First steps with agent based modeling in the Julia language

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from:


Recently I observe a constant raise of interest in the Julia language in
community working with agent based models. I think that the reason is relatively
simple (here I am probably biased, but I am really convinced about it, having
used a vast number of programming languages to create such models in the past):
Julia code is clean and expressive while at the same time it allows you to
achieve relatively easily a decent performance.

I also think that the beauty of Julia is that you can relatively effortlessly
create complex simulation models without having to use specialized packages.
Most of the useful functionality is available out of the box in Julia Base.
This does not mean of course, that there is a lack of specialized packages that
can help you develop such models, as there is e.g. an excellent
Agents.jl. I just want to say that you can go really far
without much effort just by learning the core language.

In this post I want to present an implementation of a very simple model
of volatility clustering on financial markets that was proposed by Rama Cont.
I will discuss this model during the planned workshop on agent based modeling
using the Julia language that will take place on-line during the
Social Simulation Week 2020 (I will probably post more details on it
when the exact schedule is out).

Additionally in the second part of the post I show an example how you can
perform simple data modeling tasks using Julia.

In the examples here I use Julia 1.5rc1, StatsBase v0.33.0, DataFrames v0.21.4,
GLM v1.3.9, Optim v0.22.0, ForwardDiff v0.10.12, and PyPlot v0.2.9.0 (if you do
not have much experience in setting up project environments in the Julia
language have a look at this post and posts linked there). In the
example of R code it was run under R 4.0.2 and e1071 version 1.7-3.

The model

Our agent based model is defined as follows.

Assume we have agents that are trading a single asset. The transactions
take place in discrete time. Each agent has its individual trading threshold
that evolves in time; initially . In each
period news from the company is provided, denote it . We assume
that are IID following standard normal distribution. An
individual agent wants to buy an asset if the news is good enough,
formally . Similarly the agent wants to sell an
asset if . In other words agents that have high
are not very likely to trade, while agents that have it very
close to trade in almost every period. Also note that if then agent either wants to buy or does nothing, while if then agent either wants to sell or does nothing (the case of is degenerated and we leave it unspecified as it will not affect our model

By denote the sum of all buy bids minus sum of all sell bids placed by
agents in period . Then we define the return of the asset in that period as
, where is a parameter of the model,
that can be interpreted as damping factor of the returns.

Now agents observe and each agent with probability sets its
to be . Observe that with this mechanism if the returns
are large in absolute values agents become less likely to trade in the
future, while if it is close to more trades are likely to take place in
next rounds.

We will want to check if the distribution of asset returns produced
by this model exhibits positive excess kurtosis (as would be expected
in financial markets).

In our model we have three parameters (number of agents),
(scaling factor of the returns), and (probability to change
in one round). A careful reader will note that the model has one
less parameter than the one described in Cont (2007). The reason for
this is explained here, and it does not affect our analysis.
Additionally we will need to specify the time, as the number of ticks of the
simulation, during which we will track the simulation of our model.

An implementation from the past

Several years ago (before Julia was available) I used the following
implementation of the described model using the R language.

library(e1071) <- function(time=10000, n=10000, lambda=0.05, q=0.1) {
  r <- rep(0, time)
  theta <- rep(0, n)
  eps <- rnorm(time, 0)
  for (t in 1:time) {
    if (eps[t] > 0) {
      r[t] <- sum(eps[t] > theta) / (lambda * n)
    } else {
      r[t] <- -sum(-eps[t] > theta) / (lambda * n)
    theta[runif(n) < q] <- abs(r[t])

I knew, that I am using loops, so this code would not be super efficient, but
still I expected it to be reasonably good, as most of the heavy-lifting
(calculation of r[t] and updates of theta) is vectorized.

A benchmark of the performance of this implementation is the following:

> system.time(
   user  system elapsed
  2.808   0.016   2.824

So in practice (what we are going to do shortly) I had to design an experiment
and leave the computations running for many hours to get any results that would
allow to perform the analysis. For instance testing a full factorial design
with 51 levels of and 51 levels of would already take 2 hours
assuming taking one measurement per design point (which is a very small

An implementation using the Julia language

Here is a way to rewrite the implementation of the model to Julia:

using Random
using StatsBase

function cont_run(time=10000, n=10000, λ=0.05, q=0.1)
    r = zeros(time)
    θ = zeros(n)
    pchange = zeros(n)
    for t = 1:time
        ε = randn()
        if ε > 0
            r[t] =  sum(<(ε), θ) / (λ * n)
            r[t] =  -sum(<(-ε), θ) / (λ * n)
        θ .= ifelse.(rand!(pchange) .< q, abs(r[t]), θ)
    return kurtosis(r)

Let us check the performance our our code:

julia> @time cont_run();
  0.091730 seconds (25 allocations: 254.797 KiB)

julia> @time cont_run();
  0.100935 seconds (6 allocations: 234.609 KiB)

We see that it is around 30 times faster than R. Also note that I have run
@time twice, as the first time compilation cost is included in the timing
(in this case it turned out to be negligible).

The R and Julia codes are almost identical (translating R to Julia took me
literally a few minutes). The notable differences are:

  • In the line sum(<(ε), θ) I apply an anonymous function <(ε) to all
    elements of the vector θ, which allows me to calculate the transformed sum
    without doing any temporary allocations (for a reference, when I write <(ε)
    I define an anonymous function so that comparison x < y can be written as
    f = <(y) and then f(x); such a construct is called partial
    function application
  • I preallocate pchange vector so that later I can use rand! from Random
    module to generate required random numbers without allocating new memory.
  • In the line θ .= ifelse.(rand!(pchange) .< q, abs(r[t]), θ) I use
    broadcasting assignment, again avoiding allocation of new memory in each

Note that these optimizations mean that my code does only 6 memory allocations
(which you can see in the second output of @time). Usually avoiding
allocations means that your code will run fast, as allocations are expensive.

