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Continuous Delivery For Julia Packages


Re-posted from:

TL;DR; Every Pull Request should increment the version number in the Project.toml,
and then you should register the release immediately after merging.
Why do this? Because people are making PRs to your repo because they want that change.
Don’t make them wait for you to tag a release.
Also for all the normal advantages of continuous delivery.
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Dispatch, Traits and Metaprogramming Over Reflection


Re-posted from:,-Traits-and-Metaprogramming-Over-Reflection.html

This is a blog post about about dispatch.
Mostly, single dispatch, though it trivially generalises to multiple dispatch,
because julia is a multiple dispatch language.

This post starts simple, and becomes complex.

  • Beginning with, introductory julia skills: dispatch
  • continue to intermidate julia skills: traits
  • and finishing up with advanced techniques: metaprogramming over reflection

The last of which is kinda evil.

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