Julia’s Parallel Processing

By: Great Lakes Consulting

Re-posted from: https://blog.glcs.io/parallel-processing

Julia is a relatively new,free, and open-source programming language.It has a syntaxsimilar to that of other popular programming languagessuch as MATLAB and Python,but it boasts being able to achieve C-like speeds.

While serial Julia code can be fast,sometimes even more speed is desired.In many cases,writing parallel codecan further reduce run time.Parallel code takes advantageof the multiple CPU coresincluded in modern computers,allowing multiple computationsto run at the same time,or in parallel.

Julia provides two methodsfor writing parallel CPU code:multi-threading and distributed computing.This post will coverthe basics ofhow to use these two methodsof parallel processing.

This post assumes you already have Julia installed.If you haven’t yet,check out our earlierpost on how to install Julia.


First, let’s learn about multi-threading.

To enable multi-threading,you must start Julia in one of two ways:

  1. Set the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADSto the number of threads Julia should use,and then start Julia.For example, JULIA_NUM_THREADS=4.
  2. Run Julia with the --threads (or -t) command line argument.For example, julia --threads 4 or julia -t 4.

After starting Julia(either with or without specifying the number of threads),the Threads module will be loaded.We can check the number of threads Julia has available:

julia> Threads.nthreads()4

The simplest wayto start writing parallel codeis just to use the Threads.@threads macro.Inserting this macro before a for loopwill cause the iterations of the loopto be split across the available threads,which will then operate in parallel.For example:

Threads.@threads for i = 1:10    func(i)end

Without Threads.@threads,first func(1) will run,then func(2), and so on.With the macro,and assuming we started Julia with four threads,first func(1), func(4), func(7), and func(9)will run in parallel.Then,when a thread’s iteration finishes,it will start another iteration(assuming the loop is not done yet),regardless of whether the other threadshave finished their iterations yet.Therefore,this loop will theoretically finish 10 iterationsin the time it takes a single thread to do 3.

Note that Threads.@threads is blocking,meaning code after the threaded for loopwill not run until the loop has finished.

Image of threaded for loop

Julia also provides another macro for multi-threading:Threads.@spawn.This macro is more flexible than Threads.@threadsbecause it can be used to run any codeon a thread,not just for loops.But let’s illustrate how to use Threads.@spawnby implementing the behavior of Threads.@threads:

# Function for splitting up `x` as evenly as possible# across `np` partitions.function partition(x, np)    (len, rem) = divrem(length(x), np)    Base.Generator(1:np) do p        i1 = firstindex(x) + (p - 1) * len        i2 = i1 + len - 1        if p <= rem            i1 += p - 1            i2 += p        else            i1 += rem            i2 += rem        end        chunk = x[i1:i2]    endendN = 10chunks = partition(1:10, Threads.nthreads())tasks = map(chunks) do chunk    Threads.@spawn for i in chunk        func(i)    endendwait.(tasks)

Let’s walk through this code,assuming Threads.nthreads() == 4:

  • First, we split the 10 iterationsevenly across the 4 threadsusing partition.So, chunks ends up being[1:3, 4:6, 7:8, 9:10].(We could have hard-coded the partitioning,but now you have a nice partition functionthat can work with more complicated partitionings!)
  • Then, for each chunk,we create a Task via Threads.@spawnthat will call funcon each element of the chunk.This Task will be scheduledto run on an available thread.tasks contains a referenceto each of these spawned Tasks.
  • Finally, we wait for the Tasks to finishwith the wait function.

To reemphasize, note that Threads.@spawn creates a Task;it does not wait for the task to run.As such, it is non-blocking,and program execution continuesas soon as the Task is returned.The code wrapped in the taskwill also run, but in parallel, on a separate thread.This behavior is illustrated below:

julia> Threads.@spawn (sleep(2); println("Spawned task finished"))Task (runnable) @0x00007fdd4b10dc30julia> 1 + 1 # This code executes without waiting for the above task to finish2julia> Spawned task finished # Prints 2 seconds after spawning the above taskjulia>

Spawned tasks can also return data.While wait just waits for a task to finish,fetch waits for a taskand then obtains the result:

julia> task = Threads.@spawn (sleep(2); 1 + 1)Task (runnable) @0x00007fdd4a5e28b0julia> fetch(task)2

