Author Archives: n JuliaLang - The Julia programming language n

Pkg + BinaryBuilder – The Next Generation

By: n JuliaLang - The Julia programming language n

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Over the past few months, we have been iterating on and refining a design for Pkg in Julia 1.3+ to reason about binary objects that are not Julia packages. While the motivating application for this work has been improving the installation experience for binaries built with BinaryBuilder.jl, the artifacts subsystem is much more general and is widely applicable to all Julia packages.

Profiling tool wins and woes

By: n JuliaLang - The Julia programming language n

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Profiling tools are awesome. They let us see what actually is affecting our program performance. Profiling tools also are terrible. They lie to us and give us confusing information. They also have some surprisingly new developments: brendangregg's often cloned flamegraphs tool was created in 2011! So here I will be investigating some ways to make our profile reports better; and looking at ways in which they commonly break, to raise awareness of those artifacts in the reports. bad result

Julia夏季会议@Beijing – 本地化奖

By: n JuliaLang - The Julia programming language n

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JuliaCN在8月24日,中国北京举办了自2016以来第五次Julia会议。我们非常感谢Julia社区对本次活动的支持, 以及彩云科技, 微软中国, 集智俱乐部, 机器之心对本次活动的大力支持。本次活动有100余人注册,实到50余人。 线上直播在线人数达1600余人。