Tag Archives: Programming

Julia iFEM 2: Optimizing Stiffness Matrix Assembly

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from: http://www.stochasticlifestyle.com/julia-ifem2/

This is the second post looking at building a finite element method solver in Julia. The first post was about mesh generation and language bindings. In this post we are going to focus on performance. We start with the command from the previous post:

node,elem = squaremesh([0 1 0 1],.01)

which generates an array elem where each row holds the reference indices to the 3 points which form a triangle (element). The actual locations of these points are in the array node, and so node(1) gives the points in the (x,y)-plane for the ith point. What the call is saying is that these are generated for the unit square with mesh-size .01, meaning we have 10201 triangles.

The approach to building the stiffness matrix for the Poisson equation is described here. The general idea is that span our vector space by a basis of hat functions phi_{i}, and the so the stiffness matrix is found by the inner product (integral) between these basis functions. This translates to solving for the area of the triangles where two hat functions overlap, which we can do exactly since we chose the basis to be sufficiently nice. However, since the hat functions are zero except in a small range, most of these inner products are zero, meaning the resulting stiffness matrix is sparse. Our goal is to produce this sparse matrix as efficiently as possible. Lets get to it!

Building the Julia Version: Local Stiffness

The first function we need is titled localStiffness, which evaluates the inner product to give the “stiffness for one triangle”. In MATLAB the code is of the form:

function [At,area] = localstiffness(p)
    At = zeros(3,3);
    B = [p(1,:)-p(3,:); p(2,:)-p(3,:)];
    G = [[1,0]',[0,1]',[-1,-1]'];
    area = 0.5*abs(det(B));
    for i = 1:3
        for j = 1:3
            At(i,j) = area*((BG(:,i))'*(BG(:,j)));

It takes in a vector p of three points, solves for the area at the reference triangle, and transforms the area appropriately to give the stiffness for the triangle defined by the points of p. I want to make a few points about this code. First of all, it employs a “trick” for solving for the dot product. That is, it uses the transposed vector times another vector. I quote trick because to a mathematician, this is simply the definition of the dot product, and so it only seems natural to use it like this in MATLAB. However, two things to point out. First of all, in Julia, such an operation does not return a scalar, but a one dimensional vector. This in some cases will give unexpected errors, so it should be avoided. Not only that, but it is also inefficient. In both MATLAB and Julia, matrices are stored column-wise, that is they are stored as a array of pointers where the pointers go to an array of columns. Thus to access a row matrix, both MATLAB and Julia would have to access the pointer and then go to the array at which it points (a size 1 array), and take the value there. Notice this is an extra step. Therefore it’s more efficient to keep the vectors column-wise. (In reality, the vectors here are so small that it won’t make a difference, but this justifies that the change we will do for the Julia code in a performance-sense).

Two other small changes were made to this code. For one, Julia throws an error at the definition of G since it cannot read the transpose calls inside of an array declaration. This is easily fixed by simply transposing after the creation instead. Lastly, we change the pre-allocation of At from zeros to Julia’s general constructor. This is slightly more performant since it will allocate the space without doing an initial re-write step, saving the time it would take to loop through and set each value to zero. The result is the following:

function localstiffness(p)
  At = Array{Float64}(3,3);
  B = [p[1,:]-p[3,:]; p[2,:]-p[3,:]];
  G = [1 0 ; 0 1 ; -1 -1]';
  area = 0.5*abs(det(B));
  for i = 1:3
    for j = 1:3
      At[i,j] = area*dot(BG[:,i],BG[:,j]); 

which is ever so slightly more efficient, but in reality the same and just tweaked for the quirks.

