Tag Archives: Stochastics

Optimal Number of Workers for Parallel Julia

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from: http://www.stochasticlifestyle.com/236-2/

How many workers do you choose when running a parallel job in Julia? The answer is easy right? The number of physical cores. We always default to that number. For my Core i7 4770K, that means it’s 4, not 8 since that would include the hyperthreads. On my FX8350, there are 8 cores, but only 4 floating-point units (FPUs) which do the math, so in mathematical projects, I should use 4, right? I want to demonstrate that it’s not that simple.

Where the Intuition Comes From

Most of the time when doing scientific computing you are doing parallel programming without even knowing it. This is because a lot of vectorized operations are “implicitly paralleled”, meaning that they are multi-threaded behind the scenes to make everything faster. In other languages like Python, MATLAB, and R, this is also the case. Fire up MATLAB and run

A = randn(10000,10000)
B = randn(10000,10000)

and you will see that all of your cores are used. Threads are a recent introduction to Julia, and so in version 0.5 this will also be the case.

Another large place where implicit parallelization comes up is in linear algebra. When one uses a matrix multiplication, it is almost surely calling an underlying program which is an implementation of BLAS. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) is aptly named just a set of functions for solving linear algebra problems. These are written in either C or Fortran and are heavily optimized. They are well-studied and many smart people have meticulously crafted “perfect code” which minimizes cache misses and all of that other low level stuff, all to make this very common operation run smoothly.

Because BLAS (and LINPACK, Linear Algebra Package, for other linear algebra routines) is so optimized, people say you should always make sure that it knows exactly how many “real” processors it has to work with. So in my case, with a Core i7 with 4 physical cores and 4 from hyperthreading, forget the hyperthreading and thus there are 4. With the FX8350, there are only 4 processors for doing math, so 4 threads. Check to make sure this is best.

What about for your code?

Most likely this does not apply to your code. You didn’t carefully manage all of your allocations and tell the compiler what needs to be cached etc. You just wrote some beautiful Julia code. So how many workers do you choose?

Let’s take my case. I have 4 real cores, do I choose 4? Or do I make 3 workers to allow for 1 to “command” the others freely? Or do I make 7/8 due to hyperthreading?

I decided to test this out on a non-trivial example. I am not going to share all of the code (I am submitting it as part of a manuscript soon), but the basic idea is that it is a high-order adaptive solver for stochastic differential equations. The code sets up the problem and then calls pmap to do a Monte Carlo simulation and solve the equation 1000 times in parallel. The code is mostly math, but there is a slight twist where some values are stored on stacks (very lightweight datastructure). To make sure I could trust the times, I ran the code 1000 times and took the average, min, and max times.

So in this case, what was best? The results speak for themselves.

Average wall times vs Number of Worker Processes, 1000 iterations
Number of Workers Average Wall Time Max Wall Time Min Wall Time
1 62.8732 64.3445 61.4971
3 25.749 26.6989 25.1143
4 22.4782 23.2046 21.8322
7 19.7411 20.2904 19.1305
8 19.0709 20.1682 18.5846
9 18.3677 18.9592 17.6
10 18.1857 18.9801 17.6823
11 18.1267 18.7089 17.5099
12 17.9848 18.5083 17.5529
13 17.8873 18.4358 17.3664
14 17.4543 17.9513 16.9258
15 16.5952 17.2566 16.1435
16 17.5426 18.4232 16.2633
17 16.927 17.5298 16.4492

Note there are two “1000”s here. I ran the Monte Carlo simulation (each solving the SDE 1000 times itself) 1000 times. I plotted the mean, max, and min times it took to solve the simulation. From the plot it’s very clear that the minimum exists somewhere around 15. 15!

What’s going on? My guess is that this is because of the time that’s not spent on the actual mathematics. Sometimes there are things performing logic, checking if statements, allocating new memory as the stacks grow bigger, etc. Although it is a math problem, there is more than just the math in this problem! Thus it seems the scheduler is able to effectively let the processes compete and more fully utilize the CPU by pushing the jobs around. This can only go so far: if you have too many workers, then you start to get cache misses and then the computational time starts to increase. Indeed, at 10 workers I could already see signs of problems in the resource manager.

