Intro There are two Julia data structures that I use again and again:
Dictionaries DataFrames Dictionaries are supplied in the Julia distribution as a standard data type. Data-frames have to be added using the DataFrames.jl package. They are both incredibly useful for reasons I will explain below.
And one of the things I find almost as useful as either of them by themselves is the ability to convert from one to another.
Spoilers Warning Intro I mentioned in my last post on Julia that dictionaries are incredibly useful data structures for data science. I thought that warranted a little more discussion. And it leads to another data structure that we use a lot: Data Fram...
DataFrames ( is one of the most widely used Julia packages. This session is an introduction to data analysis with Julia using DataFrames. Slides:
Although Julia has integrated support for various data structures (arrays, tuples, dictionaries, sets), it doesn't exhaust the full gamut of ptions. More exotic structures (like queues and deques, stacks, counters, heaps, tries and variations on sets and dictionaries) are implemented in the DataStructures package. As always we start by loading…