Author Archives: DSB

Visualizing Data with Julia using Makie


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Plotting in Julia with Makie

A Brief Tutorial on Makie.jl

When starting learning Julia, one might get lost in the many different packages available to do data visualization. Right out of the cuff, there is Plots, Gadfly, VegaLite … and there is Makie.

Makie is fairly new (~2018), yet, it’s very versatile, actively developed and quickly growing in number of users. This article is a quick introduction to Makie, yet, by the end of it, you will be able to do a plethora of different plots.

The Future of Plotting in Julia

When I started coding in Julia, Makie was not one of the contenders for “best” plotting libraries. As time passed, I started to here more and more about it around the community. For some reason, people were saying that:

“Makie is the future” — People in the Julia Community

I never fully understood why that was the case, and every time I tried to learn it, I’d be turned off by the verbose syntax, and, frankly, ugly examples. It was only when I bumped into Beautiful Makie that I decided to put aside my prejudices and get on with the times.

Hence, if you are starting to code in Julia, and is wondering which plotting package you should invest your time to learn, I say to you that Makie is the way to go, since I guess “Makie is the future”.

Number of GitHub Star’s in per repository. I guess indeed Makie is the future, if this trend keeps going.

Starting with Makie… Pick your backend

The versatility in Makie can make it a bit unwelcoming for those that “just want to do a damn scatter plot”. First of all, there is Makie.jl, CairoMakie.jl, GLMakie.jl WGLMakie.jl 😰. Which one should you use?

Well, here is the deal. Makie.jl is the main plotting package, but you have to choose a backend to which you will display your plots. The choice depends on your objectives. So yes, besides Makie.jl, you will need to install one of the backends. Here is a small description to help you chose:

  • CairoMakie.jl: It’s the easiest to use of all three, and it’s the ideal choice if you just want to produce static plots (not interactive);
  • GLMakie.jl: Uses OpenGL to display the plots, hence, you need to have OpenGL installed. Once you do a plot and run the display(myplot) , it’ll open an interactive window with your plot. If you want to do interactive 3D plots, then this is the backend for you;
  • WGLMakie.jl: It’s the hardest one to work with. Still, if you want to create interactive visualizations in the web, this is your choice.

In this tutorial, we’ll use CairoMakie.jl.

Your first plot

After picking our backend, we can now start plotting! I’ll go out on a limb and say that Makie is very similar to Matplotlib. It does not work with any fancy “Grammar of Graphics” (but if you like this sort of stuff, take a look at the AlgebraOfGraphics.jl, which implements an “Algebra of Graphics” on Makie).

Thus, there are a bunch of ready to use functions for some of the most common plots.

using CairoMakie #Yeah, no need to import Makie

Easy breezy… Yet, if you are plotting this in a Jupyter Notebook, you might be slightly ticked off by two things. First, the image is just too large. And second, it’s kind of low quality. What is going on?

By default, CairoMakie uses raster format for images, and the default size is a bit large. If you are like me and prefer your plots to be in svg and a bit smaller, then no worries! Just do the following:

using CairoMakie
CairoMakie.activate!(type = "svg")

In the code above, the CairoMakie.activate!() is a command that tells Makie which backend you are using. You can import more than one backend at a time, and switch between them using this activation commands. Also, the CairoMakie backend has the option to do svg plots (to my knowledge, this is not possible for the other backends). Hence, with this small line of code, all our plots will now be displayed in high quality.

Next, we defined a “resolution” to our figure. In my opinion, this is a bit of an unfortunate name, because the resolution is actually the size of our image. Yet, as we’ll see further on, the attribute resolution actually belongs to our figure, and not to the actual scatter plot. For this reason we pass the whole figure = (; resolution=(300,300)) (if you are new to Julia, the ; is just a way of separating attributes that have names, from unnamed ones, i.e. args and kwags).

Congrats! You now know the bare minimum of Makie to do a whole bunch of different plots! Just go to the Makie’s website and see how to use all the different ready-to-use plotting functions! In order to be self contained, here is a small cheat sheet from the great book Julia Data Science.

Of course, we still haven’t talked about a bunch of important things, like titles, subplots, legends, axes limits, etc. Just keep on reading…

Storopoli, Huijzer and Alonso (2021). Julia Data Science. ISBN: 9798489859165.