Overload at 10 Workers as seen in Window's Resource Manager

Overload at 10 Workers as seen in Window’s Resource Manager

However, allowing one process to start re-allocating memory but causing a cache miss (or whatever it’s doing) seems to be a good tradeoff at low levels. Thus for this code the optimal number of workers is far above the number of physical cores.

Moral of the Story

The moral is, test your code. If your code is REALLY efficient, then sure, making sure you don’t mess with your perfect code is optimal. If your code isn’t optimal (i.e. it’s just some Julia code that is pretty good and you want to parallelize it), try some higher numbers of workers. You may be shocked what happens. In this case, the compute time dropped more than 30% by overloading the number of workers.

The post Optimal Number of Workers for Parallel Julia appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.

Interfacing with a Xeon Phi via Julia

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from: http://www.stochasticlifestyle.com/interfacing-xeon-phi-via-julia/

(Disclaimer: This is not a full-Julia solution for using the Phi, and instead is a tutorial on how to link OpenMP/C code for the Xeon Phi to Julia. There may be a future update where some of these functions are specified in Julia, and Intel’s compilertools.jl looks like a viable solution, but for now it’s not possible.)

Intel’s Xeon Phi has a lot of appeal. It’s an instant cluster in your computer, right? It turns out it’s not quite that easy. For one, the installation process itself is quite tricky, and the device has stringent requirements for motherboard choices. Also, making out at over a taraflop is good, but not quite as high as NVIDIA’s GPU acceleration cards.

However, there are a few big reasons why I think our interest in the Xeon Phi should be renewed. For one, Intel will be releasing its next version Knights Landing in Q3 which promises up to 8 teraflops and 16 GB of RAM. Intel has also been saying that this next platform will be much more user friendly and have improved bandwidth to allow for quicker offloading of data. Lastly, since the Xeon Phi uses X86 cores which one interfaces with via standard tools such as OpenMP and MPI, high performance parallel codes naturally transfer over to the Xeon Phi with little work (if you’ve already parallelized your code). For this reason many major HPCs such as Stampede and SuperMIC have been incorporating a Xeon Phi into every compute node. These details tell us that for high-performance computing using Xeon Phi’s to their full potential is the way forward. I am going to detail some of my advances in interfacing with the Xeon Phi via Julia.

First, let’s talk about automatic offloading

Automatic offloading allows you to offload all of your MKL-calls to the Xeon Phi automatically. This means that if you are doing lots of linear algebra on large matrices, standard operations from BLAS and Linpack like matrix multiplication * will automatically be done on the acceleration card. Details for setting up automatic offload are given by MATLAB. However, automatic offloading is a mixed blessing. First of all, there is no data persistence. If you are repeatedly using the same matrices, like in solving an evolution equation (i.e. parabolic PDE), this adds a large overhead since you’ll be sending that data back and forth every multiplication. Also, one major downside is that it does not apply to vectorized arithmetic such as .*. Sure you could hack it to be matrix multiplication by a sparse diagonal matrix, but these types of hacks really only tend to give you speedups when your vectors are large since you still incur the costs of transferring the arrays every time.

Still, it’s stupid easy to setup. You compile Julia with MKL and and setup a few environment variables and it will do it automatically. Thus you should give this a try first.

Native Execution

You can also compile code to natively execute on the Xeon Phi. However, you need to copy the files (and libraries) over the Phi via ssh and run the job from there. Thus while this is really good for C code, it’s not as easy to use when you wish to control the Phi from the computer itself as a “side job”.

