News features in DataFrames.jl 1.3: part 1

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

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A few days ago we have released DataFrames.jl 1.3.0.
In the coming weeks I will discuss new features introduced in this release.
Each post will be devoted to a single topic.

Today I start with performance improvement of aggregation of rows of a data
frame since recently a related interesting question was asked on Slack.

The post was written under Julia 1.7.0 and DataFrames.jl 1.3.0.

A typical scenario of row aggregation

Let us start with a square data frame that has 10,000 rows and columns.
In the following examples I will omit printing the computed output to reduce
the length of the post.

julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame(rand(10_000, 10_000), :auto);

Assume you want to compute the sum of values in each row of the data frame.

Here is a simple, but inefficient way to do it (I will run the @time macro
twice to show the times including compilation and after compilation):

julia> @time sum.(eachrow(df));
 29.653202 seconds (784.98 M allocations: 13.199 GiB, 5.93% gc time, 0.42% compilation time)

julia> @time sum.(eachrow(df));
 30.152483 seconds (784.69 M allocations: 13.183 GiB, 5.69% gc time)

Now let us use the select function to achieve the same:

julia> @time select(df, AsTable(:) => ByRow(sum));
  1.424650 seconds (4.62 M allocations: 274.349 MiB, 4.04% gc time, 96.05% compilation time)

julia> @time select(df, AsTable(:) => ByRow(sum));
  0.064406 seconds (19.66 k allocations: 1.140 MiB)

The performance improvement is significant.

Here is a list of functions for
which the fast path of aggregation is implemented for the form
AsTable(cols) => fun [=> destination] of the DataFrames.jl mini-language:

  • sum, ByRow(sum), ByRow(sum∘skipmissing);
  • length, ByRow(length), ByRow(length∘skipmissing);
  • mean, ByRow(mean), ByRow(mean∘skipmissing);
  • ByRow(var), ByRow(var∘skipmissing);
  • ByRow(std), ByRow(std∘skipmissing);
  • ByRow(median), ByRow(median∘skipmissing);
  • minimum, ByRow(minimum), ByRow(minimum∘skipmissing);
  • maximum, ByRow(maximum), ByRow(maximum∘skipmissing);
  • fun∘collect and ByRow(f∘collect) where f is any function.

You might be curious about the last form. The optimization is that if you have
any function f that takes a vector and makes its reduction it will be efficiently
executed when it is composed with combine. Let us use the extrema function
as an example:

julia> @time extrema.(eachrow(df));
 30.513559 seconds (884.87 M allocations: 14.683 GiB, 6.22% gc time, 0.27% compilation time)

julia> @time extrema.(eachrow(df));
 30.887099 seconds (884.69 M allocations: 14.673 GiB, 6.25% gc time)

julia> @time select(df, AsTable(:) => ByRow(extrema∘collect));
  1.984904 seconds (925.93 k allocations: 812.528 MiB, 1.19% gc time, 18.85% compilation time)

julia> @time select(df, AsTable(:) => ByRow(extrema∘collect));
  1.515307 seconds (49.17 k allocations: 764.989 MiB, 0.78% gc time)

Note that the collect part is important. If we have not used it the result
would be as follows:

julia> @time select(df, AsTable(:) => ByRow(extrema));
 58.041291 seconds (297.92 M allocations: 9.731 GiB, 0.95% gc time, 78.49% compilation time)

julia> @time select(df, AsTable(:) => ByRow(extrema));
 12.495241 seconds (295.00 M allocations: 9.617 GiB, 4.51% gc time)

What is the difference? With collect we are processing a vector, while without it
a NamedTuple is passed to extrema. The result gets computed, but, as you
can see in the output of @time the compilation time for the first call is huge,
and also after compilation it is faster to work with collect version.

A use-case from practice

The task recently asked on Slack is the following. We have again a data frame
that has 10,000 rows and columns, but this time we have 50% of missing values
randomly scattered in it. What we want to do is to fill missing values in each
row with row means of non-missing values.

Let us first generate the data frame (I start a fresh session again:

julia> using DataFrames

julia> using Statistics

julia> df = DataFrame(rand([1.0, missing], 10_000, 10_000), :auto) .* (1:10_000);

I first show you how I would have done this operation before DataFrames.jl 1.3
release if I wanted to avoid excessive memory allocation. First I make a vector
of columns of this data frame without copying them:

julia> cols = identity.(eachcol(df));

Note that I broadcast identity to make the element type of the cols vector concrete.

