert nx1 == nx
    ny, yi = size(y.input)
    ny1, yo = size(y.output)
    @assert ny1 == ny
    A = [ x.input                x.output P.(zeros(Int64,nx,yo)) ;
          P.(zeros(Int64,ny,xi)) y.input  y.output    ]
    B = quasinullspace(A)
    projB = [B[1:xi       ,:] ;
             B[xi+yi+1:end,:] ]
    C = Base.transpose(quasinullspace(Base.transpose(projB)))
    return DynMorph( C[:, 1:xi] ,C[:,xi+1:end] )

# basically the direct sum. The monoidal product of linear relations
function otimes( x::DynMorph, y::DynMorph) 
    nx, xi = size(x.input)
    nx1, xo = size(x.output)
    @assert nx1 == nx
    ny, yi = size(y.input)
    ny1, yo = size(y.output)
    @assert ny1 == ny
    return DynMorph( [ x.input                P.(zeros(Int64,nx,yi));
                       P.(zeros(Int64,ny,xi)) y.input               ],
                      [x.output                P.(zeros(Int64,nx,yo));
                       P.(zeros(Int64,ny,xo))  y.output               ])

I think this does basically work but it’s clunky.


I need to figure out Catlab’s diagram drawing abilities enough to show some circuits and some signal flow diagrams. Wouldn’t that be nice?

I should show concrete examples of composing passive filter circuits together.

There is a really fascinating paper by Jan Willems where he digs into a beautiful picture of this that I need to revisit https://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~sistawww/smc/jwillems/Articles/JournalArticles/2007.1.pdf


Is all this module stuff stupid? Should I just use rational polynomials and be done with it? Sympy? \frac{d^2}{dx^2}y = 0 and \frac{d}{dx}y = 0 are different equations, describing different behaviors. Am I even capturing that though? Is my syzygy powered composition even right? It seemed to work on a couple small examples and I think it makes sense. I dunno. Open to comments.

Because univariate polynomials are a principal ideal domain (pid), we can also use smith forms rather than syzygies is my understanding. Perhaps AbstractAlgebra.jl might be a better tool?

Will the syzygy thing be good for band theory? We’re in the multivariate setting then so smith normal form no longer applies.