Pragma-assisted Offloading

This is the route we are going to take. Pragmas are a type of syntax from OpenMP where one specifies segments of the code to be parallelized. If you’re familiar with using parallel constructs from MATLAB/Julia like parallel loops, OpenMP’s pragmas are pretty much the C version of that. For the Xeon Phi, there exists extra pragmas telling the Phi to offload. This also allows for data persistence. Lastly, for many C codes parallelized with OpenMP they are just one pragma away from working on the Phi.

Our workflow will be as follows. We will use a driver script from Julia which will set the environment and use Julia’s ccall to call the C-code with the OpenMP pragmas which will perform parallelized function calls. Notice that in this case Julia is just performing the role of glue code. The advantage is that we can prepare the data and plot the results from within Julia. The disadvantage is that we will have to write a lot of C-code. However, I am currently talking with Intel’s Developer Lab on using their CompilerTools.jl to compile Julia functions to be used on the Xeon Phi. When that’s available, I will write a tutorial on how to then replace the core functions from this script with the Julia functions. Then, the only C-code would be the code which starts the parallel loop. Let’s get started.

The Problem

We wish to solve some simple stochastic differential equations via the Euler-Maruyama method. We will specify the stochastic differential equation of the form

dU_{t} = f(U,t)dt + g(U,t)dW_{t}

via functions f and g. In our code we will also allow the ability to have a function for the true solution in order to perform error calculations.

The Julia Code

Again, at this point the Julia code is quite simple because it is simply performing the glue. Let M be the number of simulations of we perform. Set up empty vectors for the values of U and the true solution Utrue at the endpoints. Note that we only will keep the endpoints from each simulation due to memory issues. If we were to keep the full array for thousands (or millions) of runs this would easily be more memory than the Phi could handle (or even a workstation!). We then need to specify our environmental variables. Set OMP_NUM_THREADS to be the number of compute cores on your system. We setup MIC_PREFIX, LD_IBRARY_PATH, and MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that we can dynamically link to our library. Note that this assumes that you have already sourced the compiler variables via compilervars.sh with the argument intel64. If not, you can use Julia’s run function to source the script. Lastly, we set a constant MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS to be the number of threads the Xeon Phi will use. Since when offloading you can use all but 1 core (one manages the jobs) and each core has 4 threads, we set 240 threads (for the 5110p). Like in the case of GPUs, using more threads than cores is beneficial since the cores can utilize large vectors to do multiple calculations at once (SIMD) and other magic. We set the environment variable OFFLOAD_REPORT to 3 which will make the Phi give us details about everything it’s offloading (good for debugging). Lastly, we end by calling the library. The total code is as follows:

M = 240000
Us = Vector{Float64}(M)
ts = Vector{Float64}(M)
Ws = Vector{Float64}(M)
Utrues = Vector{Float64}(M)
alg = 2
@time ccall((:monte_carlo,"/home/crackauc/XeonPhiTests/EMtest/sde_solvers.so"),Void,(Cint,Ptr{Cdouble},Ptr{Cdouble},Ptr{Cdouble},Ptr{Cdouble},Cint,Cint),M,Us,Utrues,ts,Ws,MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS,alg)

For more of an explanation on using the ccall function to interface with C-code, see my previous blog post. Note that the arrays Us, Utrues, ts, and Ws will be updated in place as the value of U, Utrue, t, and W at the end of the path. Thus after the job is done one can use Julia to plot the results.

Xeon Phi Driver Function

The ccall function looks for a function of the following type in a shared library named sde_solvers.so:

void monte_carlo(int M,double* Us,double* Utrues,double* ts,double* Ws,const int MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS,int alg)

In this function we will just do a parallel for loop where each iteration calls the Euler-Maruyama solver on a different random seed. However, instead of doing a straight parallel for loop, we will put a little separation between “the parallel” and “the for” so that we can keep some persistent data to be a little more efficient.

