Author Archives: julia on Abel Soares Siqueira

A Study in Julia

By: julia on Abel Soares Siqueira

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Today I begin a study in Julia. This fantastic tool has syntax similar to that of Octave/Matlab, but is much faster. Furthermore, the interface with functions made in C and Fortran is much easier to accomplish, and since most things in computational mathematics are on these languages, this feature is wonderful.
My intented work is
make a simple julia and C interface, with auto-compiling and test on GitHub and Travis CI; develop a nonlinear optimization tool completely in Julia, then improve the slow bits by using C and/or Fortran; implement/improve the CUTEst interface [1], [2], possibly creating a SIF converter.

The End of Fortran

By: julia on Abel Soares Siqueira

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One of my main interest is the end of Fortran as the only programming language
used by mathematicias
. If you’re not in the area of mathematical programming,
you probably find it strange for me to be talking about Fortran, so I explain.
Fortran is considered the fastest programming language in mathematics, and most
things made are in this language. Other often used languages such as
MatLab/Octave and Mathematica are high-level, which means they are slower and
are not considered for serious applications.

The End of Fortran

By: julia on Abel Soares Siqueira

Re-posted from:

One of my main interest is the end of Fortran as the only programming language used by mathematicias. If you’re not in the area of mathematical programming, you probably find it strange for me to be talking about Fortran, so I explain. Fortran is considered the fastest programming language in mathematics, and most things made are in this language. Other often used languages such as MatLab/Octave and Mathematica are high-level, which means they are slower and are not considered for serious applications.