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JuliaLang Antipatterns


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An antipattern is a common solution to a problem that over-all makes things worse than they could have been.
This blog post aims to highlight a few antipatterns common in Julia code.
I suspect a lot of this is due to baggage brought from other languages, where these are not Antipatterns, but are in fact good patterns.
This post is to clear things up.
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JuliaLang: The Ingredients for a Composable Programming Language


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One of the most remarkable things about the julia programming language,
is how well the packages compose.
You can almost always reuse someone else’s types or methods in your own software without issues.
This is generally taken on a high level to be true of all programming languages because that is what a library is.
However, experienced software engineers often note that its surprisingly difficult in practice to take something from one project and use it in another without tweaking.
But in the julia ecosystem this seems to mostly work.
This post explores some theories on why;
and some loose recommendations to future language designers.
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My other JuliaLang posts and videos of 2019


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If you follow my blog, it may look like I am blogging a fair bit less this last year.
Infact I am blogging just as much, but collaborating more.
So my posts end up hosted elsewhere.
Also since I am no longer the only julia user in 3000km, I am giving more talks.
For this post I thought I would gather things up so I can find them again.
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