Analyzing the model output

Let us perform a minimal analysis of the output of our model to showcase several
packages in the Julia ecosystem. Here is the code that we will run (it is a most
basic experiment design for this model, as normally you would want to include
like making sure we compute statistics of a stationary distribution, or collect
independent measures per design point but I do not want to overly complicate

function run_sim(time=10000, n=10000, reps=51)
    df = DataFrame()
    for λ in range(0.01, 0.05, length=51), q in range(0.01, 0.05, length=51)
        push!(df, (λ=λ, q=q, k=cont_run(time, n, λ, q)))
    return df

I did not have to put it in a function, but it is a good practice in Julia to
wrap your code like this. Note the use of push! to populate the data frame
with data. We will use this pattern again later in this post.

Let us now try to run it and do some simple visualization of the results:

julia> using DataFrames

julia> using PyPlot

julia> Random.seed!(1234); # ensure reproducibility of the results

julia> @time df = run_sim();
281.787909 seconds (58.70 k allocations: 597.163 MiB, 0.01% gc time)

julia> scatter(df.λ, df.q, 10, df.k, cmap=get_cmap("RdYlBu"));

julia> colorbar();

julia> xlabel("λ");

julia> ylabel("q");

julia> title("kurtosis");

Here is the produced plot:

Kurtosis plot

We observe that the model visually looks to be more sensitive to changes of
than to changes of and that there should be a significant
interaction effect between them. In general: the more often the investors change
their decision threshold and the higher the asset return damping factor is the
less leptokurtic the distribution of returns is.

We can quickly check it using a metamodel of the form:

Here is the code that estimates it:

julia> using GLM

julia> using Optim

julia> function best_model(df)
           function obj(x)
              f1(v) = v^x[1]
              f2(v) = v^x[2]
              return -r2(lm(@formula(k ~ f1(λ) * f2(q)), df))
          return optimize(obj, rand(2) .- 0.5).minimizer
best_model (generic function with 1 method)

julia> best_model(df)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> model = lm(@formula(k ~ (λ ^ -0.447) * (q ^ -0.698)), df)

k ~ 1 + :(λ ^ -0.447) + :(q ^ -0.698) + :(λ ^ -0.447) & :(q ^ -0.698)

                           Estimate  Std. Error    t value  Pr(>|t|)   Lower 95%   Upper 95%
(Intercept)              -0.333956   0.0469543    -7.11236    <1e-11  -0.426028   -0.241884
λ ^ -0.447                0.149634   0.00901133   16.6051     <1e-58   0.131964    0.167304
q ^ -0.698               -0.208741   0.00342888  -60.8773     <1e-99  -0.215464   -0.202017
λ ^ -0.447 & q ^ -0.698   0.0569654  0.00065806   86.5657     <1e-99   0.0556751   0.0582558

julia> r2(model)

Note that in the example we find the exponents to which and
should be raised to get the best fit (which is quite good considering the
resulting ). In particular in the line

-r2(lm(@formula(k ~ f1(λ) * f2(q)), df))

we dynamically inject the user
defined f1 and f2 functions into the model formula. Similarly in

lm(@formula(k ~ (λ ^ -0.447) * (q ^ -0.698)), df)

we use exponentiation to transform the variables.

We can see that there is a significant interaction effect between the variables,
as expected. As the resulting estimated function is non-linear, in order to
check the range of marginal effects of and in the domain of
our design space, we will use the ForwardDiff.jl package:

julia> using ForwardDiff

julia> function get_gradients(model, df)
          prediction(x) = predict(model, DataFrame(λ=x[1], q=x[2]))[1]
          grad_df = DataFrame(λ=Float64[], q=Float64[])
          foreach(eachrow(df)) do row
              push!(grad_df, ForwardDiff.gradient(prediction, [row.λ, row.q]))
          return describe(grad_df, :min, :mean, :median, :max)
get_gradients (generic function with 1 method)

julia> get_gradients(model, df)
2×5 DataFrame
│ Row │ variable │ min      │ mean     │ median   │ max       │
│     │ Symbol   │ Float64  │ Float64  │ Float64  │ Float64   │
│ 1   │ λ        │ -548.901 │ -90.9051 │ -62.6736 │ -20.8306  │
│ 2   │ q        │ -412.666 │ -35.1307 │ -18.6697 │ -0.973361 │

which confirms our visual observations that both variables have a negative
derivative for the points in our design space and that the results are more
sensitive to the changes of than of .

In terms of the performance note that the most expensive part, that was to
create the df data frame, took under 5 minutes instead of estimated 2 hours in


This was a minimal showcase how you can implement a very simple agent based
model using the Julia language. What I wanted to present is that the
implementation of the model is as short as in e.g. R language, while at the same
time you can get significant performance benefits (which is a very relevant
issue when developing agent based models).

In the second part of the post I did some simple analysis of results of
simulation experiment using this model to show several packages that are often
used in such situations. I hope you enjoyed it!

As a final comment let me ask for some crowdsourcing :), as I want to show the
participants of Social Simulation Week 2020 a comparison of several
options against the Julia language. Therefore, similarly to the case of a
recent post
, I will be happy to update this post with codes provided by
the readers to compare the complexity and performance. The challenge is to
maximize speed (primary criterion) and at the same time have a relatively simple
code (secondary criterion). I will benchmark and post the results of the
submitted codes here. In general as we want to concentrate mostly on speed any
programming language is welcome, with a restriction that we want to use CPU
computing on a single thread. If you are interested please send me your
implementation of cont_run function either via e-mail on Julia