GSoC in LLVM 2024

By: Miguel Raz Guzmán Macedo

Re-posted from:

I'm trying to get a GSoC 2024 in LLVM

and I will be documenting my work with this ongoing blogpost in reverse chronological order.

If you want to see more posts like this, consider chucking a buck or two on my GitHub sponsors, or, you know, hire me as a grad student.


"hazlo cobarde"

Add the 3 way comparison instruction <=> to LLVM.

I like this GSoC in particular because

  • I will learn a wide swath of LLVM

  • I'll be working with a lot of optimization passes

  • I'll get to bring cool perf to C++/Rust and Julia

  • I was dared by the other, more talented Miguel to actually help improve LLVM

Next task

Add a new intrinsicLangref, then, then maybe the pass verifier.

I've already put up a sample PR and got redirected on what looks like the proper working path for this endeavour.