Author Archives: Julia Computing, Inc.

Accelerators (Keno Fischer Quora Session)

Keno Fischer, Julia Computing Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer (Tools) participated in a Quora Session March 18-23.

What role do TPUs and other accelerators play in machine learning?

The success of machine learning has kicked off a bit of a race in the hardware world. It is hard for startups (or even well-funded groups at big companies) to compete in the CPU/GPU chip design world (my understanding is that per-chip development costs there are starting to approach $1 billion). Competing in the machine learning world is a lot easier. You can get away with reduced precision (bfloat16 in the TPU case), increased specialization (e.g. using systolic arrays rather than scalar or vector processors) and to some extent an increased reliance on software to enable simpler designs on the hardware side. I should note that all of these accelerators are still incredibly sophisticated pieces of engineering with development costs in the high 10s to low 100s of millions of dollars range, but that does put them squarely in the range of a large company or well-funded VC-backed startup. Google’s TPUs are probably the first of this generation of accelerators to hit the market, but it is quite a crowded space and my understanding is that we’ll see a number of additional market entries this year.

I’m generally of two minds about such highly specialized accelerators. On the one hand they provide an enormous opportunity for research and advancement. An accelerator today might be an order of magnitude (sometimes more) cheaper than doing the equivalent computation on a general purpose GPU. That essentially allows you to “time travel” 2-3 years into the future until the general purpose chips have caught up. This is an enormous advantage as it allows trying out new ideas that wouldn’t have been possible without special purpose chips.

That said, I do worry that the current generation of accelerators overspecializes to the current generation of machine learning models. Part of the reason machine learning models look the way they do (lots of big matmuls and convolutions, very little dynamic behavior) is that these operations were the only ones supported well by previous generation frameworks (partly for hardware reasons, but often for software reasons that will or have been resolved by current and next generation frameworks). The design of these accelerators may solidify bad assumptions and stifle research into alternatives. I’m hopeful that we’ll see a bit of a convergence from both sides. CPUs and GPUs will catch up with accelerators in terms of raw performance (and frankly the V100 is already performance competitive on a chip-by-chip basis for ML workloads, just prohibitively expensive) and the next generation of accelerators will become more flexible.

Another cause for concern with accelerators is that the various vendors will try locking down the ecosystems. CPUs have traditionally had very well documented microarchitectures [1] which allows people targeting them to unlock absolutely peak performance and flexibility. GPUs are quite a bit worse in this regard (AMD is much, much better than NVIDIA – so credit where it is due). NVIDIA does not document the internal instruction set of their GPUs and does not expose it as an interface (instead they provide a virtual instruction set and a tool that does the translation). This prevents anybody other than NVIDIA from writing libraries that achieve peak performance and has (in my opinion) been a significant depressor of innovation in the machine learning world. If accelerators continue on this path and take it even farther, we’ll start seeing problems.

TPUs for example are quite locked down at the moment. You used to be able to only run TensorFlow graphs on the hardware. We worked with Google to get a little lower level access at the XLA level (a compiler IR of array abstractions), but even so details about the internal workings of the TPU remain sparse and only people inside Google are able to fully leverage them. I hope the new entrants into the market will take the lessons of history to heart and be as open about the capabilities of their hardware as possible (and I keep encouraging the Google folks to do the same, because I know TPUs are significantly more powerful than I can currently make use of).

[1] There is a severe lack of public documentation around things like the early boot process in current generation processors on both the Intel and AMD side, but that’s a separate topic.

CUDA currently is dominating machine learning. How do you plan on supporting a variety of hardware accelerators?

We’ve found Julia to be surprisingly easy to re-target to new backends. I don’t think that necessarily had to be the case, so it’s worth examining some of the effects at play here that have allowed this to happen.

  • Multiple Dispatch. It’s hard to overstate how heavily Julia relies on multiple dispatch for functionality and performance, and it has turned out to be a crucial feature for re-targeting Julia as well. The way we do multiple dispatch in Julia allows us to write algorithms very generically, without much assumption on the underlying execution model of the hardware. This leads to a very high amount of code re-use in the Julia community in general, but in particular allows us to share a huge amount of library code and utilities across backends. Stefan recently gave a talk at JuMP-dev that had a good introduction and explanation of multiple dispatch and its power (video).