Figure, Axis and Plot

Commands like scatter produce a “FigureAxisPlot” object, which contains a figure, a set of axes and the actual plot. Each of these objects has different attributes and are fundamental in order to customize your visualization. By doing:

fig, ax, plt = scatter(rand(10,2))

We save each of these objects in a different variable, and can more easily modify them. In this example, the function scatter is actually creating all three objects, and not only the plot. We could instead create each of these objects individually. Here is how we do it:

fig = Figure(resolution=(600, 400)) 
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "x label", ylabel = "y label",
title = "Title")
lines!(ax, 1:0.1:10, x->sin(x))
Plot from code above

Let’s explain the code above. First, we created the empty figure and stored it in fig . Next, we created an “Axis”. But, we need to tell to which figure this object belongs, and this is where the fig[1,1] comes in. But, what is this “[1,1]”?

Every figure in Makie comes with a grid layout underneath, which enable us to easily create subplots in the same figure. Hence, the fig[1,1] means “Axis belongs to fig row 1 and column 1”. Since our figure only has one element, then our axis will occupy the whole thing. Still confused? Don’t worry, once we do subplots you’ll understand why this is so useful.

The rest of the arguments in “Axis” are easy to understand. We are just defining the names in each axis and then the title.

Finally, we add the plot using lines! . The exclamation is a standard in Julia that means that a function is actually modifying an object. In our case, the lines!(ax, 1:0.1:10, x->sin(x)) is appending a line plot to the ax axis.

It’s clear now how we can, for example, add more line plots. By running the same lines! , this will append more plots to our ax axis. In this case, let’s also add a legend to our plot.

fig = Figure(resolution=(600, 400)) 
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "x label", ylabel = "y label",
title = "Title")
lines!(ax, 1:0.1:10, x->sin(x), label="sin")
stairs!(ax, 1:0.1:10, x->cos(x), label="cos", color=:black)
#*Tip*: if you are using Jupyter and want to display your
# visualization, you can do display(fig) or just write fig in
# the end of the cell.

Ok, our plots are starting to look good. Let me end this section talking about subplots. As I said, this is where the whole “fig[1,1]” comes into play. If instead of doing two plots in the same axis we wanted to create two parallel plots in the same figure, here is how we would do this.

fig = Figure(resolution=(600, 300)) 
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "x label", ylabel = "y label",
title = "Title1")
ax2 = Axis(fig[1, 2], xlabel = "x label", ylabel = "y label",
title = "Title2")
lines!(ax1, 1:0.1:10, x->sin(x), label="sin")
stairs!(ax1, 1:0.1:10, x->cos(x), label="cos", color=:black)
density!(ax2, randn(100))
save("figure.png", fig)

This time, in the same figure, we created two axis, but the first one is in the first row and first column, while the second one is in the second column. We then just append the plot to the respective axis. Lastly, we save the figure in “png” format.

Final Words

That’s it for this tutorial. Of course, there is much more the talk about, as we have only scratched the surface. Makie has some awesome capabilities in terms of animations, and much more attributes/objects to play with in order to create truly astonishing visualizations. If you want to learn more, take a look at Makie’s documentation, it’s very nice. And also, the Julia Data Science book has a chapter only on Makie.


This article draws heavily on the Julia Data Science book and Makie’s own documentation.

Storopoli, Huijzer and Alonso (2021). Julia Data Science. ISBN: 9798489859165.

Danisch & Krumbiegel, (2021). Makie.jl: Flexible high-performance data visualization for Julia. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(65), 3349,

Visualizing Data with Julia using Makie was originally published in Coffee in a Klein Bottle on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Vim for Julia — Another Look


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Vim for Julia — Another Look

LunarVim as a Julia IDE

In the past, I wrote on how to use Vim for Julia. Recently, I’ve changed my setup and I’ve been using the new and amazing LunarVim. Here is a brief tutorial on how to setup Vim (actually Neovim) as your Julia IDE.

Introducing LunarVim

The first question to be answered is, what is LunarVim? Presto!

LunarVim is an opinionated, extensible, and fast IDE layer for Neovim >= 0.5.0. LunarVim takes advantage of the latest Neovim features such as Treesitter and Language Server Protocol support.

In simpler words, it’s a series of default configurations for Neovim that makes it even more amazing. The first requirement to use LunarVim is to install Neovim with version at least 0.5. Unfortunately, the sudo apt install neovim will not work (at the time I’m writing this), because the version installed will be lower than the required one.

An easy way to install a proper version is to add the PPA for the unstable version and install it. Here are the easy steps:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install neovim

To install LunarVim, just run:

bash <(curl -s

By running the command lvim in your terminal, LunarVim should start! You can always add alias vim = "lvim" to your .bashrc , to run LunarVim instead of vim.

Setting up Julia

Now that you’ve got LunarVim working, let’s setup the Julia language. This is actually surprisingly simple. In your terminal, run the following:

julia --project=~/.julia/environments/nvim-lspconfig -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("LanguageServer")'

This installs the Language Server Protocol (LSP) for Julia, i.e. the auto-completion functionally for Julia. Now, every time you open a “.jl” file, just wait a bit and the LSP will start.