Thread Safety

When using multi-threading,memory is shared across threads.If a thread writes to a memory locationthat is written to or read from another thread,that will lead to a race conditionwith unpredictable results.To illustrate:

julia> s = 0;julia> Threads.@threads for i = 1:1000000           global s += i       endjulia> s19566554653 # Should be 500000500000

Race condition

There are two methods we can useto avoid the race condition.The first involves using a lock:

julia> s = 0; l = ReentrantLock();julia> Threads.@threads for i = 1:1000000           lock(l) do               global s += i           end       endjulia> s500000500000

In this case,the addition can only occuron a given threadonce that thread holds the lock.If a thread does not hold the lock,it must wait for whatever thread controls itto release the lockbefore it can run the codewithin the lock block.

Using a lock in this exampleis suboptimal, however,as it eliminates all parallelismbecause only one thread can hold the lockat any given moment.(In other examples, however,using a lock works great,particularly when only a small portionof the code depends on the lock.)

The other way to eliminate the race conditionis to use task-local buffers:

julia> s = 0; chunks = partition(1:1000000, Threads.nthreads());julia> tasks = map(chunks) do chunk           Threads.@spawn begin               x = 0               for i in chunk                   x += i               end               x           end       end;julia> thread_sums = fetch.(tasks);julia> for i in thread_sums           s += i       endjulia> s500000500000

In this example,each spawned task has its own xthat stores the sumof the values just in the task’s chunk of data.In particular,none of the tasks modify s.Then, once each task has computed its sum,the intermediate values are summedand stored in sin a single-threaded manner.

Using task-local buffersworks better for this examplethan using a lockbecause most of the parallelism is preserved.

(Note that it used to be advisedto manage task-local buffersusing the threadid function.However, doing so does not guaranteeeach task uses its own buffer.Therefore, the method demonstrated in the above exampleis now advised.)

Packages for Quickly Utilizing Multi-Threading

In addition to writing your own multi-threaded code,there exist packages that utilize multi-threading.Two such examples are ThreadsX.jl and ThreadTools.jl.

ThreadsX.jl provides multi-threaded implementationsof several common functionssuch as sum and sort,while ThreadTools.jl provides tmap,a multi-threaded version of map.

These packages can be greatfor quickly boosting performancewithout having to figure out multi-threadingon your own.

Distributed Computing

Besides multi-threading,Julia also provides for distributed computing,or splitting work across multiple Julia processes.

There are two ways to start multiple Julia processes:

  1. Load the Distributed standard library packagewith using Distributedand then use addprocs.For example, addprocs(2)to add two additional Julia processes(for a total of three).
  2. Run Julia with the -p command line argument.For example, julia -p 2to start Julia with three total Julia processes.(Note that running Julia with -pwill implicitly load Distributed.)

Added processes are known as worker processes,while the original process is the main process.Each process has an id:the main process has id 1,and worker processes have id 2, 3, etc.

By default,code runs on the main process.To run code on a worker,we need to explicitly give code to that worker.We can do so with remotecall_fetch,which takes as inputsa function to run,the process id to run the function on,and the input arguments and keyword argumentsthe function needs.Here are some examples:

# Create a zero-argument anonymous function to run on worker 2.julia> remotecall_fetch(2) do           println("Done")       end      From worker 2:    Done# Create a two-argument anonymous function to run on worker 2.julia> remotecall_fetch((a, b) -> a + b, 2, 1, 2)3# Run `sum([1 3; 2 4]; dims = 1)` on worker 3.julia> remotecall_fetch(sum, 3, [1 3; 2 4]; dims = 1)1x2 Matrix{Int64}: 3  7

If you don’t need to wait for the result immediately,use remotecall instead of remotecall_fetch.This will create a Futurethat you can later wait on or fetch(similarly to a Task spawned with Threads.@spawn).