  • Contextual Execution. This one’s fairly new and we’re still figuring out how to do it properly, but the basic idea is to extend multiple dispatch to contextual concerns like “where am I running.” For example, multiple dispatch allows alone you to express that “in order to multiply matrices represented by two references to remote GPU memory, schedule this function on the TPU and pass the pointers as arguments,” but that presumes that you are semantically running on some host device and just streaming commands to the accelerator. But what if you want to semantically run on the device itself (e.g. because you’re the one implementing the matrix multiply)? You could reuse the “matrix in GPU memory” abstraction, but it’s not really right because that was supposed to represent a remote handle. Also, the action we defined before isn’t quite right anymore. You don’t have to schedule anything, you can just call a function. At the very least the backend has to do some rewriting here. A much cleaner approach is to re-use the same data types on both CPU and GPU (e.g. a “matrix” is a pointer to some data and 2-tuple of numbers of rows and columns) and have your dispatch decisions include where you’re running as just another dimension to dispatch on (if I’m running on CPU, use this algorithm, if I’m running on GPU use that algorithm). Of course, as usual, you only use this mechanism if there’s a good reason to diverge the code paths. If you don’t care and the code works anywhere, you can just leave the context unconstrained. In Julia, this kind of thing has been pioneered in the Cassette ( package, but we’re slowly moving it closer to the base language.

  • LLVM. LLVM is a fantastic piece of infrastructure and takes care of a lot of heavy lifting. Particularly for backends with similar execution models (different kinds of CPU or even just different micro-architectures of the same CPU family), LLVM papers over a lot of the differences and lets us focus at a higher level in the stack. LLVM will turn “pretty good” IR input into amazing machine code, but it doesn’t magically fix language design mistakes for you. I think this is a general property of compiler technology that’s often overlooked. Compiler technology is generally multiplicative on the quality of the base language. If you start with an ill-designed core language, all the compiler tricks in the world will get you at best something that’s “not quite as bad”. But if you start with a sensible language design and particularly if the language is designed to respect the theoretical limitations of the compiler (e.g. making it possible to eliminate abstractions form local information alone), compiler technology can basically achieve wonders.

  • Reusable Compiler. One of the things I think is fairly unique about Julia is that we’re able to provide additional backends as packages and don’t have to force them into the base language (of course we have the option to do so if there is a good reason). The reason this is possible is that we allow packages to reach into and reuse the internals of the compiler (replacing the parts they need for their particular backend). I’d like to do even more of this in the future and make it better supported. Doing this well will require coming up with some clean APIs and making them more stable (at the moment it’s a bit of an informal agreement and the set of users is fairly small), but I think there is a lot of power in compiler technology that users don’t make use of, because it would require distributing custom versions of the language to users, which is a prohibitive cost. An example of this kind of thing is our compiler-based reverse mode AD system (FluxML/Zygote.jl), which does a very fancy compiler transform, but is implemented entirely as a library.

  • Type Inference. Type inference is the secret sauce that lets us look like an extremely dynamic language to the user, but at the same time provide LLVM, which is fundamentally a static compiler, with enough static information for it to be able to perform the requisite optimizations. Striking this balance well is a question of careful language design and beyond the scope of this reply. One fun thing about it however, is that this technique is not restricted to using LLVM as the static compiler backend. For example, you can replace LLVM with Google’s XLA compiler that generates code for TPUs and get very similar properties (a dynamic look on top of static properties). The kind of static information that XLA needs is quite different from LLVM (XLA reasons about tensors and their layouts, LLVM reasons about data types and memory), but inference doesn’t really care about this distinction. This approach is exactly what we did to target TPUs from Julia and it works quite well, particularly in conjunction with some of the other techniques mentioned above. Making this happen, took just a few hundred lines of code (paper: Automatic Full Compilation of Julia Programs and ML Models to Cloud TPUs).

When should one use a CPU, a GPU, or a TPU? Is there a simple example problem that illustrates when one should switch between the devices?