Next, let’s install the Julia-Vim package that will enable us using Unicode, thus, by writing something like \alpha and pressing tab, we’ll get the alpha Unicode, which is allowed in Julia. To do this, go to your LunarVim configurations file, which can be accessed by running lvim in the terminal and selecting the Configuration option. Another way is to open the configuration file directly, which is ~/.config/lvim/config.lua .

Inside the configuration, there is a place where you can easily install any plugin you want. Just navigate to where the “- – Additional Plugins” is. Originally, everything should be commented. Just uncomment the necessary lines, and write {"JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vim"} and save. This will prompt the installation of the plugging. Take a look at the figure below.

This is what your configuration should look like to install Julia-Vim. Note that you can add any other plugins you like.

Word of Caution!

Since Vim is inside your terminal, you need your terminal to have a font with Unicode enabled. I suggest you install JuliaMono, a beautiful font created for Julia :D. Once the font is installed, just go into your terminal configuration and change to it.

Even with Unicode font enabled, in my notebook, the Julia-Vim was still freezing after pressing Tab without any text. To solve this issue, I wrote the following two commands in my LunarVim configuration:

vim.cmd("let g:latex_to_unicode_tab = 'off'")
vim.cmd("let g:latex_to_unicode_keymap = 1")
Screenshot of my own configuration file.

Now everything should be working beautifully! Your new LunarVim IDE for Julia is ready to be used.

Fast Course on LunarVim + Julia

You can now read the documentation on LunarVim to better understand some of the default settings. But, I’ll give some tips on how LunarVim works, and how to use it with Julia to run your code. Here is a (very) fast course on some of the main commands for LunarVim:

  • In LunarVim, your <leader> is the space , hence, many short cuts will be composed of pressing “space” followed by something else. Here is where LunarVim comes shining. If you just press “space” and wait a bit. A menu will pop-up from below, showing possible commands.
  • LunarVim comes with “NerdCommenter” plugin, which allows you to navigate with a menu. Just press <space>+e .
  • Once you open another file, a buffer is created and shown in the top of the screen . You can click on the tab to change buffers, or you can press shift+h or shift+l to change buffers.
  • Press ctrl+w to see the commands related to splitting screen and moving between screens. You can press ctrl+ h,l,j,k to move between windows.
  • As in regular Vim, you can press / to start searching and then space+h clears the highlighted terms in the search.
  • When you open a Julia file, you just need to wait a bit for the LSP to start working. Once the LSP is loaded, auto-completion will be working, and many other helpful features, such as visualizing the docstring of a function. For that, press g and a window will pop-up with many shortcuts related to the LSP. For example, you can press g + p to take a peek at the docstring and g + d to actually open the function definition in another buffer. Look the figures below.
  • Lastly, you can press ctrl+t to open and minimize a floating terminal. Once this is done, you can run the Julia REPL and copy/paste every line of code you want to run.

There are many other helpful commands. Check-out the documentation on LunarVim or try them out by yourself to learn more. Hope this was helpful.

Check out my Github for the complete configuration file.

Vim for Julia — Another Look was originally published in Coffee in a Klein Bottle on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Deep Learning with Julia


Re-posted from:

A brief tutorial on training a Neural Network with Flux.jl

Flux.jl is the most popular Deep Learning framework in Julia. It provides a very elegant way of programming Neural Networks. Unfortunately, since Julia is still not as popular as Python, there aren’t as many tutorial guides on how to use it. Also, Julia is improving very fast, so things can change a lot in a short amount of time.

I’ve been trying to learn Flux.jl for a while, and I realized that most tutorials out there are actually outdated. So this is a brief updated tutorial.

1. What we are going to build

So, the goal of this tutorial is to build a simple classification Neural Network. This will be enough for anyone who is interested in using Flux. After learning the very basics, the rest is pretty much altering Networks architectures and loss functions.

2. Generating our Dataset

Instead of importing data from somewhere, let’s do everything self-contained. Hence, we write two auxiliary functions to generate our data:

#Auxiliary functions for generating our data
function generate_real_data(n)
x1 = rand(1,n) .- 0.5
x2 = (x1 .* x1)*3 .+ randn(1,n)*0.1
return vcat(x1,x2)
function generate_fake_data(n)
θ = 2*π*rand(1,n)
r = rand(1,n)/3
x1 = @. r*cos(θ)
x2 = @. r*sin(θ)+0.5
return vcat(x1,x2)
# Creating our data
train_size = 5000
real = generate_real_data(train_size)
fake = generate_fake_data(train_size)
# Visualizing
Visualizing the Dataset

3. Creating the Neural Network

The creation of Neural Network architectures with Flux.jl is very direct and clean (cleaner than any other Library I know). Here is how you do it:

function NeuralNetwork()
return Chain(
Dense(2, 25,relu),

The code is very self-explanatory. The first layer is a dense layer with input 2, output 25 and relu for activation function. The second is a dense layer with input 25, output 1 and a sigmoid activation function. The Chain ties the layers together. Yeah, it’s that simple.

