Author Archives: n JuliaLang - The Julia programming language n

The Julia Community Prizes, 2018

By: n JuliaLang - The Julia programming language n

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The Julia Community Prizes, 2018 | The Julia Community Prizes celebrate the amazing set of scientists, developers and designers who have come together build such a strong and diverse ecosystem for numerical computing. Each of the four individuals chosen for the first award in 2018 have made immense contributions to Julia over many yea…

GSoC 2018 and Speech Recognition for the Flux Model Zoo: The Conclusion

By: n JuliaLang - The Julia programming language n

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GSoC 2018 and Speech Recognition for the Flux Model Zoo: The Conclusion | Here we are on the other end of Google Summer of Code 2018. It has been a challenging and educational experience, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am thankful to the Julia community, and especially my mentor @MikeInnes (, for supporting me through this. I've learn…