Super computer

Separate Memory Spaces

One significant differencebetween multi-threading and distributed processingis that memory is shared in multi-threading,while each distributed processhas its own separate memory space.This has several important implications:

  • To use a package on a given worker,it must be loaded on that worker,not just on the main process.To illustrate:

    julia> using LinearAlgebrajulia> IUniformScaling{Bool}true*Ijulia> remotecall_fetch(() -> I, 2)ERROR: On worker 2:UndefVarError: `I` not defined

    To avoid the error,we could use @everywhere using LinearAlgebrato load LinearAlgebra on all processes.

  • Similarly to the previous point,functions defined on one processare not available on other processes.Prepend a function definition with @everywhereto allow using the function on all processes:

    julia> @everywhere function myadd(a, b)           a + b       end;julia> myadd(1, 2)3# This would error without `@everywhere` above.julia> remotecall_fetch(myadd, 2, 3, 4)7
  • Global variables are not shared,even if defined everywhere with @everywhere:

    julia> @everywhere x = [0];julia> remotecall_fetch(2) do           x[1] = 2       end;# `x` was modified on worker 2.julia> remotecall_fetch(() -> x, 2)1-element Vector{Int64}: 2# `x` was not modified on worker 3.julia> remotecall_fetch(() -> x, 3)1-element Vector{Int64}: 0

    If needed,an array of data can be sharedacross processesby using a SharedArray,provided by the SharedArrays standard library package:

    julia> @everywhere using SharedArrays# We don't need `@everywhere` when defining a `SharedArray`.julia> x = SharedArray{Int,1}(1)1-element SharedVector{Int64}: 0julia> remotecall_fetch(2) do           x[1] = 2       end;julia> remotecall_fetch(() -> x, 2)1-element SharedVector{Int64}: 2julia> remotecall_fetch(() -> x, 3)1-element SharedVector{Int64}: 2

Now, a note about command line arguments.When adding worker processes with -p,those processes are spawnedwith the same command line argumentsas the main Julia process.With addprocs, however,each of those added processesare started with no command line arguments.Below is an example of where this behaviormight cause some confusion:

$ JULIA_NUM_THREADS=4 julia --banner=no -t 1julia> Threads.nthreads()1julia> using Distributedjulia> addprocs(1);julia> remotecall_fetch(Threads.nthreads, 2)4

In this situation, we have the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS(for example, because normally we run Julia with four threads).But in this particular casewe want to run Julia with just one thread,so we set -t 1.Then we add a process,but it turns out that processhas four threads, not one!This is because the environment variable was set,but no command line arguments were givento the added process.To use just one threadfor the added process,we would need to use the exeflags keyword argumentto addprocs:

addprocs(1; exeflags = ["-t 1"])

As a final note, if needed,processes can be removedwith rmprocs,which removes the processesassociated with the provided worker ids.


In this post,we have provided an introductionto parallel processing in Julia.We discussed the basicsof both multi-threading and distributed computing,how to use them in Julia,and some things to watch out for.

As a parting piece of advice,when choosing whether to use multi-threading or distributed processing,choose multi-threadingunless you have a specific needfor multiple processes with distinct memory spaces.Multi-threading has lower overheadand generally is easier to use.

How do you use parallel processing in your code?Let us know in the comments below!

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What to do when you are stuck with Julia?

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from: https://bkamins.github.io/julialang/2024/01/12/rgg.html


Today I decided to write about code refactoring in Julia.
This is a topic that is, in my experience, a quite big advantage of this language.

A common situation you are faced with when writing your code is as follows.
You need some functionality in your program and it is available in some library.
However, what the library provides does not meet your expectations.
Since in Julia most packages are written in Julia under MIT license, it is easy to solve this issue.
You just take the source code and modify it.

Today I want to show you a practical example of such a situation I have had this week
when working with the Graphs.jl package.

The post was written using Julia 1.10.0, BenchmarkTools.jl 1.4.0, and Graphs.jl 1.9.0.

The problem

In my work I needed to generate random geometric graphs.
This is a simple random graph model that works as follows
(here I describe a general idea, for details please check the
Wikipedia entry on random geometric graphs).
To generate a graph on N vertices you first drop N random points
in some metric space. Next you connect two points with an edge
if their distance is less than some pre-specified distance.

