Re-posted from:
I have been writing this blog for three years now, so I was
thinking what to post about to celebrate this.
Recently I have learned about the ProjectEuler.jl package.
I like it very much. It gives access to problems presented in
the Project Euler website in Julia REPL.
Additionally, when reading the documentation of the package it
mentioned a problem that I have not seen before. Therefore
I thought to solve it in this post.
This post was written under Julia 1.9.0-rc2, HiGHS v1.5.1,
Hungarian v0.7.0, JuMP v1.10.0, ProjectEuler v0.1.1.
The puzzle
Let us use ProjectEuler.jl to get the description of the
problem we want to solve:
julia> import ProjectEuler
julia> ProjectEuler.question(345)
│ Source: The following problem is taken from Project Euler
│ Problem Title: Problem 345: Matrix Sum
│ Published On: Saturday, 3rd September 2011, 04:00 pm
│ Solved By: 5813
│ Difficulty Rating: 15%
We define the Matrix Sum of a matrix as the maximum possible sum of matrix
elements such that none of the selected elements share the same row or column.
For example, the Matrix Sum of the matrix below equals
3315 ( = 863 + 383 + 343 + 959 + 767):
7 53 183 439 863
497 383 563 79 973
287 63 343 169 583
627 343 773 959 943
767 473 103 699 303
Find the Matrix Sum of:
7 53 183 439 863 497 383 563 79 973 287 63 343 169 583
627 343 773 959 943 767 473 103 699 303 957 703 583 639 913
447 283 463 29 23 487 463 993 119 883 327 493 423 159 743
217 623 3 399 853 407 103 983 89 463 290 516 212 462 350
960 376 682 962 300 780 486 502 912 800 250 346 172 812 350
870 456 192 162 593 473 915 45 989 873 823 965 425 329 803
973 965 905 919 133 673 665 235 509 613 673 815 165 992 326
322 148 972 962 286 255 941 541 265 323 925 281 601 95 973
445 721 11 525 473 65 511 164 138 672 18 428 154 448 848
414 456 310 312 798 104 566 520 302 248 694 976 430 392 198
184 829 373 181 631 101 969 613 840 740 778 458 284 760 390
821 461 843 513 17 901 711 993 293 157 274 94 192 156 574
34 124 4 878 450 476 712 914 838 669 875 299 823 329 699
815 559 813 459 522 788 168 586 966 232 308 833 251 631 107
813 883 451 509 615 77 281 613 459 205 380 274 302 35 805
Manual solution
To start let us define the matrix that gives specification of the problem
and bind it to the M
M = [ 7 53 183 439 863 497 383 563 79 973 287 63 343 169 583
627 343 773 959 943 767 473 103 699 303 957 703 583 639 913
447 283 463 29 23 487 463 993 119 883 327 493 423 159 743
217 623 3 399 853 407 103 983 89 463 290 516 212 462 350
960 376 682 962 300 780 486 502 912 800 250 346 172 812 350
870 456 192 162 593 473 915 45 989 873 823 965 425 329 803
973 965 905 919 133 673 665 235 509 613 673 815 165 992 326
322 148 972 962 286 255 941 541 265 323 925 281 601 95 973
445 721 11 525 473 65 511 164 138 672 18 428 154 448 848
414 456 310 312 798 104 566 520 302 248 694 976 430 392 198
184 829 373 181 631 101 969 613 840 740 778 458 284 760 390
821 461 843 513 17 901 711 993 293 157 274 94 192 156 574
34 124 4 878 450 476 712 914 838 669 875 299 823 329 699
815 559 813 459 522 788 168 586 966 232 308 833 251 631 107
813 883 451 509 615 77 281 613 459 205 380 274 302 35 805]
Note that it is easy to do in Julia REPL, by copy-pasting the text
from the problem specification and just wrapping it with M = [
and ]
To solve the problem manually let us make the following observations:
- Since every column has to be picked exactly once subtracting
the same value from each element of some column does not affect the
solution (the same holds for rows). - If in every row maximal element is in a different column then we can
just pick these maximal elements in each row and these entries
are the solution to our problem.
Using these two facts we will try to solve our problem. First let us
check if in our initial matrix M
each row has a unique column where
it has a maximum value:
julia> findall(==(0), M .- maximum(M, dims=2))
15-element Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}:
CartesianIndex(15, 2)
CartesianIndex(2, 4)
CartesianIndex(5, 4)
CartesianIndex(11, 7)
CartesianIndex(3, 8)
CartesianIndex(4, 8)
CartesianIndex(12, 8)
CartesianIndex(13, 8)
CartesianIndex(6, 9)
CartesianIndex(14, 9)
CartesianIndex(1, 10)
CartesianIndex(10, 12)
CartesianIndex(7, 14)
CartesianIndex(8, 15)
CartesianIndex(9, 15)
Unfortunately, this is not the case. We see that e.g. rows 2 and 5 have
maximum in column 4. Therefore we cannot trivially solve our problem.
