Author Archives: randyzwitch - Articles

String Interpolation for Fun and Profit

By: randyzwitch - Articles

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In a previous post, I showed how I frequently use Julia as a ‘glue’ language to connect multiple systems in a complicated data pipeline. For this blog post, I will show two more examples where I use Julia for general programming, rather than for computationally-intense programs.

String Building: Introduction

The Strings section of the Julia Manual provides a very in-depth treatment of the considerations when using strings within Julia. For the purposes of my examples, there are only three things to know:

      • Strings are immutable within Julia and 1-indexed
      • Strings are easily created through the a syntax familiar to most languages:
        julia> authorname = "randy zwitch"
        "randy zwitch"
      • String interpolation is easiest done using dollar-sign notation. Additionally, parenthesis can be used to avoid symbol ambiguity:
        julia> interpolated = "the author of this blog post is $(authorname)"
        "the author of this blog post is randy zwitch"

If you are using large volumes of textual data, you’ll want to pay attention to the difference between the various string types that Julia provides (UTF8/16/32, ASCII, Unicode, etc), but for the purposes of this blog post we’ll just be using the ASCIIString type by not explicitly declaring the string type and only using ASCII characters.

Example 1: Repetitive Queries

As part of my data engineering responsibilities at work, I often get requests to pull a sample of every table in a new database in our Hadoop cluster. This type of request is usually from the business owner, who wants to evaluate the data set has been imported correctly, but doesn’t actually want to write any sort of queries. So using the ODBC.jl package, I repeatedly do the same ‘select * from <tablename>’ query and save to individual .tab files:While the query is simple, writing/running this hundreds of times would be a waste of effort. So with a simple loop over the array of tables, I can provide a sample of hundreds of tables in .tab files with five lines of code.

Example 2: Generating Query Code

In another task, I was asked to join a handful of Hive tables, then transpose the table from “long” to “wide”, so that each id value only had one row instead of multiple. This is fairly trivial to do using CASE statements in SQL; the problem arises when you have thousands of potential row values to transpose into columns! Instead of getting carpal tunnel syndrome typing out thousands of CASE statements, I decided to use Julia to generate the SQL code itself:

The example here only repeats the CASE statements five times, which wouldn’t really be that much typing. However, for my actual application, the number of possible values was 2153, leading to a query result which was 8157 columns! Suffice to say, I’d still be writing that code if I decided to do it by hand.


Like my ‘glue language’ post, I hope this post has shown that Julia can be used for more than grunting about microbenchmark performance. Whereas I used to use Python for doing weird string operations like this, I’m finding that the dollar-sign syntax in Julia feels more comfortable for me than the Python string formatting mini-language (although that’s not particularly difficult either). So if you’ve been hesitant to jump into learning Julia because you think it’s only useful for doing Mandelbrot calculations or complex linear algebra, Julia is just as at-home doing quick general programming tasks as well.

Using Julia As A ‘Glue’ Language

By: randyzwitch - Articles

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While much of the focus in the Julia community has been on the performance aspects of Julia relative to other scientific computing languages, Julia is also perfectly suited to ‘glue’ together multiple data sources/languages. In this blog post, I will cover how to create an interactive plot using Gadfly.jl, by first preparing the data using Hadoop and Teradata Aster via ODBC.jl.

The example problem I am going to solve is calculating and visualizing the number of airplanes by hour in the air at any given time in the U.S. for the year 1987. Because of the structure and storage of the underlying data, I will need to write some custom Hive code, upload the data to Teradata Aster via a command-line utility, re-calculate the number of flights per hour using a built-in Aster function, then using Julia to visualize the data.

Step 1: Getting Data From Hadoop

In a prior set of blog posts, I talked about loading the airline dataset into Hadoop, then analyzing the dataset using Hive or Pig. Using ODBC.jl, we can use Hive via Julia to submit our queries. The hardest part of setting up this process is making sure that you have the appropriate Hive drivers for your Hadoop cluster and credentials (which isn’t covered here). Once you have your DSN set up, running Hive queries is as easy as the following:In this code, I’ve written my query as a Julia string, to keep my code easily modifiable. Then, I pass the Julia string object to the query() function, along with my ODBC connection object. This query runs on Hadoop through Hive, then streams the result directly to my local hard drive, making this a very RAM efficient (though I/O inefficient!) operation.

Step 2: Shelling Out To Load Data To Aster

Once I created the file with my Hadoop results in it, I now have a decision point: I can either A) do the rest of the analysis in Julia or B) use a different tool for my calculations. Because this is a toy example, I’m going to use Teradata Aster to do my calculations, which provides a convenient function called ‘burst()’ to regularize timestamps into fixed intervals. But before I can use Aster to ‘burst’ my data, I first need to upload it to the database.

While I could loop over the data within Julia and insert each record one at a time, Teradata provides a command-line utility to upload data in parallel. Running command-line scripts from within Julia is as easy as using the run() command, with each command surrounded in backticks:While I could’ve run this at the command-line, having all of this within an IJulia Notebook keeps all my work together, should I need to re-run this in the future.

Step 3: Using Aster For Calculations

With my data now loaded in Aster, I can normalize the timestamps to UTC, then ‘burst’ the data into regular time intervals. Again, all of this can be done via ODBC from within Julia:Since it might not be clear what I’m doing here, the ‘burst()’ function in Aster takes a row of data with a start and end timestamp, and potentially returns multiple rows which normalize the time between the timestamps. If you’re familiar with pandas in Python, it’s a similar functionality to ‘resample’ on a series of timestamps.

