Best Frenemies: Julia and Python

By: julia on Abel Soares Siqueira

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Julia and Python are often seen as competitors, but in this video I want to show the integration between them. Using the PythonCall and the JuliaCall packages we can call Julia from Python and Python from Julia.
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Download the python-from-julia.jl Pluto notebook.

Download the julia-from-python.ipynb Jupyter notebook.

There are currently two ways to integrate Python in Julia and Julia in Python. These two main packages are PyCall and PythonCall and their corresponding Python package.
I have talked about PyCall in a series of blog posts in the past, comparing Python being improved by C++ and Python being improved by Julia up to the point that we actually made the Julia code faster than the C++ code in this specific instance.
Now I’m going to talk about the PythonCall package and the corresponding JuliaCall package which are newer.