Author Archives: perfectionatic

When Julia is faster than C

On e-day, I came across this cool tweet from Fermat’s library

So I spend a few minutes coding this into Julia

function euler(n)
    for i=1:n
        while true
            (the_sum>1.0) && break;

Timing this on my machine, I got

julia> @time euler(1000000000)
 15.959913 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)

Gave a little under 16 seconds.

Tried a c implementation

#include <stdio.h>      /* printf, NULL */
#include <stdlib.h>     /* srand, rand */
#include <time.h>       /* time */
double r2()
    return (double)rand() / (double)((unsigned)RAND_MAX + 1);
double euler(long int n)
    long int m=0;
    long int i;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++){
        double the_sum=0;
        while(1) {
            if(the_sum>1.0) break;
    return (double)m/(double)n;
int main ()
  printf ("Euler : %2.5f\n", euler(1000000000));
  return 0;

and compiling with either gcc

gcc  -Ofast euler.c

or clang

clang  -Ofast euler.c

gave a timing twice as long

$ time ./a.out 
Euler : 2.71829
real    0m36.213s
user    0m36.238s
sys 0m0.004s

For the curios, I am using this version of Julia

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.6.3-pre.0
Commit 93168a6 (2017-12-18 07:11 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz
  LAPACK: libopenblas64_
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)

Now one should not put too much emphasis on such micro benchmarks. However, I found this a very curious examples when a high level language like Julia could be twice as fast a c. The Julia language authors must be doing some amazing mojo.

Visualizing the Inscribed Circle and Square Puzzle

By: perfectionatic

Re-posted from:

Recently, I watched a cool mind your decsions video on an inscribed circle and rectangle puzzle. In the video they showed a diagram that was not scale. I wanted to get a sense of how these differently shaped areas will match.

There was a cool ratio between the outer and inner circle radii that is expressed as

\frac{R}{r}=\sqrt{\frac{\pi-2}{4-\pi}} .

I used Compose.jl to rapidly do that.

using Compose
set_default_graphic_size(20cm, 20cm)
ϕ=sqrt((pi -2)/(4-pi))
ctx=context(units=UnitBox(-10, -10, 20, 20))
composition = compose(ctx,
    (ctx, rectangle(-r/√2,-r/√2,r*2,r*2),fill("white")),
composition |> SVG("inscribed.svg")

Solving the code lock riddle with Julia

I came across a neat math puzzle involving counting the number of unique combinations in a hypothetical lock where digit order does not count. Before you continue, please watch at least the first minute of following video:

The rest of the video describes two related approaches for carrying out the counting. Often when I run into complex counting problems, I like to do a sanity check using brute force computation to make sure I have not missed anything. Julia is fantastic choice for doing such computation. It has C like speed, and with an expressiveness that rivals many other high level languages.

Without further ado, here is the Julia code I used to verify my solution the problem.

  1. function unique_combs(n=4)
  2.     pat_lookup=Dict{String,Bool}()
  3.     for i=0:10^n-1
  4.         d=digits(i,10,n) # The digits on an integer in an array with padding
  5.         ds=d |> sort |> join # putting the digits in a string after sorting
  6.         get(pat_lookup,ds,false) || (pat_lookup[ds]=true)
  7.     end
  8.     println("The number of unique digits is $(length(pat_lookup))")
  9. end

In line 2 we create a dictionary that we will be using to check if the number fits a previously seen pattern. The loop starting in line 3, examines all possible ordered combinations. The digits function in line 4 takes any integer and generate an array of its constituent digits. We generate the unique digit string in line 5 using pipes, by first sorting the integer array of digits and then combining them in a string. In line 6 we check if the pattern of digits was seen before and make use of quick short short-circuit evaluation to avoid an if-then statement.