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Kubernetes in Julia with Kuber.jl

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. Widespread adoption of Kubernetes allows freedom of deploying applications on-premises, on public cloud, or on a hybrid infrastructure.

The Julia package Kuber.jl makes Kubernetes clusters accessible and easy to use from Julia code. In this article, we shall launch a Kubernetes cluster on Azure and use it from Julia. Kuber.jl can also be used with Kubernetes clusters created by other mechanisms.

Note: In the command samples displayed in this article, those with the $ prefix indicate a command run in a shell, and those with the julia> prefix are run in the Julia REPL.

Kubernetes Cluster using Azure AKS

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) makes it simple to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure. AKS reduces the complexity and operational overhead of managing Kubernetes by offloading much of that responsibility to Azure. As a hosted Kubernetes service, Azure handles critical tasks like health monitoring and maintenance for you. We use the Azure CLI utility from a unix shell to create the cluster.

Start by deciding on the cluster name and region to launch it in.

 $ LOCATION=eastus

Create a Resource Group to hold our AKS instance

 $ az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION
   "id": "/subscriptions/........-....-....-....-............/resourceGroups/akstest",
   "location": "eastus",
   "managedBy": null,
   "name": "akstest",
   "properties": {
     "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
   "tags": null

Use the az aks create command to launch the cluster. We start only one node for this example, and use the defaults for most other options.

 $ az aks create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $CLUSTERNAME --node-count 1 --enable-addons monitoring --generate-ssh-keys
   "location": "eastus",
   "name": "akstestcluster",
   "networkProfile": {
     "dnsServiceIp": "",
     "dockerBridgeCidr": "",
     "networkPlugin": "kubenet",
     "networkPolicy": null,
     "podCidr": "",
     "serviceCidr": ""

To make it easy for us to connect to it from our local machine, fetch the cluster credentials and start a kubectl proxy process.

 $ az aks install-cli
 $ az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $CLUSTERNAME
 $ kubectl proxy
 Starting to serve on

Connecting to the Kubernetes Cluster

We shall now try and explore the cluster using Kuber.jl. First, add the package and load it on to the Julia REPL.

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add("Kuber")

julia> using Kuber

A cluster connection is represented by a KuberContext instance. A context encapsulates the TCP connection to the cluster, and connection options. By default, Kuber.jl attempts to connect to a local port opened through kubectl proxy. If you followed all the steps in the previous section to start the Azure AKS cluster, you would have already done that.

julia> ctx = KuberContext()
Kubernetes namespace default at http://localhost:8001

Kubernets has multiple API sets and revisions thereof. We need to set the appropriate API versions to interact with our server. The set_api_versions! call detects the API versions supported and preferred by the server. They are stored in the context object to be used in subsequent communitcation.

julia> Kuber.set_api_versions!(ctx; verbose=true)
 Info: Core versions
   supported = "v1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: (Apiregistration) versions
   supported = "v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1beta1"
 Info: extensions (Extensions) versions
   supported = "v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1beta1"
 Info: apps (Apps) versions
   supported = "v1, v1beta2, v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: (Events) versions
   supported = "v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1beta1"
 Info: (Authentication) versions
   supported = "v1, v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: (Authorization) versions
   supported = "v1, v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: autoscaling (Autoscaling) versions
   supported = "v1, v2beta1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: batch (Batch) versions
   supported = "v1, v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: (Certificates) versions
   supported = "v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1beta1"
 Info: (Networking) versions
   supported = "v1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: policy (Policy) versions
   supported = "v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1beta1"
 Info: (RbacAuthorization) versions
   supported = "v1, v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: (Storage) versions
   supported = "v1, v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1"
 Info: (Admissionregistration) versions
   supported = "v1beta1, v1alpha1"
   preferred = "v1beta1"
 Info: (Apiextensions) versions
   supported = "v1beta1"
   preferred = "v1beta1"

Things in the cluster are identified by entities. Kubernetes Pod, Job, Service are all examples of entities. APIs are verbs that act on those entities. There are only a handful of APIs we need to remember in Kuber.jl to interact with all of them:

  • get: list or fetch entities
  • put!: create entities
  • update!: update existing entities
  • delete!: delete existing entities

