Julia In Excel

JuliaInXL is an extension to Microsoft® Excel® that brings the power of the Julia language and its ecosystem of packages to a familiar spreadsheet work environment. It is available within JuliaPro, the Julia distribution from Julia Computing.


JuliaInXL can be installed on a Windows desktop where Microsoft Excel and JuliaPro (v1.0.3.1 or higher) are available. To install the extension, open your JuliaPro IDE and execute following command in Julia:


This invocation will download the JuliaInXL windows installer and initiate the installation, at which point you will be presented with the JuliaInXL Software License Agreement. In brief, JuliaInXL is provided as part of JuliaPro, without charge, for evalution and academic use. After reading through the terms, click “I Agree” if you accept the terms of the license and proceed with the installation.

Upon completion of the installer, press Close to exit the installer. Once you close the installer, you can come back to your JuliaPro IDE to use JuliaInXL.

Using JuliaInXL

You should now open Microsoft Excel to verify the installation. You will find a ribbon on your Excel menu bar called “JULIA” . In following GIF, we demonstrate an example where we perform matrix addition using “+” operator provided by Julia.

For more examples on how to use JuliaInXL, please watch the video tutorial below. Documentation can be found here

Trademark Usage

Microsoft®, Windows®, and Excel® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.