The Graphs.jl library provides the euclidean_graph function
that generates such graphs. Here is a summary of its docstring:

euclidean_graph(N, d; rng=nothing, seed=nothing, L=1., p=2., cutoff=-1., bc=:open)

Generate N uniformly distributed points in the box [0,L]^{d}
and return a Euclidean graph, a map containing the distance on each
edge and a matrix with the points' positions.

An edge between vertices x[i] and x[j] is inserted if norm(x[i]-x[j], p) < cutoff.
In case of negative cutoff instead every edge is inserted.
Set bc=:periodic to impose periodic boundary conditions in the box [0,L]^d.

So what is the problem with this function? Unfortunately it is slow.
Let us, for example check how long it takes to compute an average degree
of a node in such a graph with n nodes and cutoff=sqrt(10/n), when setting
bc=:periodic (periodic boundary, i.e. distance is measured on a torus) for two-dimensional space.

julia> using Graphs

julia> for n in 1_000:1_000:10_000
           println(@time ne(euclidean_graph(n, 2; cutoff=sqrt(10/n), bc=:periodic, seed=1)[1])/n)
  0.091657 seconds (2.50 M allocations: 193.170 MiB, 14.06% gc time)
  0.300285 seconds (10.00 M allocations: 765.801 MiB, 12.59% gc time)
  0.686230 seconds (22.50 M allocations: 1.686 GiB, 12.47% gc time)
  1.175881 seconds (40.00 M allocations: 2.990 GiB, 10.97% gc time)
  1.800561 seconds (62.50 M allocations: 4.666 GiB, 10.76% gc time)
  2.697535 seconds (90.00 M allocations: 6.716 GiB, 14.76% gc time)
  3.690599 seconds (122.50 M allocations: 9.138 GiB, 13.28% gc time)
  4.745701 seconds (160.00 M allocations: 11.932 GiB, 13.53% gc time)
  5.962431 seconds (202.51 M allocations: 15.099 GiB, 12.70% gc time)
  7.195257 seconds (250.01 M allocations: 18.638 GiB, 11.42% gc time)

We can see that the euclidean_graph function scales badly with n.
Note that by choosing cutoff=sqrt(10/n) we have a roughly constant
average degree, so the number of edges generates scales linearly, but
the generation time seems to grow much faster.

The investigation

To find out the source of the problem we can investigate the source
of euclidean_graph, which consists of two methods:

function euclidean_graph(
    rng = rng_from_rng_or_seed(rng, seed)
    points = rmul!(rand(rng, d, N), L)
    return (euclidean_graph(points; L=L, kws...)..., points)

function euclidean_graph(points::Matrix; L=1.0, p=2.0, cutoff=-1.0, bc=:open)
    d, N = size(points)
    weights = Dict{SimpleEdge{Int},Float64}()
    cutoff < 0.0 && (cutoff = typemax(Float64))
    if bc == :periodic
        maximum(points) > L && throw(
            DomainError(maximum(points), "Some points are outside the box of size $L")
    for i in 1:N
        for j in (i + 1):N
            if bc == :open
                Δ = points[:, i] - points[:, j]
            elseif bc == :periodic
                Δ = abs.(points[:, i] - points[:, j])
                Δ = min.(L .- Δ, Δ)
                throw(ArgumentError("$bc is not a valid boundary condition"))
            dist = norm(Δ, p)
            if dist < cutoff
                e = SimpleEdge(i, j)
                weights[e] = dist
    g = Graphs.SimpleGraphs._SimpleGraphFromIterator(keys(weights), Int)
    if nv(g) < N
        add_vertices!(g, N - nv(g))
    return g, weights

The beauty of Julia is that this source is written in Julia and is pretty short.
It immediately allows us to pinpoint the source of our problems. The core of we work
is done in a double-loop iterating over i and j indices. So the complexity of this
algorithm is quadratic in number of vertices.

