By: Dean Markwick's Blog -- Julia
Re-posted from:
I’ll show you how to calculate the ‘order flow imbalance’ and build a
high-frequency trading signal with the results. We’ll see if it is a
profitable strategy and how it might be useful as a market indicator.
A couple of months ago I attended the Oxford Math Finance seminar
where there was a presentation on order book dynamics to predict
short-term price direction. Nicholas Westray presented
Deep Order Flow Imbalance: Extracting Alpha at Multiple Horizons from the Limit Order Book. By
using deep learning they predict future price movements using common
neural network architectures such as the basic multi-layer perceptron
(MLP), Long Term Short Memory network (LSTM) and convolutional neural
networks (CNN). Combining all three networks types lets you extract
the strengths of each network:
- CNNs: Reduce frequency variations.
- The variations between each input reduce to some common
- The variations between each input reduce to some common
- LSTMs: Learn temporal structures
- How are the different inputs correlated with each other such as
autocorrelation structure.
- How are the different inputs correlated with each other such as
- MPLs: Universal approximators.
- An MLP can approximate any function.
A good reference for LSTM-CNN combinations is DeepLOB: Deep
Convolution Neural Networks for Limit Order Books
where they use this type of neural network to predict whether the
market is moving up or down.
The Deep Order Flow talk was an excellent overview of deep
learning concepts and described how there is a great overlap between
computer vision and the state of the order book. You can build an
“image” out of the different order book levels and pass this through
the neural networks. My main takeaway from the talk was the concept of
Order Flow Imbalance. This is a transformation that uses the order
book to build a feature to predict future returns.
I’ll show you how to calculate the order flow imbalance and see how
well it predicts future returns.
The Setup
I have a QuestDB database with the best bid and offer price and size
at those levels for BTCUSD from Coinbase over roughly 24 hours. To
read how I collected this data check out my previous post on
streaming data into QuestDB.
Julia easily connects to QuestDB using the LibPQ.jl
package. I also
load in the basic data manipulation packages and some statistics
modules to calculate the necessary values.
using LibPQ
using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta
using Plots
using Statistics, StatsBase
using CategoricalArrays
using Dates
using RollingFunctions
conn = LibPQ.Connection("""
Order flow imbalance is about the changing state of the order book. I
need to pull out the full best bid best offer table. Each row in this
table represents when the best price or size at the best price changed.
bbo = execute(conn,
FROM coinbase_bbo") |> DataFrame
I add the mid-price in too, as we will need it later.
bbo = @transform(bbo, mid = (:ask .+ :bid) / 2);
It is a big dataframe, but thankfully I’ve got enough RAM.
Calculating Order Flow Imbalance
Order flow imbalance represents the changes in supply and demand. With
each row one of the price or size at the best bid or ask changes which
corresponds to change in the supply or demand, even at a high
frequency level, of Bitcoin.
- Best bid or size at the best bid increase -> increase in demand.
- Best bid or size at the best bid decreases -> decrease in demand.
- Best ask decreases or size at the best ask increases -> increase
in supply. - Best ask increases or size at the best ask decreases ->
decrease in supply.
Mathematically we summarise these four effects at from time \(n-1\) to
\(n\) as:
\[e_n = I_{\{ P_n^B \geq P^B_{n-1} \}} q_n^B – I_\{ P_n^B \leq
P_{n-1}^B \} q_{n-1}^B – I_\{ P_n^A \leq P_{n-1}^A \}
q_n^A + I_\{ P_n^A \geq P_{n-1}^A \} q_{n-1}^A,\]
where \(P\) is the best price at the bid (\(P^B\)) or ask (\(P^A\)) and
\(q\) is the size at those prices.
Which might be a bit easier to read as Julia code:
e = Array{Float64}(undef, nrow(bbo))
fill!(e, 0)
for n in 2:nrow(bbo)
e[n] = ([n] >=[n-1]) * bbo.bidsize[n] -
([n] <=[n-1]) * bbo.bidsize[n-1] -
(bbo.ask[n] <= bbo.ask[n-1]) * bbo.asksize[n] +
(bbo.ask[n] >= bbo.ask[n-1]) * bbo.asksize[n-1]
bbo[!, :e] = e;
To produce an Order Flow Imbalance (OFI) value, you need to aggregate
\(e\) over some time-bucket. As this is a high-frequency problem I’m
choosing 1 second. We also add in the open and close price of the
buckets and the return across this bucket.