Building the Julia Version: Matrix Assembly

Now we need to loop through each triangle and sum up the inner product between each pair of basis functions over each triangle. The intuitive code is:

function assemblingstandard(node,elem)
  N=size(node,1); NT=size(elem,1);
  for t=1:NT
    for i=1:3
      @simd for j=1:3
        @inbounds A[elem[t,i],elem[t,j]]=A[elem[t,i],elem[t,j]]+At[i,j];

I discussed previously the use of macros to speed up code without changing its style. The main problem that had to addressed in porting the code to Julia was that Julia will only take a vector for array referencing when the colon operator is used. Therefore since elem[t,:] returns a 1×3 Matrix of indices for the points associated with triangle t, once again a 1×3 Matrix is not an array in Julia so it throws an error. This is easy to fix by wrapping it in the vec() command, which others have tested to be the fastest method for conversion, and will actually do some fanciness in the background in order to not have to copy the array. This means that the cost of using vec is so small that I will use it liberally as a fix in these cases. Notice that within the loop vec is not required to reference A. This is because the issue only occurs when the colon operator is present.

However, since At is usually zero, we can improve this a lot by instead generating vectors to build a sparse matrix. What we will instead do is save the (i,j) pairs where the value should be stored, and the value, and use the sparse command to reduce. The sparse command will automatically add together the values from repeated (i,j) indices, effectively performing the update we had before. This gives us the code:

function assemblingsparse(node,elem)
  N = size(node,1); NT = size(elem,1);
  i = Array{Int64}(NT,3,3); j = Array{Int64}(NT,3,3); s = zeros(NT,3,3);
  index = 0;
  for t = 1:NT
    At, = localstiffness(node[vec(elem[t,:]),:]);
    for ti = 1:3, tj = 1:3
        i[t,ti,tj] = elem[t,ti];
        j[t,ti,tj] = elem[t,tj];
        s[t,ti,tj] = At[ti,tj];
  return(sparse(vec(i), vec(j), vec(s)));

Notice here that vec() needed to be used to build the sparse matrix because the easiest way to index within the loop was to use a 3-dimensional array and then flatten it via vec(). Notice a neat Julia trick where you can define multiple for loops in one line: “for ti = 1:3, tj = 1:3” is two loops and works as you’d expect. With some extra work we can get rid of the loop over the triangles by performing the calculations from localstiffness vector-wise, which gives us the vectorized form:

function assembling(node,elem)
  N = size(node,1); NT = size(elem,1);
  ii = Vector{Int64}(9*NT); jj = Vector{Int64}(9*NT); sA = Vector{Float64}(9*NT);
  ve = Array{Float64}(NT,2,3)
  ve[:,:,3] = node[vec(elem[:,2]),:]-node[vec(elem[:,1]),:];
  ve[:,:,1] = node[vec(elem[:,3]),:]-node[vec(elem[:,2]),:];
  ve[:,:,2] = node[vec(elem[:,1]),:]-node[vec(elem[:,3]),:];
  area = 0.5*abs(-ve[:,1,3].*ve[:,2,2]+ve[:,2,3].*ve[:,1,2]);
  index = 0;
  for i = 1:3, j = 1:3
     @inbounds begin
     ii[index+1:index+NT] = elem[:,i];
     jj[index+1:index+NT] = elem[:,j];
     sA[index+1:index+NT] = sum(ve[:,:,i].* ve[:,:,j],2) ./(4*area); # Replacing dot(ve[:,:,i],ve[:,:,j],2)
     index = index + NT;

Here I note that Julia’s dot product will not act on matrices, only vectors. In order to do the row-wise dot product like we would do in MATLAB, we can simply use .* and sum the results in each row.

Dispelling a Myth: Vectorized Julia Rocks!

The most common complaint about Julia that people tend to have is that, in many cases, the code which gets the most performance is the de-vectorized code. “But the vectorized code can be so beautiful! Why would I want to change that?”. This myth seems to come from the alpha days or really bad tests, but it doesn’t seem to die. Instead, what I wish to show here is that vectorized code is also faster in Julia. First we run some basic timings:

@time assemblingstandard(node,elem);
@time assemblingsparse(node,elem);
@time assembling(node,elem);
0.538606 seconds (2.52 M allocations: 924.214 MB, 12.79% gc time)
0.322044 seconds (2.52 M allocations: 137.714 MB, 21.53% gc time)
0.015182 seconds (775 allocations: 28.650 MB, 16.97% gc time)

These timings pretty stability show this pattern. All of the methods were tried with parallelization and simd options with either no speedup or it being detrimental given the problem size. What this shows is that, out of the intuitive forms for solving these equations, the vectorized form was by far the fastest. The reason is that this is a highly vectorizable problem, whereas I discussed before the limitations that can cause vectorization to lose to devectorization.