Fixing the problem

The second beauty of Julia is that we can easily fix this. The idea can be found in
the Wikipedia entry on random geometric graphs in the algorithms section

A simple way to improve the performance of the algorithm is to notice that if
you know L and cutoff you can partition the space into equal sized cells
having side length floor(Int, L / cutoff). Now you see that if you have a vertex
in some cell then it can be connected only to nodes in the same cell or cells directly
adjacent to it (the cells that are more far away contain the points that must be farther
than cutoff from our point). This means that we will have a much lower number of points
to consider. Below I show a code that is a modification of the original source that
adds this feature. The key added function is to_buckets which computes the bucket
identifier for each vertex and creates a dictionary that is a mapping from bucked
identifier to a vector of node numbers that fall into it:

using LinearAlgebra
using Random

function euclidean_graph2(
    rng = Graphs.rng_from_rng_or_seed(rng, seed)
    points = rmul!(rand(rng, d, N), L)
    return (euclidean_graph2(points; L=L, kws...)..., points)

function to_buckets(points::Matrix, L, cutoff)
    d, N = size(points)
    dimlen = max(floor(Int, L / max(cutoff, eps())), 1)
    buckets = Dict{Vector{Int}, Vector{Int}}()
    for (i, point) in enumerate(eachcol(points))
        bucket = floor.(Int, point .* dimlen ./ L)
        push!(get!(() -> Int[], buckets, bucket), i)
    return buckets, dimlen

function euclidean_graph2(points::Matrix; L=1.0, p=2.0, cutoff=-1.0, bc=:open)
    d, N = size(points)
    weights = Dict{Graphs.SimpleEdge{Int},Float64}()
    cutoff < 0.0 && (cutoff = typemax(Float64))
    if bc == :periodic
        maximum(points) > L && throw(
            DomainError(maximum(points), "Some points are outside the box of size $L")
    buckets, dimlen = to_buckets(points, L, cutoff)
    deltas = collect(Iterators.product((-1:1 for _ in 1:size(points, 1))...))
    void = Int[]
    for (k1, v1) in pairs(buckets)
        for i in v1
            for d in deltas
                k2 = bc == :periodic ? mod.(k1 .+ d, dimlen) : k2 = k1 .+ d
                v2 = get(buckets, k2, void)
                for j in v2
                    i < j || continue
                    if bc == :open
                        Δ = points[:, i] - points[:, j]
                    elseif bc == :periodic
                        Δ = abs.(points[:, i] - points[:, j])
                        Δ = min.(L .- Δ, Δ)
                        throw(ArgumentError("$bc is not a valid boundary condition"))
                    dist = norm(Δ, p)
                    if dist < cutoff
                        e = Graphs.SimpleEdge(i, j)
                        weights[e] = dist

    g = Graphs.SimpleGraphs._SimpleGraphFromIterator(keys(weights), Int)
    if nv(g) < N
        add_vertices!(g, N - nv(g))
    return g, weights

Note that it took less than 30 lines of code to add the requested feature to the code.

Performance of the improved code

Let us test our new code:

julia> for n in 1_000:1_000:10_000
           println(@time ne(euclidean_graph2(n, 2; cutoff=sqrt(10/n), bc=:periodic, seed=1)[1])/n)
  0.017221 seconds (274.10 k allocations: 21.751 MiB, 22.15% gc time)
  0.022855 seconds (558.52 k allocations: 42.289 MiB, 10.43% gc time)
  0.032693 seconds (852.46 k allocations: 69.684 MiB, 8.52% gc time)
  0.043141 seconds (1.10 M allocations: 87.196 MiB, 14.73% gc time)
  0.071273 seconds (1.41 M allocations: 109.725 MiB, 7.67% gc time)
  0.068194 seconds (1.70 M allocations: 130.828 MiB, 12.54% gc time)
  0.071277 seconds (1.98 M allocations: 150.712 MiB, 11.85% gc time)
  0.081463 seconds (2.24 M allocations: 169.153 MiB, 10.67% gc time)
  0.099957 seconds (2.48 M allocations: 186.492 MiB, 8.08% gc time)
  0.148573 seconds (2.84 M allocations: 213.214 MiB, 18.37% gc time)

We seem to get what we wanted. Our computation time looks to scale quite well.
Also the obtained average degree numbers are identical to the original ones.

Let us compare the performance on an even larger graph:

julia> n = 100_000;

julia> @time ne(euclidean_graph(n, 2; cutoff=sqrt(10/n), bc=:periodic, seed=1)[1])/n
908.976252 seconds (25.00 G allocations: 1.819 TiB, 11.64% gc time, 0.00% compilation time)

julia> julia> @time ne(euclidean_graph2(n, 2; cutoff=sqrt(10/n), bc=:periodic, seed=1)[1])/n
  1.640495 seconds (27.53 M allocations: 2.121 GiB, 19.83% gc time)

Indeed we see that the timing of the original implementation becomes prohibitive for
larger graphs.

