Category Archives: Julia

Julia’s Alternative to C-Code Generation for Model-Based Engineering

By: Jasmine Chokshi

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For years, a sort of dogma has prevailed in the world of embedded systems and real-time control: if you’re using a high-level language like Python or R for modeling and simulation, you must rewrite your code in C for deployment. But what if there was a better way? What if you could leverage the productivity of high-level languages without sacrificing performance?

Vendor-Neutral GPU Programming in Julia: Unlocking Portability with KernelAbstractions.jl

By: Sanjeeb Das Gupta

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GPUs are at the heart of scientific computing, AI, and high-performance computing (HPC), yet most GPU programming remains tied to vendor-specific frameworks like CUDA (NVIDIA), ROCm (AMD), and oneAPI (Intel). While these frameworks offer highly optimized performance, they create major portability issues for developers who need their code to run across different hardware.