bbo = @transform(bbo, timestampfloor = floor.(:timestamp, Second(1)))
bbo_g = groupby(bbo, :timestampfloor)
modeldata = @combine(bbo_g, ofi = sum(:e), OpenPrice = first(:mid), ClosePrice = last(:mid), NTicks = length(:e))
modeldata = @transform(modeldata, OpenCloseReturn = 1e4*(log.(:ClosePrice) .- log.(:OpenPrice)))
modeldata = modeldata[2:(end-1), :]
first(modeldata, 5)
5 rows × 6 columns
timestampfloor | ofi | OpenPrice | ClosePrice | NTicks | OpenCloseReturn | |
DateTime | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Int64 | Float64 | |
1 | 2021-07-24T08:50:36 | 0.0753159 | 33655.1 | 33655.1 | 77 | 0.0 |
2 | 2021-07-24T08:50:37 | 4.44089e-16 | 33655.1 | 33655.1 | 47 | 0.0 |
3 | 2021-07-24T08:50:38 | 0.0 | 33655.1 | 33655.1 | 20 | 0.0 |
4 | 2021-07-24T08:50:39 | 3.05727 | 33655.1 | 33655.1 | 164 | 0.0 |
5 | 2021-07-24T08:50:40 | 2.40417 | 33655.1 | 33657.4 | 278 | 0.674467 |
Now we do the usual train/test split by selecting the first 70% of the
trainInds = collect(1:Int(floor(nrow(modeldata)*0.7)))
trainData = modeldata[trainInds, :]
testData = modeldata[Not(trainInds), :];
We are going to fit a basic linear regression using the OFI value as
the single predictor.
using GLM
ofiModel = lm(@formula(OpenCloseReturn ~ ofi), trainData)
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}
OpenCloseReturn ~ 1 + ofi
Coef. Std. Error t Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95%
(Intercept) -0.0181293 0.00231571 -7.83 <1e-14 -0.022668 -0.0135905
ofi 0.15439 0.000695685 221.92 <1e-99 0.153026 0.155753
We see a positive coefficient of 0.15 which is very significant.
A very high in-sample \(R^2\).
predsTrain = predict(ofiModel, trainData)
predsTest = predict(ofiModel, testData)
(mean(abs.(trainData.OpenCloseReturn .- predsTrain)),
mean(abs.(testData.OpenCloseReturn .- predsTest)))
(0.3490577385082666, 0.35318460250890665)
Comparable mean absolute error (MAE) across both train and test sets.
sst = sum((testData.OpenCloseReturn .- mean(testData.OpenCloseReturn)) .^2)
ssr = sum((predsTest .- mean(testData.OpenCloseReturn)) .^2)
An even better \(R^2\) in the test data
extrema.([predsTest, testData.OpenCloseReturn])
2-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}:
(-5.400295917229609, 5.285718311926791)
(-11.602503514716034, 11.46049286770534)
But doesn’t quite predict the largest or smallest values.
So overall:
- Comparable R2 and MAE values across the training and test sets.
- Positive coefficient indicates that values with high positive order flow imbalance will have a large positive return.
But, this all suffers from the cardinal sin of backtesting, we are using information from the future (the sum of the \(e\) values to form the OFI) to predict the past. By the time we know the OFI value, the close value has already happened! We need to be smarter if we want to make trading decisions based on this variable.
So whilst it doesn’t give us an actionable signal, we know that it can explain price moves, we know just have to reformulate our model and make sure there is no information leakage.
Building a Predictive Trading Signal
I now want to see if OFI can be used to predict future price
returns. First up, what do the OFI values look like and what
about if we take a rolling average?
Using the excellent RollingFunctions.jl
package we can calculate
the five-minute rolling average and compare it to the raw values.
xticks = collect(minimum(trainData.timestampfloor):Hour(4):maximum(trainData.timestampfloor))
xtickslabels = Dates.format.(xticks, dateformat"HH:MM")
ofiPlot = plot(trainData.timestampfloor, trainData.ofi, label = :none, title="OFI", xticks = (xticks, xtickslabels), fmt=:png)
ofi5minPlot = plot(trainData.timestampfloor, runmean(trainData.ofi, 60*5), title="OFI: 5 Minute Average", label=:none, xticks = (xticks, xtickslabels))
plot(ofiPlot, ofi5minPlot, fmt=:png)
It’s very spiky, but taking the rolling average smooths it out. To
scale the OFI values to a known range, I’ll perform the Z-score
transform using the rolling five-minute window of both the mean and
variance. We will also use the close to close returns rather than the
open-close returns of the previous model and make sure it is lagged
correctly to prevent information leakage.