CPUs are general purpose devices, so they’re generally the right starting point for most kinds of code. GPUs are getting more general purpose these days also, but they tend to make some different choices in the design space. Among these are:

  • Very wide SIMD units. My recollection is that the SIMD width of a GPU (e.g. a V100) is about 32 (GPU folks tend to call this the warp size, but it’s the same concept). For FP64 that’s 4x larger than the SIMD width supported by modern Intel CPUs with AVX512 (which have 512 bit wide registers, i.e. a SIMD width of 8 for FP64). The trade-off here is that wider SIMD units save area on the device because you can share common infrastructure (decode, dispatch units, etc.), but of course your program needs to be fairly regular to be able to take advantage.

  • Very high bandwidth memory. GPUs tend to package high bandwidth DRAM relatively close to the chip and thus get significantly higher memory bandwidth than CPUs get to main memory. For example, the V100 has 900GB/s bandwidth to HBM memory. The bandwidth from a CPU to DDR4 memory varies a bit depending on the exact CPU and memory used, but tends to be in the high tens of GB/s. For memory bound applications this can make an enormous difference. Of course the trade-off here is that high bandwidth attachment requires a lot of (short, low noise) wires with chips generally soldered or otherwise bonded right next to the GPU die. As a result, HBM will always have significantly less capacity than main memory would. The biggest GPU you can buy has 32GB of main memory (which has been available for less than a year), but systems with TBs of main memory have been available for more than a decade and even commodity systems can have hundreds of GB of main memory per socket.

  • Lots of (relatively slow) cores. This is a bit of a throughput vs latency trade off. Do you build one big core that gets you the answer as fast as possible? Or do you build simpler cores, but lots of them to get to the answer slower, but be able to process more data in parallel?

  • An exposed memory hierarchy. On CPUs, the memory hierarchy (the various levels of caches) is generally automatically managed by the hardware and a lot of complexity goes into making this work well. On GPUs the programmer has to explicitly declare what kind of memory various data goes into. This again makes the hardware simpler, at the cost of putting more load onto the compiler and the programmer

I should note that it is possible to create CPUs that are more GPU-like in their trade-offs. Intel’s (now canceled) KNL chip was an attempt to do this. It was the first chip to have AVX512 (though the Xeons have caught up by now). It had onboard HBM (available as either an automatically managed cache or an explicitly managed memory space through a boot-time option) and had up to 72 relatively slow (Atom-derived) cores.

So where does this leave us with respect to workloads? Well, your program will work well if does things that the above tradeoffs were designed for. Is your program very regular and does lots of floating point math? Well, the wide SIMD units will probably work well for you. Do you need to access memory very, very quickly (but not too much of it)? The memory bandwidth might help you. Other things (e.g. lots of pointer chasing) will probably be quite slow. Between these two extremes, it will heavily depend on the workload. Of course, there’s also always the option of splitting your workload between the CPU and the GPU, though at that point the communication costs can quickly become prohibitive (though I’m hoping the newer generations of PCIe will help a lot here).

Alright, so much for GPU. Now what about TPU? Unfortunately, there is not a huge amount of public information out there and even having run a fair amount of code on the device, I still don’t have a great sense of what kind of things will work well. In some dimensions a TPU is quite similar to a GPU (HBM memory, relatively slow cores optimized for throughput). It even has a vector unit that I assume is fairly GPU like (but that’s an educated guess). The biggest difference between a TPU and a GPU is that the TPU has a matrix unit that does matrix multiplies (and to my understanding some related operations) in hardware, rather than building them out of more primitive vector operations. This leads to efficiencies on the hardware design front, but again makes the software design harder. Another big difference is that the matrix multiply unit is using half precision arithmetic (using a custom floating point format), though GPUs are also adding half precision (and even lower precision) arithmetic to support the machine learning craze.

For workloads on TPU, I think the jury is still out. Obviously standard machine learning models (deep neural networks, etc.) will work pretty well, but beyond that it’s not quite clear. Since it shares so many characteristics with GPUs starting from those kinds of workloads makes a lot of sense, but to get good performance out of the TPU, you really do want to load the matrix units. Another problem with the TPU is that the software stack is currently limiting the capabilities of the hardware. For example, on GPUs you can easily page out memory from HBM into main memory until you need it again. This is possible hardware wise on TPUs also, but there isn’t really a great way to specify that in software. I think we’ll find out over the next year or so what works well on TPU. If you have ideas, particularly for Julia workloads that could work well – do let me know. I’m trying to figure it out myself.