But how does this fare against MATLAB? The “same” code was run in MATLAB (this is from iFEM, an optimized library Professor Long Chen) which gives the results:

tic; assemblingstandard(node,elem); toc;
tic; assemblingsparse(node,elem); toc;
tic; assembling(node,elem); toc;
Elapsed time is 0.874919 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.698763 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.020453 seconds.

To ensure the time difference between the vectorized versions, we had both problems solve it in a loop:

@time for i = 1:1000
 9.312876 seconds (821.25 k allocations: 27.980 GB, 21.32% gc time)


   for i=1:1000 assembling(node,elem); 
Elapsed time is 19.221982 seconds.

Thus, in line with what this coder found with R, the vectorized code ran more than twice as fast in Julia.

The Julia Optimization Mentality

This was a fun little exercise because I had no idea how it would turn out. Quite frankly, when I started I thought MATLAB would slightly edge out Julia when running such vectorized code. However, Julia continues to impress me. The only major problem that I had this time around was finding out to use the vec() function to deal with “1-dimensional matrices”, but once that was found I was able to get Julia to be faster than MATLAB, even though I know much more about MATLAB and this package itself is quite well optimized.

I think I should end on why I find the Julia philosophy compelling for scientific computing. The idea is not that “you have to devectorize to get the best code”, though there are situations where doing so can dramatically increase your speed. The idea is that you don’t have to contort yourself to vectorization to make everything work. In MATLAB, R, and Python, you have to vectorize in order to make your code to ever finish. That is not the case in Julia. Here, just write the code that seems natural and it will do really well. In this case, vectorized code was natural, and as you could see we got something that was even faster. To do better in MATLAB, we would at this stage have to start writing C/MEX code. In Julia, we could expand out the loops, play with adding SIMD calls, caching, etc. directly in the Julia language.

For scientific computing where we just want code that’s good enough to work, you can see it’s easier to get there with Julia. If you need to optimize it to be part of a library, you can optimize and devectorize it within Julia without having to go to C (many times by just adding macros throughout your code). Will it be as fast as C? No, but many tests show that you’ll at least get within a factor of two so, for almost every case, you might as well just code it in Julia and move on. Each blog post I do I am getting more and more converted!

The post Julia iFEM 2: Optimizing Stiffness Matrix Assembly appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.

Julia iFEM1: Porting Mesh Generation

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from: http://www.stochasticlifestyle.com/julia-ifem-1-mesh-generation-and-julias-type-system/

My first project on the quest for a Julia finite element method is a simple homework problem. Just some background, this is for UC Irvine’s graduate Computational PDEs 226B course where in the first quarter we did all sorts of finite difference methods and now is our first foray into finite element methods. The purpose of the project is to grasp the data structure enough to use simple tools (i.e. mesh creation and plotting) to create a finite element solver for Poisson’s equation in 2D and check the performance differences. For those who haven’t programmed much this is a great learning exercise, but being a pretty standard exercise the MATLAB code took no time to writeup and so I started thinking: how does Julia compare to MATLAB for solving simple PDEs with the finite element method?

Testing this would take a few steps. The code base is all in MATLAB, so there is a step of (partial) porting MATLAB to Julia. Then there is a fiasco as how to plot the data structures given that our display commands are different (i.e. is there a way to plot in Julia that’s almost exactly like MATLAB?). Then we have to optimize the Julia code and see how it fares against the MATLAB code. This post will focus on how I did the first two steps (and the problems I encountered), the last will be its own post later.

Semi-Porting to Julia: MATLAB.jl and number casting

The moment I looked at Julia code I was struck by how similar it looked to MATLAB code. The first part of the problem is to make a uniform square grid, which is easy enough to be just a few MATLAB commands, so my first response to porting it into Julia was to simply copy-paste it, find out what caused errors, and beat through the errors until it worked. So I downloaded the Julia+Juno IDE bundle and started hacking away at it. The first thing I noticed was the Julia did not have a command for meshgrid in its base library. However, not surprisingly enough people want this command that someone already implemented it and ndgrid. So I took that file and it played as a template for the syntax as well.