Now we compute a vector of of fill values for each row:

julia> @time fill_vals = [(mean(skipmissing(v[i] for v in cols))) for i in 1:nrow(df)];
  2.167842 seconds (178.27 k allocations: 8.515 MiB, 5.18% compilation time)

julia> @time fill_vals = [(mean(skipmissing(v[i] for v in cols))) for i in 1:nrow(df)];
  2.212677 seconds (160.38 k allocations: 7.513 MiB, 4.38% compilation time)

As you can see this step is quite fast. If we skipped the identity call things
would be slower:

julia> @time fill_vals = [(mean∘skipmissing)(v[i] for v in eachcol(df)) for i in 1:nrow(df)];
 16.641022 seconds (395.08 M allocations: 6.638 GiB, 6.65% gc time, 0.77% compilation time)

julia> @time fill_vals = [(mean∘skipmissing)(v[i] for v in eachcol(df)) for i in 1:nrow(df)];
 15.949596 seconds (395.07 M allocations: 6.637 GiB, 5.16% gc time, 0.78% compilation time)

If we just iterated rows things also would be even slower:

julia> @time fill_vals = (mean∘skipmissing).(eachrow(df));
 25.953399 seconds (634.99 M allocations: 10.218 GiB, 5.18% gc time, 0.51% compilation time)

julia> @time fill_vals = (mean∘skipmissing).(eachrow(df));
 25.739528 seconds (634.72 M allocations: 10.203 GiB, 4.91% gc time)

Now let us check how fast the select machinery we have just learned works:

julia> @time fill_vals = select(df, AsTable(:) => ByRow(mean∘skipmissing) => :fill_vals).fill_vals;
  1.773402 seconds (4.42 M allocations: 260.296 MiB, 3.73% gc time, 69.85% compilation time)

julia> @time fill_vals = select(df, AsTable(:) => ByRow(mean∘skipmissing) => :fill_vals).fill_vals;
  0.549109 seconds (19.66 k allocations: 1.217 MiB)

As a final step let us check the performance if we kept the data in a matrix instead
(I am not counting the cost of conversion of a data frame to a matrix here):

julia> mat = Matrix(df);

julia> @time (mean∘skipmissing).(eachrow(mat));
  1.581645 seconds (7 allocations: 468.906 KiB)

julia> @time (mean∘skipmissing).(eachrow(mat));
  1.547717 seconds (7 allocations: 468.906 KiB)

julia> mat2 = permutedims(mat);

julia> @time (mean∘skipmissing).(eachcol(mat2));
  0.689801 seconds (344.41 k allocations: 19.172 MiB, 19.95% compilation time)

julia> @time (mean∘skipmissing).(eachcol(mat2));
  0.553592 seconds (7 allocations: 468.906 KiB)

As you can see the performance of select is comparable to the performance
on a matrix when we work on columns (which means we perform the operation using
the fact that Julia uses column major storage of matrices).

To conclude the task we produce a new table with imputed values:

julia> @time coalesce.(df, fill_vals);
  0.989387 seconds (370.37 k allocations: 780.629 MiB, 5.10% gc time, 14.19% compilation time)

julia> @time coalesce.(df, fill_vals);
  0.842541 seconds (149.03 k allocations: 768.343 MiB, 4.01% gc time)

Before I finish let me comment how you could have filled missing values in
columns with means of columns:

julia> @time select(df, names(df) .=> (x -> coalesce.(x, mean(skipmissing(x)))), renamecols=false);
  1.192647 seconds (1.89 M allocations: 861.187 MiB, 7.53% gc time, 40.42% compilation time)

julia> @time select(df, names(df) .=> (x -> coalesce.(x, mean(skipmissing(x)))), renamecols=false);
  0.971668 seconds (1.29 M allocations: 826.755 MiB, 1.91% gc time, 21.57% compilation time)

Next week in the post I will discuss how you could have replaced names(df)
selector in the last expression with All() selector (and how it
is implemented).


In this post you have learned how to perform fast reductions over rows of
a data frame by using the new features of the mini-language implementation.
I have shown you that the implementation we have is quite efficient. Also since
we support the f∘collect composition it is quite extensible to any custom
reduction function that accepts vectors.