However, let us try subtracting some values from columns of our
matrix M
hoping that we will get the desired uniqueness.
The values we subtract from each column are:
julia> sub = [55 0 23 56 40 0 101 171 175 62 53 151 0 0 26]
1×15 Matrix{Int64}:
55 0 23 56 40 0 101 171 175 62 53 151 0 0 26
Let us check them:
julia> M2 = M .- sub
15×15 Matrix{Int64}:
-48 53 160 383 823 497 282 392 -96 911 234 -88 343 169 557
572 343 750 903 903 767 372 -68 524 241 904 552 583 639 887
392 283 440 -27 -17 487 362 822 -56 821 274 342 423 159 717
162 623 -20 343 813 407 2 812 -86 401 237 365 212 462 324
905 376 659 906 260 780 385 331 737 738 197 195 172 812 324
815 456 169 106 553 473 814 -126 814 811 770 814 425 329 777
918 965 882 863 93 673 564 64 334 551 620 664 165 992 300
267 148 949 906 246 255 840 370 90 261 872 130 601 95 947
390 721 -12 469 433 65 410 -7 -37 610 -35 277 154 448 822
359 456 287 256 758 104 465 349 127 186 641 825 430 392 172
129 829 350 125 591 101 868 442 665 678 725 307 284 760 364
766 461 820 457 -23 901 610 822 118 95 221 -57 192 156 548
-21 124 -19 822 410 476 611 743 663 607 822 148 823 329 673
760 559 790 403 482 788 67 415 791 170 255 682 251 631 81
758 883 428 453 575 77 180 442 284 143 327 123 302 35 779
julia> sol = findall(==(0), M2 .- maximum(M2, dims=2))
15-element Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}:
CartesianIndex(6, 1)
CartesianIndex(15, 2)
CartesianIndex(8, 3)
CartesianIndex(5, 4)
CartesianIndex(4, 5)
CartesianIndex(12, 6)
CartesianIndex(11, 7)
CartesianIndex(3, 8)
CartesianIndex(14, 9)
CartesianIndex(1, 10)
CartesianIndex(2, 11)
CartesianIndex(10, 12)
CartesianIndex(13, 13)
CartesianIndex(7, 14)
CartesianIndex(9, 15)
Now we see that we have exactly one maximum value in each row and each of these values
is in a different column. Thus the solution to the problem can be calculated as
(I do not show the solution to encourage you to try solving the problem yourself):
Now you might ask how one could get the sub
You could find it by trial and error, or use a more systematic way.
Interestingly the problem we solve today is an important question
in operations research, and a specialized algorithm was developed to solve it.
Hungarian solution
The algorithm that can be used to solve this class of problems is called
Hungarian algorithm. It is implemented in Julia in the Hungarian.jl
package. I encourage you to study it, however, let me just mention that it uses
a refined version of the two observations we have made when developing the manual
The package is easy to use. You just need to remember that by default it minimizes
the sum, so we need to use the -M
matrix. Here is how you can get
the solution (I show you the indices, but drop displaying the value of the solution):
julia> using Hungarian
julia> hungarian(-M)[1]
15-element Vector{Int64}:
You might ask how we could check if our manual solution and the solution obtained
using the package match. You can do it as follows:
julia> getindex.(sol, 1) == hungarian(-M')[1]
All matches as expected.
Note that for the check I used the hungarian
function with the transposition
of the M
matrix as our cartesian indices are sorted by column number
(the reason is that Julia uses column major storage order) and by default
returns column indices sorted by row number.
Solver solution
What if we did not have the Hungarian.jl package?
In this case the problem can be solved using mixed integer programming.
I have decided to use the JuMP.jl and HiGHS.jl packages to get the answer
(as usual – the value of the solution is not shown):
using JuMP
import HiGHS
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[1:15, 1:15], Bin)
for i in 1:15
@constraint(model, sum(x[i, j] for j in 1:15) == 1)
@constraint(model, sum(x[j, i] for j in 1:15) == 1)
@objective(model, Max, sum(x[i, j] * M[i, j] for i in 1:15, j in 1:15))
I really enjoy using the JuMP.jl API for solving optimization problems.
As above let us check if the solution matches the solution we obtained manually:
julia> findall(>=(0.5), value.(x)) == sol
Note that I use 0.5
to separate 0
from 1
solutions as this is a
safe boundary value even if there were some numerical inaccuracies in the
returned solution.
I really enjoy solving Project Euler puzzles using Julia.
The syntax and package ecosystem that I have at hand make it
quite convenient. The resulting codes are usually short and easy to read.
If you liked the problem let me give you a challenge. Notice that
the sum of values we subtracted in the manual solution was:
julia> sum(sub)
The challenge for you is to find such non-negative entries of sub
that uniquely solve our problem (in the manual approach) and
minimize the sum of entries of sub
. I hope you will enjoy solving
this extra puzzle!