Derived Columns With Julia DataFrames

Recently I've been digging into Julia for
technical and statistical computing. It's still in its early stages
and things break frequently, but I find it a lot more amenable to my
style of thinking than the more established technical languages like
Matlab/Octave or R.

I wanted to take the full
dataset and see which neighborhoods experienced crimes at which hours.
The full CSV set has timestamps
and classification by neighborhood already, so we just need to convert
the timestamp into an hour of the day (0 through 23) and then group
them by neighborhood.

To read and manipulate the data, we're going to use
DataFrames — it gives
us the NA type for missing values (not uncommon in the dataset while
I'm still tuning the geolocation) and nice functions for dealing with
columns directly. For the timestamps, we're going to use

using DataFrames
using Datetime

Let's read the data in:

julia> data = readtable("reports.csv")
DataFrame with 868 rows, 7 columns

Start             306 non-null values    
End               868 non-null values    
Description       868 non-null values    
Address           868 non-null values    
Lat               841 non-null values    
Lon               841 non-null values    
Neighborhood      802 non-null values    

Then let's add a function that will map a column of timestamps into a
column of integer hours:

formatter = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"

function eachHour(m)
    map(h -> Datetime.hour(Datetime.datetime(formatter, h)), m)

To create a new table with a column called "Hour" with the results of
that function in it, we're going to use the @transform macro:

withHours = @transform(data, Hour => eachHour(End))

Now to group the results down we're going to use the by function
from DataFrames'

results = by(withHours, ["Neighborhood", "Hour"], nrow)

We're just passing by a source, a list of columns we want to split
on, and a function to apply to their combination (nrow, which just
counts them). And the results are just what we wanted:

julia> results
119x3 DataFrame:
            Neighborhood hr x1
[1,]                  NA  0  4
[2,]      "allison-hill"  0 18
[3,]          "downtown"  0  5
[4,]           "midtown"  0 10
[5,]            "uptown"  0 13
[6,]                  NA  1  3
[7,]      "allison-hill"  1 20
[8,]          "downtown"  1  9
[9,]           "midtown"  1  1
[10,]           "uptown"  1  5
[11,]                 NA  2  4
[12,]     "allison-hill"  2 24
[13,]         "downtown"  2  7
[14,]          "midtown"  2  6
[15,]           "uptown"  2  4
[16,]                 NA  3  2
[17,]     "allison-hill"  3 13
[18,]         "downtown"  3  1
[19,]          "midtown"  3  6
[20,]           "uptown"  3  5
[100,]          "uptown" 19  7
[101,]    "allison-hill" 20 22
[102,]        "downtown" 20  1
[103,]         "midtown" 20  1
[104,]          "uptown" 20  7
[105,]                NA 21  3
[106,]    "allison-hill" 21 20
[107,]        "downtown" 21  2
[108,]         "midtown" 21  1
[109,]          "uptown" 21  6
[110,]                NA 22  5
[111,]    "allison-hill" 22 12
[112,]        "downtown" 22  4
[113,]         "midtown" 22  6
[114,]          "uptown" 22  7
[115,]                NA 23  1
[116,]    "allison-hill" 23 17
[117,]        "downtown" 23  2
[118,]         "midtown" 23  5
[119,]          "uptown" 23  8