Now that we have set up our connection properly, let’s explore what we have in our cluster. Kubernetes publishes the status of its components, and we can take a look at it to see if everything is fine. We can use Kuber.jl APIs for that. To do that we use the get API to fetch the ComponentStatus entity.

julia> result = get(ctx, :ComponentStatus);

julia> typeof(result)

Note that we got back a Julia type Kuber.Kubernetes.IoK8sApiCoreV1ComponentStatusList. It represents a list of ComponentStatus entities that we asked for. It has been resolved to match the specific to the version of API we used – CoreV1 in this case. We can display the entity in JSON form in the REPL, by simply showing it.

julia> result
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "items": [
      "conditions": [
          "message": "{\"health\": \"true\"}",
          "status": "True",
          "type": "Healthy"
      "metadata": {
        "name": "etcd-0",
        "selfLink": "/api/v1/componentstatuses/etcd-0"
  "kind": "ComponentStatusList",
  "metadata": {
    "selfLink": "/api/v1/componentstatuses"

Or we can access it like a regular Julia type and look at individual fields:

julia> for item in result.items
           println(, " ", item.conditions[1]._type, " => ", item.conditions[1].status)
controller-manager Healthy => False
scheduler Healthy => False
etcd-0 Healthy => True

Notice that APIs that fetch a list, have the entities in a field named item, and entities have thier name in the field. We can list the namespaces available in the cluster, and now we can do it succintly as:

julia> collect( for item in (get(ctx, :Namespace)).items)
3-element Array{String,1}:

And similarly a list of pods:

julia> collect( for item in (get(ctx, :Pod)).items)
0-element Array{Any,1}

We do not have any pods in the default namespace yet, because we have not started any! But we must have some system pods running in the “kube-system” namespace. We can switch namespaces and look into the “kube-system” namespace:

julia> set_ns(ctx, "kube-system")

julia> collect( for item in (get(ctx, :Pod)).items)
9-element Array{String,1}:

There! Now let’s get back to the default namespace and start something of our own. How about a nginx webserver that we can access over the internet? Kubernetes entities can be created from their JSON specification with the kuber_obj utility API provided with Kuber.jl.

julia> nginx_pod = kuber_obj(ctx, """{
           "kind": "Pod",
               "name": "nginx-pod",
               "namespace": "default",
               "labels": {
                   "name": "nginx-pod"
           "spec": {
               "containers": [{
                   "name": "nginx",
                   "image": "nginx",
                   "ports": [{"containerPort": 80}]

julia> typeof(nginx_pod)

julia> nginx_service = kuber_obj(ctx, """{
           "kind": "Service",
           "metadata": {
               "name": "nginx-service",
               "namespace": "default",
               "labels": {"name": "nginx-service"}
           "spec": {
               "type": "LoadBalancer",
               "ports": [{"port": 80}],
               "selector": {"name": "nginx-pod"}

julia> typeof(nginx_service)

To create the pod in the cluster, use the put! API. And we should see it when we list the pods.

julia> result = put!(ctx, nginx_pod);

julia> collect( for item in get(ctx, :Pod).items)
1-element Array{String,1}:

We create the service, with an external LoadBalancer, to be able to access it from our browser:

julia> result = put!(ctx, nginx_service)
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "kind": "Service",
  "metadata": {
    "creationTimestamp": "2018-12-07T06:24:26Z",
    "labels": {
      "name": "nginx-service"
    "name": "nginx-service",
    "namespace": "default",
    "resourceVersion": "3172",
    "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/services/nginx-service",
    "uid": "bf289d78-f9e8-11e8-abb2-cad68e0bf188"
  "spec": {
    "clusterIP": "",
    "externalTrafficPolicy": "Cluster",
    "ports": [
        "nodePort": 32527,
        "port": 80,
        "protocol": "TCP",
        "targetPort": "80"
    "selector": {
      "name": "nginx-pod"
    "sessionAffinity": "None",
    "type": "LoadBalancer"
  "status": {
    "loadBalancer": {}

Note that the loadBalancer status field is empty. It takes a while to hook up a load balancer to our service. We need to wait for it to be able to access our webserver!

julia> while true
           println("waiting for loadbalancer to be configured...")
           status = get(ctx, :Service, "nginx-service").status
           if nothing !== status.loadBalancer.ingress && !isempty(status.loadBalancer.ingress)
waiting for loadbalancer to be configured...
waiting for loadbalancer to be configured...
waiting for loadbalancer to be configured...