Differentiable Programming (Keno Fischer Quora Session)

Keno Fischer, Julia Computing Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer (Tools) participated in a Quora Session March 18-23.

What are the biggest software challenges in machine learning and differentiable programming systems?

Machine learning has revived a significant amount of interest in techniques that were popular in the 70s and 80s but have not received mainstream attention since outside of academia or certain fairly niche use cases. Among these techniques are ideas like polyhedral compilation, optimizing array compilers and automatic differentiation (reverse mode AD in particular) and a few others. Additionally, the hardware folks are reviving ideas that have been out of vogue for a while: systolic arrays, software scheduled architectures (with software-managed hazards), innovation in ISA design and interconnects. Writing good compilers for these architectures is quite hard and not really a solved problem yet.

The reason a lot of these ideas failed last time around was that it turned out there was very little advantage in exploring these exotic ideas, because next year’s general purpose CPU would just be faster than any special purpose hardware you could possibly build. Physical limitations are preventing CPUs from getting faster. I’m writing this answer on a six year old machine and the most powerful single machine I currently have SSH access to is about a decade old – both of these would have been mostly unthinkable even a decade ago. So we need to find innovation elsewhere.

The good news is that (if done properly) all this innovation being driven by machine learning will have significant benefits in other fields. Pervasive availability of production quality automatic differentiation systems (“differentiable programming systems”) will have impact far beyond machine learning. Wherever any sort of optimization process happens, being able to very quickly compute the derivative of your objective function is a crucial prerequisite to getting a good result. This shows up everywhere: finance, astrophysics, medical imaging, personalized medicine, logistics and many others. The same is true for some of the other techniques. Our thesis for building the machine learning stack in Julia is to build it as a set of general infrastructure (AD, compiler support, hardware backends, developer tools, etc.) and have machine learning just fall out as a special case of what’s well supported. That sometimes causes some friction because current-generation machine learning systems tend to not require the full generality that this infrastructure provides, but I think it’s a crucial ingredient for next generation systems [1].

I would be remiss at this point not to point out some of the other work that’s going on in this area. There’s some great work out of Google with Swift for TensorFlow (a very different approach from what we’re doing, but taking differentiable programming the furthest of any of the non-Julia systems I have seen) and MLIR (which despite its name and much to my enthusiastic support is trying to build general purpose next-generation compiler infrastructure), TVM from UW (doing some great work on ML-driven compiler heuristics and search space exploration for generating really high performance kernels on all kinds of architectures). I also liked the goals for Myia when it was announced, but I haven’t heard much recently.

[1] I recently gave a talk on this ( It’s a good overview of the various things we’re doing at the compiler level to support machine learning and differentiable programming. There’s also a larger point on how all of these things have to work together that I sometimes think gets lost.

What type of support for differentiable programming is available in Julia?

Julia as a language tends to make it very easy to write automatic differentiation packages. If you want forward mode AD, JuliaDiff/ForwardDiff.jl is the way to go. For reverse mode AD, the landscape is a lot larger. The packages that I can think of off the top of my head are:

and probably a couple of others that I’m forgetting. However, most of the cutting edge work is going in Zygote (FluxML/Zygote.jl), which is our next-generation, compiler-based automatic differentiation framework. It’s not quite ready for production use yet, but it’s already quite clear that it will be a significant usability improvement over the previous tracing based AD implementations. In particular:

  1. We’ll be able to differentiate through many more AD-unaware codes (all the tracing based implementation requires code to be written fairly generically, which is generally a good property, but not always easy).

  2. We no longer have the distinction between tracked arrays and arrays of tracked numbers (as well as the associated performance improvements).

  3. The compiler will be able to introspect the AD data structures. This one in particular is quite cool. A lot of the literature on “tape optimizations” comes down to just applying standard compiler techniques jointly on the forward and backward pass.

That said, we’re still actively working on trying to figure out the correct support that the compiler needs to provide to make this possible. We’re generally against privileging any particular approach to solving a problem (so we wouldn’t just want to put AD into the compiler directly). The reason for this is simple. There are always choices to be made (as the long list of reverse mode packages shows), so if what we’ve built doesn’t quite work for your use case, we’d like to figure out why, but we don’t want to prevent you from building a specialized implementation that does what you need in the meantime.