We start by defining some constants:

double Uzero = .5;
  double dt = 0.00001;
  double T = 2.0;
  int N = ceil(T/dt)+1;

Now we send the job over to the Xeon Phi via the following pragma:

#pragma offload target(mic:MIC_DEV) default(none) in(Uzero,dt,T,N,MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS,alg) out(Us:length(M)) 
  out(Utrues:length(M)) out(ts:length(M)) out(Ws:length(M))

Note that at the top of the script we have

#ifndef MIC_DEV
#define MIC_DEV 0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <mathimf.h>
#include "mkl.h"
#include "mkl_vsl.h"

and so MIC_DEV singles out the Xeon Phi labeled 0. Using in we send over the variables, and with out we specify the variables we want the Phi to send back. By adding default(none) we get informed if there are any variables which weren’t specified.

After that pragma, we are on the MIC. The first thing we will do is set the number of threads. I don’t know why but setting the environment variable MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS in Julia does not set the number of MIC threads, so instead we do it manually on via the command


Next we start our parallel environment by

#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(Uzero,alg,dt,T,N,M,ts,Us,Utrues,Ws)

Once again, default(none) will make sure no variables are accidentally set to shared, and we specify all of the inputs as shared. With this, we are now coding with that list of variables on the individual threads of the Phi. Thus we will now will setup an individual run of the SDE solver. We make arrays for time t, the Brownian path W, the solution U, and the true solution Utrue. We also grab the id of the thread to setup random seeds later. This gives:

      int i;
      int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
      double* t; double* W; double* U; double* Utrue;
      int steps;
      t = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
      W = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
      U = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
      Utrue = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));

Now we start our parallel for loop. Notice that by allocating these variables before the loop we have increased our efficiency since each run we will simply write over these values, saving us the time of re-allocating. In our for loop we set the initial values (since we are re-using the same arrays), call the solver algorithm, save the results at the end, and re-run. After we are done with the whole loop, then we free that arrays we made. The code is then as follows:

      #pragma omp for
        W[0] = 0;
        euler_maruyama(&f,&g,&trueSol,Uzero,dt,T,t,&W,U,Utrue,tid*i*M+i); /*unique identifier tid*i*M+i since tid spacing */
        Us[i] = U[N-1];
        Utrues[i] = Utrue[N-1];
        ts[i] = t[N-1];
        Ws[i] = W[N-1];
    free(t); free(Utrue); free(U); free(W); free(Z);

Notice that tid*i*M+i has spacings larger than M and tid and so each value will be unique. This is then the value we can use as a random seed. The full code for the driver function is then:

void monte_carlo(int M,double* Us,double* Utrues,double* ts,double* Ws,const int MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS,int alg){
  double Uzero = .5;
  double dt = 0.00001;
  double T = 2.0;
  int N = ceil(T/dt)+1;
  #pragma offload target(mic:MIC_DEV) default(none) in(Uzero,dt,T,N,MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS,alg) out(Us:length(M)) 
  out(Utrues:length(M)) out(ts:length(M)) out(Ws:length(M))
    #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(Uzero,alg,dt,T,N,M,ts,Us,Utrues,Ws)
      int i;
      int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
      double* t; double* W; double* U; double* Utrue;
      int steps;
      t = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
      W = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
      U = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
      Utrue = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
      #pragma omp for
        W[0] = 0;
        euler_maruyama(&f,&g,&trueSol,Uzero,dt,T,t,&W,U,Utrue,tid*i*M+i); /*unique identifier tid*i*M+i since tid spacing */
        Us[i] = U[N-1];
        Utrues[i] = Utrue[N-1];
        ts[i] = t[N-1];
        Ws[i] = W[N-1];
      free(t); free(Utrue); free(U); free(W); free(Z);

Notice I left out the extra algorithms. When I put this in a package (and in my soon to be submitted code for a publication) I have different choices for the solver, but here we will just have Euler-Maruyama.