Our web server is up! It is exposed at IP And we can fetch a page from it.

 $ curl
 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

Cleaning up

Once we are done, we can delete the entities we created in the cluster with the delete! API.

julia> delete!(ctx, :Service, "nginx-service");
julia> delete!(ctx, :Pod, "nginx-pod");

To delete the Kubernetes cluster, we can delete the resource group itself, which would also terminate the cluster created under it.

 $ az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --yes --no-wait

We would like to thank Conning for their support and contribution towards getting this done.

Newsletter December 2018

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concluding that if captured in statistics these would be worth about
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The third annual JuMP-dev
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New Julia case studies:

  • Racefox is
    using Julia with wearable technology to coach competitive skiers

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Julia is one of the top programming languages developed on GitHub. Julia
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Julia users, partners and employers hiring Julia programmers in 2018
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Racefox uses Julia to provide digital sports coaching

With the proliferation of wearable devices, athletes are monitoring their performance and activity levels in ways that were unimaginable 10 years ago. However, beyond step counting and simple KPI readings there remain exciting possibilities in classifying different types of motions to help the athlete achieve a more graceful and efficient technique.

Racefox, a Stockholm-based company, started by looking into cross-country skiing as a possible testing ground to explore its vision of real-time digital coaching. Cross-country skiing involves a number of types of strides. In its classical variants, there are three distinct types of motion. These photos show double polling and diagonal. There is also another type of motion, which is double polling with kick.

Double Polling

Diagonal Polling

For each type of motion, Racefox analyzes the full motion to gauge proper execution in different stages of the motion. This entails reading motion data from a 3D accelerometer that the athlete wears around her/his upper torso. The data stream from the accelerometer is piped to a mobile device for motion classification and analysis.

Racefox’s classification and motion analysis algorithms were first implemented in C++ to ensure fast execution. Initially, the team planned to send raw accelerometer data from the mobile device to the cloud for processing. In the summer of 2014, Racefox noticed that the initial approach was not working satisfactorily as they added more users to the system. The richness of the subtleties in motion were not captured adequately using the initial approach. Racefox needed to tweak the existing algorithms or try a new approach.

Modifying the existing C++ code was proving too slow owing to the brittleness of the language, verbosity, and the need to go through lengthy modify-compile-run cycles. Racefox’s initial attempt to reimplement their algorithms in Matlab did not work very well. It involved a great deal of signal processing with for-loops and conditionals, something that Matlab was particularly bad at. The whole modify-run-analyze cycle was incredibly slow on Matlab, limiting the scope of experimentation. Also, even if they had been able to settle on a suitable approach, Racefox was still faced with the unpleasant prospect of having to re-implement in C++.

At that point, Racefox stumbled on Wired’s 2014 article about Julia titled “Man Creates One Programming Language to Rule Them All” and decided to give Julia a try. In about a week, they had a Julia implementation up and running that was orders of magnitude faster than their Matlab implementation. This was back in the Julia 0.2 days. Even as a young language, Julia was proving indispensable. Racefox was able to (very happily) abandon their C++ implementation and focus on one code base for both experimentation and production.

According to Racefox, Julia truly delivered on the promise of solving the two language problem. What’s more, this allowed Racefox to experiment with a myriad of techniques until they came up with very efficient algorithms that could be implemented on mobile devices. This was done by translating Julia code to Java and Swift. Racefox still does all their algorithm development in Julia and conducts very large scale virtual experiments with ever increasing volume of user data.

Racefox does a great deal of analysis using Julia on servers in the cloud for data exploration, to gain insights and add new features. Racefox does statistical learning using Markov Chains, shallow neural networks, and deep learning. In their day to day analysis, Racefox makes extensive use of Juno.jl, IJulia.jl, Plots.jl, DataFrames.jl, TensorFlow.jl, and lately Flux.jl. Racefox also has a number of Julia-based services that their app calls through an API. For that they use Mux.jl extensively and have contributed to open source Julia by creating the Heroku buildpack used for fast push button deployment.

Racefox continues on its quest to innovate in the area of digital sports coaching. In the last four years they have been featured 3 times on the list of the 33 most innovative companies in Sweden. Racefox has also been featured in this August’s issue of Wired UK as one of the top 100 hottest startups in Europe.