Tag Archives: Programming

Video Blog: Developing and Editing Julia Packages

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from: http://www.stochasticlifestyle.com/video-blog-developing-editing-julia-packages/

Google Summer of Code is starting up, so I thought it would be a good time to share my workflow for developing my own Julia packages, as well as my workflow for contributing to other Julia packages. This does not assume familiarity with commandline Git, and instead shows you how to use a GUI (GitKraken) to make branches and PRs, as well as reviewing and merging code. You can think of it as an update to my old blog post on package development in Julia. However, this is not only updated but also improved since I am now able to walk through the “non-code” parts of package developing (such as setting up AppVeyor and code coverage).

Enjoy! (I quite like this video blog format: it was a lot less work)

The post Video Blog: Developing and Editing Julia Packages appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.

Using pipes while running external programs in Julia

Recently I was using Julia to run ffprobe to get the length of a video file. The trouble was the ffprobe was dumping its output to stderr and I wanted to take that output and run it through grep. From a bash shell one would typically run:

ffprobe somefile.mkv 2>&1 |grep Duration

This would result in an output like

 Duration: 00:04:44.94, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 128 kb/s

This works because we used 2>&1 to redirect stderr to stdout which would in be piped to grep.

If you were try to run this in Julia

julia> run(`ffprobe somefile.mkv 2>&1 |grep Duration`)

you will get errors. Julia does not like pipes | inside the backticks command (for very sensible reasons). Instead you should be using Julia’s pipeline command. Also the redirection 2>&1 will not work. So instead, the best thing to use is and instance of Pipe. This was not in the manual. I stumbled upon it in an issue discussion on GitHub. So a good why to do what I am after is to run.

julia> p=Pipe()
Pipe(uninit => uninit, 0 bytes waiting)
julia> run(pipeline(`ffprobe -i  somefile.mkv`,stderr=p))

This would create a pipe object p that is then used to capture stderr after the execution of the command. Next we need to close the input end of the pipe.

julia> close(p.in)

Finally we can use the pipe with grep to filter the output.

julia> readstring(pipeline(p,`grep Duration`))
"  Duration: 00:04:44.94, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 128 kb/s\n"

We can then do a little regex magic to get the duration we are after.

julia> matchall(r"(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{2})",ans)[1]