With meshgrid in hand, things went really smooth. Array dereferencing in Julia uses square brackets, so I had to go through and change X(:,1) to X[:,1] and the like, but that was easy enough. Another issue is that in MATLAB you can drop parts of the array using

t2nidxMap(topNode) = [];

whereas in Julia I used the deleteat function:

t2nidxMap = deleteat!(collect(t2nidxMap),collect(topNode));

You may be asking, what is that peculiar “collect” function? Well in Julia arrays defined by ranges (i.e. A=1:100) return a range object and not an array. In most cases it seems that they can be used just like an array (with better performance and less memory usage), but this seems like a case where they could not, and so the collect function builds the array from the range object. This gave me the code to make the square mesh as:

function squaremesh(square,h)
  #square = [x0 x1 y0 y1], h is stepsize
  x0 = square[1]; x1= square[2]
  y0 = square[3]; y1= square[4]
  x,y = meshgrid(x0:h:x1,y0:h:y1)
  node = [x[:] y[:]];
  ni = size(x,1); # number of rows
  N = size(node,1);
  t2nidxMap = 1:N-ni;
  topNode = ni:ni:N-ni;
  t2nidxMap = deleteat!(collect(t2nidxMap),collect(topNode))
  k = t2nidxMap;
  elem = [k+ni k+ni+1 k ; k+1 k k+ni+1]
  return node,elem

whereas the MATLAB code was

%% Generate nodes
x0 = square(1); x1 = square(2); 
y0 = square(3); y1 = square(4);
[x,y] = meshgrid(x0:h:x1,y0:h:y1);
node = [x(:),y(:)];
%% Generate elements
ni = size(x,1); % number of rows
N = size(node,1);
t2nidxMap = 1:N-ni;
topNode = ni:ni:N-ni;
t2nidxMap(topNode) = [];
k = (t2nidxMap)';
elem = [k+ni k+ni+1 k; k+1 k k+ni+1];

As you can see, porting that function over took just a few minutes and very few things changed. It would take less than a minute if I knew about the range and deleteat issues. In fact, for next many things I did in Julia, those (and square brackets) were really the only differences, other than the plots.

Plotting via matplotlib

The next part of the project is to plot the triangulation. The MATLAB code for the “showmesh” throws this directly into MATLAB’s trisurf function. Thus I Google’d Julia trisurf and the first hit was Julia’s PyPlot package. It didn’t tell me how to do it, but the package simply calls matplotlib, so I went over to the matplotlib page and and found their function conveniently named plot_trisurf. All I had to do was pick a better color scheme than the default and I was good to go. So while the MATLAB code called


to get the code on the project webpage, the Julia code called


to give me this nifty 3D plot which shows the triangalization:


Simple enough.

Getting lazy: MATLAB time?

Okay, things are pretty easy. Now we have to make a circle mesh. So I go into the code only to find that it calls a much larger MATLAB package for mesh generation. This is the part where most people give up on the new language: this part is done in MATLAB and looks like it would take more than the next 15 minutes to port… could I just call MATLAB? If you’ve ever dealt with MEX or similar things that “glue together languages”, you they are a mess. But I found the MATLAB.jl package so I decided to give it a try. The directions are dead simple: just stick the folder from the GitHub repository into the spot they tell you and you’re done. So I fire it up and… it didn’t work. But recall that in MATLAB numbers always promote to the highest state, i.e.


returns 9. We will return to this later when talking about efficiency, but the problem I was having boiled down this problem. All I had to do was pass in the same array explicitly telling it the numbers were floats by putting a . after it (i.e. 1 vs 1.) and all of the MATLAB codes worked. I was able to mix and matching generating meshes in Julia/MATLAB and plotting them in Julia/MATLAB. An example looks like this. Here I use the iFEM package functions and some of their Julia translations I described before, and mix and match calling them in Julia and MATLAB.