modeldata = @transform(modeldata, ofi_5min_avg = runmean(:ofi, 60*5),
ofi_5min_var = runvar(:ofi, 60*5),
CloseCloseReturn = 1e4*[diff(log.(:ClosePrice)); NaN])
modeldata = @transform(modeldata, ofi_norm = (:ofi .- :ofi_5min_avg) ./ sqrt.(:ofi_5min_var))
modeldata[!, :CloseCloseReturnLag] = [NaN; modeldata.CloseCloseReturn[1:(end-1)]]
modeldata[1:7, [:ofi, :ofi_5min_avg, :ofi_5min_var, :ofi_norm, :OpenPrice, :ClosePrice, :CloseCloseReturn]]
7 rows × 7 columns
ofi | ofi_5min_avg | ofi_5min_var | ofi_norm | OpenPrice | ClosePrice | CloseCloseReturn | |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 0.0753159 | 0.0753159 | 0.0 | NaN | 33655.1 | 33655.1 | 0.0 |
2 | 4.44089e-16 | 0.037658 | 0.00283625 | -0.707107 | 33655.1 | 33655.1 | 0.0 |
3 | 0.0 | 0.0251053 | 0.00189083 | -0.57735 | 33655.1 | 33655.1 | 0.0 |
4 | 3.05727 | 0.783146 | 2.29977 | 1.49959 | 33655.1 | 33655.1 | 0.674467 |
5 | 2.40417 | 1.10735 | 2.25037 | 0.864473 | 33655.1 | 33657.4 | 1.97263 |
6 | 2.4536 | 1.33172 | 2.10236 | 0.773732 | 33657.4 | 33664.0 | 0.252492 |
7 | -2.33314 | 0.808173 | 3.67071 | -1.63959 | 33664.0 | 33664.9 | -0.531726 |
xticks = collect(minimum(modeldata.timestampfloor):Hour(4):maximum(modeldata.timestampfloor))
xtickslabels = Dates.format.(xticks, dateformat"HH:MM")
plot(modeldata.timestampfloor, modeldata.ofi_norm, label = "OFI Normalised", xticks = (xticks, xtickslabels), fmt=:png)
plot!(modeldata.timestampfloor, modeldata.ofi_5min_avg, label="OFI 5 minute Average")
The OFI values have been compressed from \((-50, 50)\) to \((-10,
10)\). From the average values we can see periods of positive and
negative regimes.
When building the model we split the data into a training and
testing sample, throwing away the early values where the was not
enough values for the rolling statistics to calculate.
We use a basic linear regression with just the normalised OFI value.
trainData = modeldata[(60*5):70000, :]
testData = modeldata[70001:(end-1), :]
ofiModel_predict = lm(@formula(CloseCloseReturn ~ ofi_norm), trainData)
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}
CloseCloseReturn ~ 1 + ofi_norm
Coef. Std. Error t Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95%
(Intercept) 0.0020086 0.00297527 0.68 0.4996 -0.00382293 0.00784014
ofi_norm 0.144358 0.00292666 49.33 <1e-99 0.138622 0.150094
A similar value in the coefficient compared to our previous model and
it remains statistically significant.
Unsurprisingly, a massive reduction on in-sample \(R^2\). A value of 3%
is not that bad, in the Deep Order Flow paper they achieve values of
around 1% but over a much larger dataset and across multiple
stocks. My 24 hours of Bitcoin data is much easier to predict.
returnPredictions = predict(ofiModel_predict, testData)
testData[!, :CloseClosePred] = returnPredictions
sst = sum((testData.CloseCloseReturn .- mean(testData.CloseCloseReturn)) .^2)
ssr = sum((testData.CloseClosePred .- mean(testData.CloseCloseReturn)) .^2)
The out-of-sample \(R^2\) is also around 3%, so not that bad really in
terms of overfitting. It looks like we’ve got a potential model on our
Does This Signal Make Money?
We can now go through a very basic backtest to see if this signal is
profitable to trade. This will all be done in pure Julia, without any
other packages.
Firstly, what happens if we go long every time the model predicts a
positive return and likewise go short if the model predicts a negative
return. This means simply taking the sign of the model prediction and
multiplying it by the observed returns will give us the returns of the
In short, this means if our model were to predict a positive return
for the next second, we would immediately buy at the close and be filled
at the closing price. We would then close out our position after the
second elapsed, again, getting filled at the next close to produce a
xticks = collect(minimum(testData.timestampfloor):Hour(4):maximum(testData.timestampfloor))
xtickslabels = Dates.format.(xticks, dateformat"HH:MM")
plot(testData.timestampfloor, cumsum(sign.(testData.CloseClosePred) .* testData.CloseCloseReturn),
label=:none, title = "Cummulative Return", fmt=:png, xticks = (xticks, xtickslabels))
Up and to the right as we would hope. So following this strategy would
make you money. Theoretically. But is it a good strategy? To measure
this we can calculate the Sharpe ratio, which is measuring the overall
profile of the returns compared to the volatility of the returns.
moneyReturns = sign.(testData.CloseClosePred) .* testData.CloseCloseReturn
mean(moneyReturns) ./ std(moneyReturns)
A Sharpe ratio of 0.12 if we are generous and round up. Anyone with
some experience in these strategies is probably having a good chuckle
right now, this value is terrible. At the very minimum, you would
like a value of 1, i.e. that your average return is greater than the
variance in returns, otherwise you are just looking at noise.
