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Multi-columns, shortcut strings and subset transformations in DataFrameMacros.jl v0.2


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DataFrameMacros.jl is a Julia package that makes it easier to manipulate DataFrames, by rewriting code into source-function-sink expressions that conform to DataFrames.jl’s more verbose mini-language. In version v0.2 (and v0.2.1) I have added a couple new features that are powerful, but not immediately obvious. This post takes a closer look at the new functionality.

Multi-columns, shortcut strings and subset transformations in DataFrameMacros.jl v0.2


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DataFrameMacros.jl is a Julia package that makes it easier to manipulate DataFrames, by rewriting code into source-function-sink expressions that conform to DataFrames.jl’s more verbose mini-language. In version v0.2 (and v0.2.1) I have added a couple new features that are powerful, but not immediately obvious. This post takes a closer look at the new functionality.

Analyzing international football results with Julia


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As the UEFA Euro 202(0/1) is going on, I was inspired to check out a dataset of all international men’s football matches since the dawn of time. This post goes over some questions I had for the dataset, and how I approached the analysis with my recent macro package DataFrameMacros.jl. Plotting is done with AlgebraOfGraphics.jl, which is a super useful grammar-of-graphics style package building on Makie.jl, which I’m a co-author of and which is therefore my preferred plotting package.