# Testing Square Mesh Generation
node,elem = squaremesh([0 1 0 1],.1)
# Testing MATLAB call
node2,elem2 = mxcall(:squaremesh,2,[0. 1. 0. 1.],.1) #Array has periods to turn to Float
# Testing MATLAB showmesh
mxcall(:showmesh,0,node,elem) #surpress return of function handle, cannot be saved STDIO for Julia return
# Testing Quadralateral showmesh
C = .5*zeros(length(node[:,1]),length(node[:,2]))
D = zeros(length(node[:,1]))
p = pcolormesh(node[:,1],node[:,2],C,edgecolor=D,cmap="ocean")
# Doing circle and refine via MATLAB, pyplot plotting
node,elem = mxcall(:circlemesh,2,0.,0.,1.,0.2)
node,elem = mxcall(:uniformrefine,2,node,elem)
## 3D Mesh Generation and Plotting
node3,elem3 = mxcall(:cubemesh,2,[0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1.],.25)

You notice that to do MATLAB calls you simply use mxcall, tell it the function (with a colon in front, in Julia this means you converted it to the symbol type), the number of outputs, and give it the inputs. Be careful about integer vs floating point problems and everything works.

Conclusion: Moving to Julia is dead simple, and you don’t have to move too fast

This really appealed to me in two ways. First of all, Julia’s syntax was very natural to pick up and within minutes I was fine. In fact, the only errors that were hard to diagnose were the ones due to MATLAB! That leads me to the second point, Julia’s language interfacing is so good that I didn’t even have to stray too far. If I wanted to use old MATLAB code, it took 2 minutes to get it setup and I was calling it from Julia. The same seems to be true for calling Python and calling R as well. Not only that, but using C and Fortran code is built right into the core of Julia and has the same syntax structure as mxcall (instead you use ccall), meaning it’s easier to use than MATLAB’s MEX interface. Julia melds together different languages so nicely that you can act like you have the packages of all of them! All of this ease of use comes down Julia’s type system, which I will start looking into in my next post.

So was it worth it? As of right now I can’t say that, but I can say it didn’t cost me more than 30 minutes to get up and running in Julia. But will it be better? We will look at Julia’s type system and performance next time.

The post Julia iFEM1: Porting Mesh Generation appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.

Why Julia’s DataFrames are Still Slow

By: John Myles White

Re-posted from: http://www.johnmyleswhite.com/notebook/2015/11/28/why-julias-dataframes-are-still-slow/


Although I’ve recently decided to take a break from working on OSS for a little while, I’m still as excited as ever about Julia as a language.

That said, I’m still unhappy with the performance of Julia’s core data analysis infrastructure. The performance of code that deals with missing values has been substantially improved thanks to the beta release of the NullableArrays package, which David Gold developed during this past Julia Summer of Code. But the DataFrames package is still a source of performance problems.

The goal of this post is to explain why Julia’s DataFrames are still unacceptably slow in many important use cases — and will remain slow even after the current dependency on the DataArrays package is replaced with a dependency on NullableArrays.

Problematic Interactions with Julia’s Compiler

The core problem with the DataFrames library is that a DataFrame is, at its core, a black-box container that could, in theory, contain objects of arbitrary types. In practice, a DataFrame contains highly constrained objects, but those constraints are (a) hard to express to the compiler and (b) still too weak to allow the compiler to produce the most efficient machine code.

The use of any black-box container creates the potential for performance problems in Julia because of the way that Julia’s compiler works. In particular, Julia’s compiler is able to execute code quickly because it can generate custom machine code for every function call — and this custom machine code is specialized for the specific run-time types of the function’s arguments.

This run-time generation of custom machine code is called specialization. When working with black-box containers, Julia’s approach to specialization is not used to full effect because machine code specialization based on run-time types only occurs at function call sites. If you access objects from a black-box container and then perform extended computations on the results, those computations will not be fully specialized because there is no function call between (a) the moment at which type uncertainty about the contents of the black-box container is removed and (b) the moment at which code that could benefit from type information is executed.

