Tag Archives: R

Slowly moving to the Julia language from R

Julia is a new computing language that’s gotten a lot of attention lately (e.g., this Wired piece) and that I’ve ignored until recently. But I checked it out a few days ago and, holy crap, it’s a nice language. I’m rewriting the code in my book to use Julia instead of R and I’m almost certainly going to use it instead of R in my PhD class next fall.

So, why Julia and why not R? (And, I suppose why not Python/Matlab/other languages?)

  • Multiple dispatch. So you can define a function
    function TrickyAlgorithm(aThing, bThing)

    differently to depend on whether aThing is a matrix of real numbers and bThing is is a vector, or aThing is a vector and bThing is a matrix, or any other combinations of data types. And you can do this without lots of tedious, potentially slow, and confusing (to people reading and maintaining the code) argument checks and conversion within the function.

    Note that this is kind of similar to Object Oriented Programming, but in OOP TrickyAlgorithm would need to be a method of aThing or bThing. Also note that this is present in R as well.

  • Homoiconicity — the code can be operated on by other parts of the code. Again, R kind of has this too! Kind of, because I’m unaware of a good explanation for how to use it productively, and R’s syntax and scoping rules make it tricky to pull off. But I’m still excited to see it in Julia, because I’ve heard good things about macros and I’d like to appreciate them (I’ve started playing around with Clojure and like it a lot too…). And because stuff like this is amazing:
    @devec r = exp(-abs(x-y))

    which devectorizes x and y (both vectors) and evaluates as

    for i = 1:length(x)
        r[i] = exp(-abs(x[i]-y[i]))

    (this example and code is from Dahua Lin’s blog post, Fast Numeric Computation in Julia). Note that “evaluates as” does not mean “gives the same answer as,” it means that the code r = exp(-abs(x-y)) is replaced with the loop by @devec and then the loop is what’s run.

  • Decent speed. Definitely faster than well written R; I don’t have a great feel for how well it compares to highly optimized R (using inline C++, for example), but I write one-off simulation programs and don’t write highly optimized R.And the language encourages loops, which is a relief. R discourages loops and encourages “vectorized” operations that operate on entire objects at once (which are then converted to fast loops in C…). But I use loops all the time anyway, because avoiding loops in time series applications is impossible. R’s poor support for recursion doesn’t help either.And, more to the point, I teach econometrics to graduate students. Many of them haven’t programmed before. Most of them are not going to write parts of their analysis in C++.
  • The syntax is fine and unthreatening, which will help for teaching. It basically looks like Matlab done right. Matlab’s not a bad language because its programs look like they’re built out of Legos, it’s a bad language because of its horrendous implementation of functions, anonymous functions, objects, etc. Compared to R, Matlab and Julia look downright friendly. Compared to Clojure… I can’t even imagine asking first year PhD students (some with no programming experience at all) to work with a Lisp.
  • The last point that’s always mentioned in these language comparisons. What about all of the R packages? There are thousands and thousands of statistical packages coded up for R, and you’re giving that up by moving to a different language.This is apparently a big concern for a lot of people, but… have you looked at the source code for these packages? Most of them are terrible! But some are good, and it might take some time to port them to Julia. Not that much time, I think, because most high-performance popular R packages are a thin layer of interoperability over a fast implementation in C or C++, so the port is just a matter of wrapping it up for Julia. And most of the well designed packages are tools for other package developers.That’s not quite true of R’s statistical graphics, though. They’re really great and could be hard to port. And that’s more or less the only thing that I’m sure that I’ll miss in Julia. (But hopefully not for too long.)
  • Lastly, and this is important: the same massive quantity of packages for R is a big constraint on its future development. Breaking backwards compatibility is a big deal but avoiding it too much imposes costs.

Anyway, since I converted some R code to Julia I thought it would be fun to compare speeds. The first example is used to show the sampling distribution of an average of uniform(0,1) random variables. In R, we have

rstats <- function(rerror, nobs, nsims = 500) {
  replicate(nsims, mean(rerror(nobs)))}

which is (I think) pretty idiomatic R (and is vectorized, so it’s supposed to be fast). Calling it gives

R> system.time(rstats(runif, 500))

[out]:  user  system elapsed 
       0.341   0.002   0.377

For comparison to the Julia results, we’re going to care about the “elapsed” result of 0.377 seconds; the “system” column isn’t relevant here.  Calling it for more observations and more simulations (50,000 of each) gives

R> system.time(rstats(runif, 50000, 50000))

[out]:   user  system elapsed 
      204.184   0.217 215.526

so 216 seconds overall. And, just to preempt criticism, I ran these simulations a few times each and these results are representative; and I ran a byte-compiled version that got (unexpectedly) slightly worse performance.