Step 4: Download Smaller Data Into Julia, Visualize

Now that the data has been processed from Hadoop to Aster through a series of queries, we now have a much smaller dataset that can be loaded into RAM and processed by Julia:The Gadfly code above produces the following plot (using a d3.js backend for interactivity):

Since this chart is in UTC, it might not be obvious what the interpretation is of the trend. Because the airline dataset represents flights either leaving or returning to the United States, there are many fewer planes in the air overnight and the early morning hours (UTC 7-10, 2-5am Eastern). During the hours when the airports are open, there appears to be a limit of roughly 2500 planes per hour in the sky.

Why Not Do All Of This In Julia?

At this point, you might be tempted to wonder why go through all of this effort? Couldn’t this all be done in Julia?

Yes, you probably could do all of this work in Julia with a sufficiently large amount of RAM. As a proof-of-concept, I hope I’ve shown that there is much more to Julia than micro-benchmarking Julia’s speed relative to other scientific programming languages. You’ll notice that in none of my code have I used any type annotations, as none would really make sense (nor would they improve performance).  And although this is a toy example purposely using multiple systems, I much more frequently use Julia in this manner at work than doing linear algebra or machine learning.

So next time you’re tempted to use Python or R or shell scripting or whatever, consider Julia as well. Julia is just as at-home as a scripting language as a scientific computing language.


Fun With Just-In-Time Compiling: Julia, Python, R and pqR

By: randyzwitch - Articles

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Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to learn Julia by doing the problems at Project Euler. What’s great about these problems is that it gets me out of my normal design patterns, since I don’t generally think about prime numbers, factorials and other number theory problems during my normal workday. These problems have also given me the opportunity to really think about how computers work, since Julia allows the programmer to pass type declarations to the just-in-time compiler (JIT).

As I’ve been working on optimizing my Julia code, I decided to figure out how fast this problem can be solved using any of the languages/techniques I know. So I decided to benchmark one of the Project Euler problems using Julia, Python, Python with NumbaPyPy, R, R using the compiler package, pqR and pqR using the compiler package. Here’s what I found…


The problem I’m using for the benchmark is calculating the smallest number that is divisible by all of the numbers in a factorial. For example, for the numbers in 5!, 60 is the smallest number that is divisible by 2, 3, 4 and 5. Here’s the Julia code:

All code versions follow this same pattern: the outside loop will run from 1 up to n!, since by definition the last value in the loop will be divisible by all of the numbers in the factorial. The inner loops go through and do a modulo calculation, checking to see if there is a remainder after division. If there is a remainder, break out of the loop and move to the next number. Once the state occurs where there is no remainder on the modulo calculation and the inner loop value of j equals the last number in the factorial (i.e. it is divisible by all of the factorial numbers), we have found the minimum number.

Benchmarking – Overall

Here are the results of the eight permutations of languages/techniques (see this GitHub Gist for the actual code used, this link for results file, and this GitHub Gist for the ggplot2 code):


Across the range of tests from 5! to 20!, Julia is the fastest to find the minimum number. Python with Numba is second and PyPy is third. pqR fares better than R in general, but using the compiler package can narrow the gap.

To make more useful comparisons, in the next section I’ll compare each language to its “compiled” function state.

Benchmarking – Individual



Amongst the native Python code options, I saw a 16x speedup by using PyPy instead of Python 2.7.6 (10.62s vs. 172.06s at 20!). Using Numba with Python instead of PyPy nets an incremental ~40% speedup using the @autojit decorator (7.63s vs. 10.63 at 20!).

So in the case of Python, using two lines of code with the Numba JIT compiler you can get substantial improvements in performance without needing to do any code re-writes. This is a great benefit given that you can stay in native Python, since PyPy doesn’t support all existing packages within the Python ecosystem.



It’s understood in the R community that loops are not a strong point of the language. In the case of this problem, I decided to use loops because 1) it keeps the code pattern similar across languages and 2) I hoped I’d see the max benefit from the compiler package by not trying any funky R optimizations up front.

As expected, pqR is generally faster than R and using the compiler package is faster than not using the compiler. I saw ~30% improvement using pqR relative to R and ~20% incremental improvement using the compiler package with pqR. Using the compiler package within R showed ~35% improvement.

So unlike the case with Python, where you could just use Python with Numba and stay within the same language/environment, if you can use pqR and the compiler package, you can get a performance benefit from using both.


For a comparison like I’ve done above, it’s easy to get carried away and extrapolate the results from one simple test to all programming problems ever. “Julia is the best language for all cases ever!!!11111eleventy!” would be easy to proclaim, but all problems aren’t looping problems using simple division. Once you get into writing longer programs, other tasks such string manipulation and accessing APIs, using a technique from a package only available in one ecosystem but not another, etc., which tool is “best” for solving a problem becomes a much more difficult decision. The only way to know how much improvement you can see from different techniques & tools is to profile your program(s) and experiment.

The main thing that I took away from this exercise is that no matter which tool you are comfortable with to do analysis, there are potentially large performance improvements that can be made just by using a JIT without needing to dramatically re-write your code. For those of us who don’t know C (and/or are too lazy to re-write our code several times to wring out a little extra performance), that’s a great thing.