Our approach instead is try to figure out the correct reusable abstractions that allow us to implement the thing we want, but have very clear, simple semantics and hopefully will be useful for use cases we haven’t even thought about yet. For example, right now Zygote is built on top of generated functions, a feature we added to support operations on higher dimensional arrays as well as to be able to embed a C++ compiler in Julia. But by coming up with a generalized abstraction, lots of cool things were built that we didn’t even think of when we implemented generated functions. Tools like Zygote are outgrowing generated functions a bit, so we need to come up with something slightly different (e.g. Very WIP: RFC: Add an alternative implementation of closures by Keno · Pull Request #31253 · JuliaLang/julia may be part of the answer), but we’ve been able to do quite a bit of iteration to make sure we get the interface and features right, just with what we already have. Now it’s just a question of adding a little bit of language support to make it amazing.

Machine Learning (Keno Fischer Quora Session)

Keno Fischer, Julia Computing Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer (Tools) participated in a Quora Session March 18-23.

What will machine learning look like 15-20 years from now?

Machine learning is a very rapidly moving field, so it’s hard to make predictions about the state of the art 6 months from now, let alone 15 – 20 years. I can however, offer a series of educated guesses based on what I see happening right now.

  1. We are still far away from AGI. Current generation machine learning systems are still very far away from something that could legitimately be called artificial “intelligence”. The systems we have right now are phenomenal at pattern recognition from lots of data (even reinforcement learning systems are mostly about memorizing and recognizing patterns that worked well during training). This is certainly a necessary step, but it is very far away from an intelligent system. In analogy to human cognition, what we have now is analogous to the subconscious processes that allow split second activation of your sympathetic nervous system when your peripheral vision detects a predator approaching or a former significant other turning around a corner – in other words, pattern-based, semi-automatic decisions that our brain does “in hardware”. We don’t currently have anything I can see that would resemble intentional thought and I’m not convinced we’ll get to it from current generation systems.

  2. Traditional programming is not going away. I sometimes hear the claim that most traditional programming will be replaced by machine learning systems. I am highly skeptical of this claim, partly as a corollary to the previous point, but more generally because machine learning isn’t required for the vast majority of tasks. Machine learning excels where dealing with the messiness of the real world, lots of data is available and no reasonably fundamental model is available. If any of these are not true, you generally don’t have to settle for a machine learning model – the traditional alternatives are superior. A fun way to think about it is that humans are the most advanced natural general intelligence around, but yet we invented computers to do certain specialized tasks we’re too slow at. Why should we expect artificial intelligence to be any different?

  3. Machine learning will augment most traditional tasks. That being said, any time one of these traditional systems needs to interact with a human, there is an opportunity for machine-learning based augmentation. For example, a programmer looking at error messages could use a machine learning system that looks at the error messages and suggests a course of action. Computers are a lot more patient than humans. You can’t make a human watch millions of hours of programming sessions to remember the common resolutions to problems, but you can make a machine learning system do the same. In addition, machine learning systems can learn from massive amounts of data very rapidly and on a global scale. If any instance of the machine learning system has ever encountered a particular set of circumstances, it can almost instantly share that knowledge globally, without being limited to the speed of human communication. I don’t think we have yet begun to appreciate the impact of this, but we’ll probably see it in another 5-10 years.

  4. We’ll get better at learning from small or noisy data. At the moment, machine learning systems mostly require large amounts of relatively clean, curated, data sets. There are various promising approaches to relax this requirement in one or the other direction (or combinations of small, well curated data sets to get started with a larger corpus of more noisy data). I expect these to be perfected in the near future.

  5. We’ll see ML systems be combined with traditional approaches. At the moment it seems fairly common to see ML systems that are entirely made of neural networks trying to solve end to end problems. This often works ok, because you can recover many traditional signal processing techniques from these building blocks (e.g. Fourier transforms, edge detection, segmentation, etc.), but the learned versions of these transforms can be significantly more computationally expensive than the underlying approach. I wouldn’t be surprised to see these primitives making a bit of a comeback (as part of a neural network architecture). Similarly, I’m very excited about physics-based ML approaches where you combine a neural network with knowledge of an underlying physical model (e.g. the differential equations governing a certain process) in order to outperform both pure ML approaches and approaches relying solely on the physical process (i.e. simulations).