Equivalent Julia code is

function rmeans(dist, nobs; nsims = 500)
    means = Array(Float64,nsims)
    for i in 1:nsims
        means[i] = mean(rand(dist, nobs))
    return means

which is pretty easy to read, but I have no idea if it’s idiomatic. This is my first code in Julia. If you like to minimize lines of code and preallocation of arrays, Julia has list comprehensions and you can write the stylish one line definition (that gave similar times)

rmeans_pretty(dist, nobs; nsims = 500) =
    [ mean(rand(dist, nobs)) for i = 1:nsims ]

We can time  (after loading the Distributions packages):

julia> @elapsed rmeans(Uniform(), 500)

[out]: 0.093662961

so 0.09 seconds, or about a quarter the time as R. But (I forgot to mention earlier), Julia uses a Just In Time compiler, so the 0.09 seconds includes compilation and execution. Running it a second time gives

julia>  @elapsed rmeans(Uniform(), 500)

[out]: 0.004334132

which is half the time again. (Update on 3/17: as Jules pointed out in the comments, 0.004 is 1/20th of 0.09, so this is substantially faster than I’d initially thought. So we are getting into the ~100 times faster range. That’s actually a pretty exciting speed increase, but I’ll need to look into it some more. Well, that was embarrassing.)

Running the larger simulation, we have

julia> @elapsed rmeans_loop(Uniform(), 50000, nsims = 50000)

[out]: 77.318591953

so the R code is a little less than three times slower here. (The compilation step doesn’t make a meaningful difference.) So, Julia isn’t hundreds of times faster, but it is noticeably faster than R, which is nice.

But speed in this sort of test isn’t the main factor. I’m really excited about multiple dispatch — it’s one of the few things in R that I really, really liked from a language standpoint. I really like what I’ve read about Julia’s support for parallelism (but need to learn more). And I like metaprogramming, even if I can’t do it myself yet. So Julia’s trying to be a fast, easy to learn, and elegantly designed language. That’s awesome. I want it to work.

ps: and it’s open source! Can’t forget that.

Filed under: Blog Tagged: julia, programming, R

Fun With Just-In-Time Compiling: Julia, Python, R and pqR

By: randyzwitch - Articles

Re-posted from: http://randyzwitch.com/python-pypy-julia-r-pqr-jit-just-in-time-compiler/

Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to learn Julia by doing the problems at Project Euler. What’s great about these problems is that it gets me out of my normal design patterns, since I don’t generally think about prime numbers, factorials and other number theory problems during my normal workday. These problems have also given me the opportunity to really think about how computers work, since Julia allows the programmer to pass type declarations to the just-in-time compiler (JIT).

As I’ve been working on optimizing my Julia code, I decided to figure out how fast this problem can be solved using any of the languages/techniques I know. So I decided to benchmark one of the Project Euler problems using Julia, Python, Python with NumbaPyPy, R, R using the compiler package, pqR and pqR using the compiler package. Here’s what I found…


The problem I’m using for the benchmark is calculating the smallest number that is divisible by all of the numbers in a factorial. For example, for the numbers in 5!, 60 is the smallest number that is divisible by 2, 3, 4 and 5. Here’s the Julia code:

All code versions follow this same pattern: the outside loop will run from 1 up to n!, since by definition the last value in the loop will be divisible by all of the numbers in the factorial. The inner loops go through and do a modulo calculation, checking to see if there is a remainder after division. If there is a remainder, break out of the loop and move to the next number. Once the state occurs where there is no remainder on the modulo calculation and the inner loop value of j equals the last number in the factorial (i.e. it is divisible by all of the factorial numbers), we have found the minimum number.

Benchmarking – Overall

Here are the results of the eight permutations of languages/techniques (see this GitHub Gist for the actual code used, this link for results file, and this GitHub Gist for the ggplot2 code):


Across the range of tests from 5! to 20!, Julia is the fastest to find the minimum number. Python with Numba is second and PyPy is third. pqR fares better than R in general, but using the compiler package can narrow the gap.

To make more useful comparisons, in the next section I’ll compare each language to its “compiled” function state.

Benchmarking – Individual



Amongst the native Python code options, I saw a 16x speedup by using PyPy instead of Python 2.7.6 (10.62s vs. 172.06s at 20!). Using Numba with Python instead of PyPy nets an incremental ~40% speedup using the @autojit decorator (7.63s vs. 10.63 at 20!).