4. Training our Model

Next, let’s prepare our model to be trained.

# Organizing the data in batches
X = hcat(real,fake)
Y = vcat(ones(train_size),zeros(train_size))
data = Flux.Data.DataLoader(X, Y', batchsize=100,shuffle=true);
# Defining our model, optimization algorithm and loss function
m = NeuralNetwork()
opt = Descent(0.05)
loss(x, y) = sum(Flux.Losses.binarycrossentropy(m(x), y))

In the code above, we first organize our data into one single dataset. We use the DataLoader function from Flux, that helps us create the batches and shuffles our data. Then, we call our model and define the loss function and the optimization algorithm. In this example, we are using gradient descent for optimization and cross-entropy for the loss function.

Everything is ready, and we can start training the model. Here, I’ll show two way of doing it.

Training Method 1

ps = Flux.params(m)
epochs = 20
for i in 1:epochs
Flux.train!(loss, ps, data, opt)
println(mean(m(real)),mean(m(fake))) # Print model prediction

In this code, first we declare what parameters are going to be trained, which is done using the Flux.params() function. The reason for this is that we can choose not to train a layer in our network, which might be useful in the case of transfer learning. Since in our example we are training the whole model, we just pass all the parameters to the training function.

Other then this, there is not much to be said. The final line of code is just printing the mean prediction probability our model is giving.

Training Method 2

m    = NeuralNetwork()
function trainModel!(m,data;epochs=20)
for epoch = 1:epochs
for d in data
gs = gradient(Flux.params(m)) do
l = loss(d...)
Flux.update!(opt, Flux.params(m), gs)
@show mean(m(real)),mean(m(fake))

This method is a bit more convoluted, because we are doing the training “manually”, instead of using the training function given by Flux. This is interesting since one has more control over the training, which can be useful for more personalized training methods. Perhaps the most confusing part of the code is this one:

gs = gradient(Flux.params(m)) do
l = loss(d...)
Flux.update!(opt, Flux.params(m), gs)

The function gradient receives the parameters to which it will calculate the gradient, and applies it to the loss function, that is calculated for the batch d. The splater operator (the three dots) is just a neat way of passing x and y to the loss function. Finally, the update! function is adjusting the parameters according to the gradients, which are stored in the variable gs.

5. Visualizing the Results

Finally, the model is trained, and we can visualize it’s performance again the dataset.

Neural Network prediction again the training dataset

Note that our model is performing quite well, it can properly classify the points in the middle with probability close to 0, implying that it belongs to the “fake data”, while the rest has probability close to 1, meaning that it belongs to the “real data”.

6. Conclusion

That’s all for our brief introduction. Hopefully this is a first article on a series on how to do Machine Learning with Julia.

Note that this tutorial is focused on simplicity, and not on writing the most efficient code. For that learning how to improve performance, look here.

Here is the code with everything put together:

#Auxiliary functions for generating our data
function generate_real_data(n)
x1 = rand(1,n) .- 0.5
x2 = (x1 .* x1)*3 .+ randn(1,n)*0.1
return vcat(x1,x2)
function generate_fake_data(n)
θ = 2*π*rand(1,n)
r = rand(1,n)/3
x1 = @. r*cos(θ)
x2 = @. r*sin(θ)+0.5
return vcat(x1,x2)
# Creating our data
train_size = 5000
real = generate_real_data(train_size)
fake = generate_fake_data(train_size)
# Visualizing
function NeuralNetwork()
return Chain(
Dense(2, 25,relu),
# Organizing the data in batches
X = hcat(real,fake)
Y = vcat(ones(train_size),zeros(train_size))
data = Flux.Data.DataLoader(X, Y', batchsize=100,shuffle=true);
# Defining our model, optimization algorithm and loss function
m = NeuralNetwork()
opt = Descent(0.05)
loss(x, y) = sum(Flux.Losses.binarycrossentropy(m(x), y))
# Training Method 1
ps = Flux.params(m)
epochs = 20
for i in 1:epochs
Flux.train!(loss, ps, data, opt)
println(mean(m(real)),mean(m(fake))) # Print model prediction
# Visualizing the model predictions

Deep Learning with Julia was originally published in Coffee in a Klein Bottle on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.