A Minimal Example

To see this concern in practice, consider the following minimal example of a hot loop being executed on values that are extracted from a black-box container:

function g1(black_box_container)
    x, y = black_box_container[1], black_box_container[2]
    n = length(x)
    s = 0.0
    for i in 1:n
        s += x[i] * y[i]
function hot_loop(x, y)
    n = length(x)
    s = 0.0
    for i in 1:n
        s += x[i] * y[i]
function g2(black_box_container)
    x, y = black_box_container[1], black_box_container[2]
    hot_loop(x, y)
container = Any[randn(10_000_000), randn(10_000_000)];
@time g1(container)
# 2.258571 seconds (70.00 M allocations: 1.192 GB, 5.03% gc time)
@time g2(container)
# 0.015286 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)

g1 is approximately 150x slower than g2 on my machine. But g2 is, at a certain level of abstraction, exactly equivalent to g1 — the only difference is that the hot loop in g1 has been put inside of a function call. To convince yourself that the function call boundary is the only important difference between these two functions, consider the following variation of g2 and hot_loop:

@inline function hot_loop_alternative(x, y)
    n = length(x)
    s = 0.0
    for i in 1:n
        s += x[i] * y[i]
function g3(black_box_container)
    x, y = black_box_container[1], black_box_container[2]
    hot_loop_alternative(x, y)
@time g1(container)
# 2.290116 seconds (70.00 M allocations: 1.192 GB, 4.90% gc time)
@time g2(container)
# 0.017835 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)
@time g3(container)
# 2.250301 seconds (70.00 M allocations: 1.192 GB, 5.08% gc time)

On my system, forcing the hot loop code to be inlined removes all of the performance difference between g1 and g2. Somewhat ironically, by inlining the hot loop, we’ve prevented the compiler from generating machine code that’s specialized on the types of the x and y values we pull out of our black_box_container. Inlining removes a function call site — and function call sites are the only times when machine code can be fully specialized based on run-time type information.

This problem is the core issue that needs to be resolved to make Julia’s DataFrames as efficient as they should be. Below I outline three potential solutions to this problem. I do not claim that these three are the only solutions; I offer them only to illustrate important issues that need to be addressed.

Potential Solutions to the Under-Specialization Problem

One possible solution to the problem of under-specialization is to change Julia’s compiler. I think that work on that front could be very effective, but the introduction of specialization strategies beyond Julia’s current "specialize at function call sites" would make Julia’s compiler much more complex — and could, in theory, make some code slower if the compiler were to spend more time performing compilation and less time performing the actual computations that a user wants to perform.

A second possible solution is to generate custom DataFrame types for every distinct DataFrame object. This could convert DataFrames from black-box containers that contain objects of arbitrary type into fully typed containers that can only contain objects of types that are fully known to the compiler.

The danger with this strategy is that you could generate an excessively large number of different specializations — which would again run the risk of spending more time inside the compiler than inside of the code you actually want to execute. It could also create excessive memory pressure as an increasing number of specialized code paths are stored in memory. Despite these concerns, a more aggressively typed DataFrame might be a powerful tool for doing data analysis.

The last possible solution I know of is the introduction of a high-level API that ensures that operations on DataFrames always reduce down to operations on objects whose types are known when hot loops execute. This is essentially the computational model used in traditional databases: take in a SQL specification of a computation, make use of knowledge about the data actually stored in existing tables to formulate an optimized plan for performing that computation, and then perform that optimized computation.

I think this third option is the best because it will also solve another problem Julia’s data infrastructure will hit eventually: the creation of code that is insufficiently generic and not portable to other backends. If people learn to write code that only works efficiently for a specific implementation of DataFrames, then their code will likely not work when they try to apply it to data stored in alternative backends (e.g. traditional databases). This would trap users into data structures that may not suit their needs. The introduction of a layer of appropriate abstractions (as in dplyr) would resolve both issues at once.


  • Making Julia’s DataFrames better is still a work-in-progress.
  • The core issue is still the usage of data structures that are not amenable to Julia’s type inference machinery. One of the two main issues is now resolved; another must be addressed before things function smoothly.
  • Several solutions to this remaining are possible; we will probably see one or more of these solutions gain traction in the near-term future.