So in the case of Python, using two lines of code with the Numba JIT compiler you can get substantial improvements in performance without needing to do any code re-writes. This is a great benefit given that you can stay in native Python, since PyPy doesn’t support all existing packages within the Python ecosystem.



It’s understood in the R community that loops are not a strong point of the language. In the case of this problem, I decided to use loops because 1) it keeps the code pattern similar across languages and 2) I hoped I’d see the max benefit from the compiler package by not trying any funky R optimizations up front.

As expected, pqR is generally faster than R and using the compiler package is faster than not using the compiler. I saw ~30% improvement using pqR relative to R and ~20% incremental improvement using the compiler package with pqR. Using the compiler package within R showed ~35% improvement.

So unlike the case with Python, where you could just use Python with Numba and stay within the same language/environment, if you can use pqR and the compiler package, you can get a performance benefit from using both.


For a comparison like I’ve done above, it’s easy to get carried away and extrapolate the results from one simple test to all programming problems ever. “Julia is the best language for all cases ever!!!11111eleventy!” would be easy to proclaim, but all problems aren’t looping problems using simple division. Once you get into writing longer programs, other tasks such string manipulation and accessing APIs, using a technique from a package only available in one ecosystem but not another, etc., which tool is “best” for solving a problem becomes a much more difficult decision. The only way to know how much improvement you can see from different techniques & tools is to profile your program(s) and experiment.

The main thing that I took away from this exercise is that no matter which tool you are comfortable with to do analysis, there are potentially large performance improvements that can be made just by using a JIT without needing to dramatically re-write your code. For those of us who don’t know C (and/or are too lazy to re-write our code several times to wring out a little extra performance), that’s a great thing.

Tabular Data I/O in Julia

By: randyzwitch - Articles

Re-posted from: http://randyzwitch.com/julia-import-data/

Importing tabular data into Julia can be done in (at least) three ways: reading a delimited file into an array, reading a delimited file into a DataFrame and accessing databases using ODBC.

Reading a file into an array using readdlm

The most basic way to read data into Julia is through the use of the readdlm function, which will create an array:

readdlm(source, delim::Char, T::Type; options...)

If you are reading in a fairly normal delimited file, you can get away with just using the first two arguments, source and delim:It’s important to note that by only specifying the first two arguments, you leave it up to Julia to determine the type of array to return. In the code example above, an array of type ‘Any’ is returned, as the .csv file I read in was not of homogenous type such as Int64 or ASCIIString. If you know for certain which type of array you want, you specify the data type using the type argument:

It’s probably the case that unless you are looking to do linear algebra or other specific mathy type work, you’ll likely find that reading your data into a DataFrame will be more comfortable to work with (especially if you are coming from an R, Python/pandas or even spreadsheet tradition).

To write an array out to a file, you can use the writedlm function (defaults to comma-separated):

writedlm(filename, array, delim::Char)

Reading a file into a DataFrame using readtable

As I covered in my prior blog post about Julia, you can also read in delimited files into Julia using the DataFrames package, which returns a DataFrame instead of an array. Besides just being able to read in delimited files, the DataFrames package also supports reading in gzippped files on the fly:From what I understand, in the future you will be able to read files directly from Amazon S3 into a DataFrame (this is already supported in the AWS package), but for now, the DataFrames package works only on local files. Writing a DataFrame to file can be done with the writetable function: writetable(filename::String, df::DataFrame) By default, the writetable function will use the delimiter specified by the filename extension and default to printing the column names as a header.

Accessing Databases using ODBC

The third major way of importing tabular data into Julia is through the use of ODBC access to various databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Using a DSN

The Julia ODBC package provides functionality to connect to a database using a Data Source Name (DSN). Assuming you store all the credentials in your DSN (server name, username, password, etc.), connecting to a database is as easy as:

Of course, if you don’t want to store your password in your DSN (especially in the case where there are multiple users for a computer), you can pass the “usr” and “pwd” arguments to the ODBC.connect function:

ODBC.connect(dsn; usr="", pwd="")

Using a connection string

Alternatively, you can build your own connection strings within a Julia session using the advancedconnect function:Regardless of which way you connect, you can query data using the query function. If you want your output as a DataFrame, you can assign the result of the function to an object. If you want to save the results to a file, you specify the “file” argument:


Overall, importing data into Julia is no easier/more difficult than any other language. The biggest thing I’ve noticed thus far is that Julia is a bit less efficient than Python/pandas or R in terms of the amount of RAM needed to store data. In my experience, this is really only an issue once you are working with 1GB+ files (of course, depending on the resources available to you on your machine).