How many times did we correctly guess the direction of the market
though? This is the hit ratio of the strategy.
mean(abs.((sign.(testData.CloseClosePred) .* sign.(testData.CloseCloseReturn))))
So 53% of the time I was correct. 3% better than a coin toss, which is
good and shows there is a little bit of information in the OFI values
when predicting.
Does a Threshold Help?
Should we be more selective when we trade? What if we set a threshold and
only trade when our prediction is greater than that value. Plus the
same in the other direction. We can iterate through lots of potential
thresholds and see where the Sharpe ratios end up.
p = plot(ylabel = "Cummulative Returns", legend=:topleft, fmt=:png)
sharpes = []
hitratio = []
for thresh in 0.01:0.01:0.99
trades = sign.(testData.CloseClosePred) .* (abs.(testData.CloseClosePred) .> thresh)
newMoneyReturns = trades .* testData.CloseCloseReturn
sharpe = round(mean(newMoneyReturns) ./ std(newMoneyReturns), digits=2)
hr = mean(abs.((sign.(trades) .* sign.(testData.CloseCloseReturn))))
if mod(thresh, 0.2) == 0
plot!(p, testData.timestampfloor, cumsum(newMoneyReturns), label="$(thresh)", xticks = (xticks, xtickslabels))
push!(sharpes, sharpe)
push!(hitratio, hr)
The equity curves look worse with each higher threshold.
plot(0.01:0.01:0.99, sharpes, label=:none, title = "Sharpe vs Threshold", xlabel = "Threshold", ylabel = "Sharpe Ratio", fmt=:png)
A brief increase in Sharpe ratio if we set a small threshold, but
overall, steadily decreasing Sharpe ratios once we start trading
less. For such a simple and linear model this isn’t surprising, but
once you start chucking more variables and different modeling
approaches into the mix it can shed some light on what happens around
the different values.
Why you shouldn’t trade this model
So at the first glance, the OFI signal looks like a profitable
strategy. Now I will highlight why it isn’t in practice.
- Trading costs will eat you alive
I’ve not taken into account any slippage, probability of fill, or
anything that a real-world trading model would need to be
practical. As our analysis around the Sharpe ratio has shown, it wants
to trade as much as possible, which means transaction costs will just
destroy the return profile. With every trade, you will pay the full
bid-ask spread in a round trip to open and then close the trade.
- The Sharpe ratio is terrible
With a Sharpe ratio < 1 shows that there is not much actual
information in the trading pattern, it is getting lucky vs the actual
volatility in the market. Now, Sharpe ratios can get funky when we are
looking at such high-frequency data, hence why this bullet point is second to the trading costs.
- It has been trained on a tiny amount of data.
Needless to say, given that we are looking at seconds this dataset
could be much bigger and would give us greater confidence in the
actual results once expanded to a wider time frame of multiple days.
- I’ve probably missed something that blows this out of the water
Like everything I do, there is a strong possibility I’ve gone wrong
somewhere, forgotten a minus, ordered a time-series wrong, and various other errors.
How this model might be useful
- An overlay for a market-making algorithm
Making markets is about posting quotes where they will get filled and
collecting the bid-ask spread. Therefore, because our model appears to
be able to predict the direction fairly ok, you could use it to place
a quote where the market will be in one second, rather than where it
is now. This helps put your quote at the top of the queue if the
market does move in that direction. Secondly, if you are traded with
and need to hedge the position, you have an idea of how long to wait
to hedge. If the market is moving in your favour, then you can wait an
extra second to hedge and benefit from the move. Likewise, if this
model is predicting a move against your inventory position, then you
know to start aggressively quoting to minimise that move against.
- An execution algorithm
If you are potentially trading a large amount of bitcoin, then you
want to split your order up into lots of little orders. Using this
model you then know how aggressive or passive you should trade based on
where the market is predicted to move second by second. If the order
flow imbalance is trending positive, the market is going to go up, so
you want to increase your buying as not to miss out on the move and
again, if the market is predicted to move down, you’ll want to slow
down your buying so that you fully benefit from the lull.
Overall hopefully you now know more about order flow imbalance and how
it can somewhat explain returns. It also has some predictive power and
we use that to try and build a trading strategy around the signal.
We find that the Sharpe ratio of said strategy is poor and that
overall, using it as a trading signal on its own will not have you
retiring to the Bahamas.
This post has been another look at high-frequency finance and the
trials and tribulations around this type of data.