Making sure things are correct

Before we finish there is one important task we need to make. We should check if
indeed the euclidean_graph2 function produces the same results as euclidean_graph.
This is easy to test with the following randomized test:

julia> using Test

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> @time for i in 1:1000
           N = rand(10:500)
           d = rand(1:5)
           L = rand()
           p = 3*rand()
           cutoff = rand() * L / 4
           bc = rand([:open, :periodic])
           seed = rand(UInt32)
           @test euclidean_graph(N, d; L, p, cutoff, bc, seed) ==
                 euclidean_graph2(N, d; L, p, cutoff, bc, seed)
 16.955773 seconds (275.09 M allocations: 20.342 GiB, 12.27% gc time)

We have tested 1000 random setups of the experiments. In each of them both functions
returned the same results.


In my post I have shown you an example that one can easily tweak some package code to your needs.
In this case this was performance, but it can be equally well functionality.

I did not comment too much on the code itself, as it was a bit longer than usual, but let me
discuss as a closing remark one performance aspect of the code. In my to_buckets function I used
the get! function to populate the dictionary with a mutable default value (Int[] in that case).
You might wonder why I preferred to use an anonymous function instead of passing a default
as a third argument. The reason is number of allocations. Check this code:

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> function f1()
           d = Dict(1 => Int[])
           for i in 1:10^6
               get!(d, 1, Int[])
           return d
f1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function f2()
           d = Dict(1 => Int[])
           for i in 1:10^6
               get!(() -> Int[], d, 1)
           return d
f2 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @benchmark f1()
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 195 samples with 1 evaluation.
 Range (min … max):  19.961 ms … 45.328 ms  ┊ GC (min … max): 10.26% … 13.19%
 Time  (median):     23.962 ms              ┊ GC (median):    10.45%
 Time  (mean ± σ):   25.660 ms ±  5.050 ms  ┊ GC (mean ± σ):  12.27% ±  3.76%

    ▃▂▂█▃▃ ▃▂▃
  ▆▄██████▇███▇▆▄▄▇▄▄▁▃▆▄▃▅▄▅▄▄▄▃▄▃▁▃▃▁▁▁▃▃▃▃▃▃▁▃▁▁▃▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▁▃ ▃
  20 ms           Histogram: frequency by time        44.3 ms <

 Memory estimate: 61.04 MiB, allocs estimate: 1000005.

julia> @benchmark f2()
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 902 samples with 1 evaluation.
 Range (min … max):  4.564 ms … 11.178 ms  ┊ GC (min … max): 0.00% … 0.00%
 Time  (median):     5.149 ms              ┊ GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean ± σ):   5.526 ms ±  1.396 ms  ┊ GC (mean ± σ):  0.00% ± 0.00%

  █▅▄▄▃▃▄▅▆▄▁▁                                           ▃
  ██████████████▆▆▆▆▆▅▇▆▄▆▆▅▅▁▄▅▁▅▁▇▅▆▄▄▇▁▅▅▅▄▁▄▄▆▅▁▅▁▁▅▆██▅ █
  4.56 ms      Histogram: log(frequency) by time       10 ms <

 Memory estimate: 592 bytes, allocs estimate: 5.

As you can see f2 is much faster than f1 and does much less allocations. The issue
is that f1 allocates a fresh Int[] object in every iteration of the loop, while
f2 would allocate it only if get! does not hit a key that already exists in d
(and in our experiment I always queried for 1 which was present in d).

Build a Data-Rich Dashboard App on JuliaHub

By: Michael Bologna

Re-posted from: https://info.juliahub.com/blog/build-a-data-rich-dashboard-app-on-juliahub

Software Developers, scientists, R&D teams, and professionals across disciplines, all need a quick and easy way to build visualizations and dashboards that present their research findings to business stakeholders. JuliaHub now offers a swift and effective solution through a hosted web server, providing a platform to host web applications tailored for this purpose.