The Inner Functions

Before we get to the solver, notice that euler_maruyama takes in three functions by handle. However, since these will be executed on the Xeon Phi we decorate them with __attribute__((target(mic))). However, I will leave off these declarations since we can instead have them be put on automatically by a compiler command (and this makes it easier to re-compile to be a Xeon Phi free code). Thus the SDE functions are simply

double f(double t,double x){
  return (1.0/20.0)*x;
double g(double t,double x){
  return (1.0/10.0)*x;
double trueSol(double t, double Uzero,double W){
  return Uzero*exp(((1.0/20.0)-((1.0/10.0)*(1.0/10.0))/2.0)*t + (1.0/10.0)*W);

Thus the SDE is

dU_{t} = frac{1}{20} U_{t}dt + frac{1}{10} W_{t}

which a mathematician would call Geometric Brownian Motion or what someone in finance would know of as the Black-Scholes equation. Our inner function euler_maruyama is then the standard loop for solving via Euler-Maruyama where we replace any instance of dt with a small real number and we replace dW_{t} with normal random variables with zero mean and variance dt. The only tricky part is getting normal random variables, but I used Intel’s VSL library for generating these. The code for solving the Euler-Maruyama equations are then

void euler_maruyama(double (*f)(double,double),double (*g)(double,double),double (*trueSol)(double,double,double),double Uzero,double dt, double T,double* t,double** W,double* U,double* Utrue,int id){
  int N = ceil(T/dt)+1;
  *W = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
  VSLStreamStatePtr stream;
  (*W)[0] = 0.0f;
  int i;
  double dW;
  double sqdt = sqrt(dt);
    /* dW = 0; */
    dW = sqdt* (*W)[i];
    t[i] = t[i-1] + dt;
    (*W)[i] = (*W)[i-1] + dW;
    U[i] = U[i-1] + dt*f(t[i-1],U[i-1]) + g(t[i-1],U[i-1])*dW;
    Utrue[i] = trueSol(t[i],Uzero,(*W)[i]);

Notice that this part is nothing special and quite close to what you’d write in C. However, we do note that since we want the value of W at the end of the run outside of this function, and we allocate W within the function, we have to pass W by reference via &W and thus every time it is used we have to deference it via *W. Other than that there’s nothing fancy here.


This is always the hardest part. However, notice that if we just take away the offload pragma this is perfectly good OpenMP code! You can do this from the compiler to first check your code. The compilation command is as follows:

icc -mkl -O3 -openmp -fpic -diag-disable 10397 -no-offload -Wno-unknown-pragmas -std=c99 -qopt-report -qopt-report-phase=vec -shared sde_solvers.c -o sde_solvers.so

Most of it is setting up offload reports and libraries, but the important part to notice is that -no-offload is the part that turns off the offload pragma. Give this a try and it should parallelize on the CPU. Now, to compile for the Phi, we use the command

icc -mkl -O3 -openmp -fpic -diag-disable 10397 -qoffload -Wno-unknown-pragmas -std=c99 -qopt-report -qopt-report-phase=vec -shared sde_solvers.c -offload-attribute-target=mic -o sde_solvers.so

Notice that the command -offload-attribute-target=mic is required if you do not put __attribute__((target(mic))) in front of each function that is called when offloaded. I prefer to not put the extra tags because icc required that I delete them to re-compile for the CPU. In this case, we simply get rid of that compiler directive and change to -no-offload and we have working CPU code. Thus you can see how to transfer back and forth between the two via compilation.

After doing this you should be able to call the code from Julia, have it solve the code on the Phi, and then return the result to Julia.

Future Steps

Notice that the functions f, g, and trueSol are simple functions which we pass by pointer into the solver. Julia already has ways to pass function pointers which I go over in my previous tutorial, though since they are not compiled with the __attribute__((target(mic))) flag they will not work on the Phi. Hopefully Intel’s compilertools.jl will support this in the near future. When that’s the case, these functions could be specified from within Julia to allow us to create libraries where we can use Julia-specified functions as the input.

However, this gives a nice template for performing any kind of Monte Carlo simulation or anything else that uses a parallel for loop. This wrapper will form the basis of a library I am creating for stochastic (partial) differential equations. More on that later. In the meantime, have fun experimenting with the Phi!

The post Interfacing with a Xeon Phi via Julia appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.