DataFrames.jl user’s corner: filtering performance

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from:


Today I write about a topic that was proposed by DataFrames.jl user.
The question was related the performance of the filter function. I hope
this will be useful to people who start using Julia and DataFrames.jl.

In this post I will show several ways to perform the same row sub-setting
operation using the filter function on a data frame and compare their performance.

The post was written under Julia 1.6.1 and DataFrames.jl 1.2.2.

The filter performance test

Assume that we have some data on financial transactions. The data frame
storing them has two columns: :from and :to storing account numbers between
which the money transfer was performed.

Let us first create some random data frame with this structure and 100,000 rows:

julia> using DataFrames

julia> using Random

julia> Random.seed!(1);

julia> transfers = DataFrame(from=rand(1:10^5, 10^5), to=rand(1:10^5, 10^5))
100000×2 DataFrame
    Row │ from   to
        │ Int64  Int64
      1 │ 65190  19016
      2 │ 84951  66344
   ⋮    │   ⋮      ⋮
  99999 │ 21480  54671
 100000 │ 86787  30151
     99996 rows omitted

Now the task is to find all transactions from accounts that received some
transfer to them.

Here is a first attempt to do it (I am showing everywhere the timing of a second
run of a specific filter operation, so the compilation time is this related
to only this specific call; also I am showing the output of the call to makes
sure that the result is the same):

julia> @time filter(x -> x.from in, transfers)
  3.627735 seconds (621.32 k allocations: 23.318 MiB, 3.03% compilation time)
63154×2 DataFrame
   Row │ from   to
       │ Int64  Int64
     1 │ 84951  66344
     2 │ 11514   5399
   ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮
 63153 │ 91605  34813
 63154 │ 86787  30151
    63150 rows omitted

The code above is the most natural filter call following the Julia Base syntax.
However, we can read in the documentation of filter in DataFrames.jl that
it is faster to pass the column we want to operate on (in this case :filter)
using the => syntax. In this way the operation can be made more efficient:

julia> @time filter(:from => in(, transfers)
  2.543524 seconds (28 allocations: 1.463 MiB)
63154×2 DataFrame
   Row │ from   to
       │ Int64  Int64
     1 │ 84951  66344
     2 │ 11514   5399
   ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮
 63153 │ 91605  34813
 63154 │ 86787  30151
    63150 rows omitted

As you can see it is somewhat faster. There is no compilation as in(
has to be compiled only once, see:

julia> in( # this creates a callable type
(::Base.Fix2{typeof(in), Vector{Int64}}) (generic function with 1 method)

and we have a small number of allocations as the code is type stable.

Note that the code below uses the same idea:

julia> @time filter(:from => x -> x in, transfers)
  2.663027 seconds (458.82 k allocations: 22.803 MiB, 5.28% compilation time)
63154×2 DataFrame
   Row │ from   to
       │ Int64  Int64
     1 │ 84951  66344
     2 │ 11514   5399
   ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮
 63153 │ 91605  34813
 63154 │ 86787  30151
    63150 rows omitted

but the difference is that as opposed to in( the the code
x -> x in creates a new anonymous function each time it is called,
which triggers compilation.

Can we do better? An experienced Julia programmer willre immediately comment
that it would be more efficient to perform a lookup in a Set and not in a Vector.

Therefore our next attempt is:

julia> @time filter(:from => in(Set(, transfers)
  0.007884 seconds (36 allocations: 3.714 MiB)
63154×2 DataFrame
   Row │ from   to
       │ Int64  Int64
     1 │ 84951  66344
     2 │ 11514   5399
   ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮
 63153 │ 91605  34813
 63154 │ 86787  30151
    63150 rows omitted

This time it is super fast. Let us dissect the timing:

julia> @time s = Set(
  0.004668 seconds (8 allocations: 2.251 MiB)
Set{Int64} with 63246 elements:

julia> @time filter(:from => in(s), transfers) # remember it is a second run timing
  0.004394 seconds (28 allocations: 1.463 MiB)
63154×2 DataFrame
   Row │ from   to
       │ Int64  Int64
     1 │ 84951  66344
     2 │ 11514   5399
   ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮
 63153 │ 91605  34813
 63154 │ 86787  30151
    63150 rows omitted

and we can see that roughly similar time is spent in constructing of the Set
as in the filtering later.

Note, however, that it is essential that we use the in(Set(
construct, as it is evaluated only once.

Here is what happens if we tried to use the Set in our original filter call:

julia> @time filter(x -> x.from in Set(, transfers)
272.379325 seconds (1.82 M allocations: 219.832 GiB, 1.12% gc time, 0.08% compilation time)
63154×2 DataFrame
   Row │ from   to
       │ Int64  Int64
     1 │ 84951  66344
     2 │ 11514   5399
   ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮
 63153 │ 91605  34813
 63154 │ 86787  30151
    63150 rows omitted

This is very bad, as we call Set on each row of our transfers data set.
Let us try reusing s variable we have created above:

julia> @time filter(x -> x.from in s, transfers)
  0.140256 seconds (620.53 k allocations: 23.268 MiB, 90.38% compilation time)
63154×2 DataFrame
   Row │ from   to
       │ Int64  Int64
     1 │ 84951  66344
     2 │ 11514   5399
   ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮
 63153 │ 91605  34813
 63154 │ 86787  30151
    63150 rows omitted

Now it is already reasonably good. As a final test we switch s to be a constant:

julia> const cs = s;

julia> @time filter(x -> x.from in cs, transfers) # remember it is a second run timing
  0.122081 seconds (619.03 k allocations: 23.060 MiB, 86.92% compilation time)
63154×2 DataFrame
   Row │ from   to
       │ Int64  Int64
     1 │ 84951  66344
     2 │ 11514   5399
   ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮
 63153 │ 91605  34813
 63154 │ 86787  30151
    63150 rows omitted

And we see that it is a bit better, but not much, as we are in type unstable mode anyway.


I would summarize the key general observations as follows:

  • when using in it is recommended to pass a Set as a collection in which
    we perform test if the test is executed many times;
  • the filter(predicate, data_frame) style is type unstable, and typically a faster
    alternative is filter(column => predicate, data_frame);
  • in(collection) a callable object that can be used later to test
    for inclusion of its argument in collection; as a side benefit it is compiled
    only once per type of collection which reduces compilation latency;
  • one needs to understand how Julia would execute code; following general
    recommendations blindly as in the filter(x -> x.from in Set(, transfers)
    example can lead to extremely bad performance.