Author Archives: Dean Markwick's Blog -- Julia

More Extreme Moves in a Downtrending Market?

By: Dean Markwick's Blog -- Julia

Re-posted from:

I’m exploring whether there are more extreme moves in the equity
market when we are in a downtrend. I think anecdotally we
all notice these big red numbers when the market has been grinding
lower over a period as it is the classic loss aversion of human
psychology. This is loosely related to my Ph.D. in point processes and
also a blog post from last year when I investigated trend following –
Trend Following with ETFs. I’m
going to take two approaches, a simple binomial model and a Hawkes
process. For the data, we will be pulling the daily data from Alpaca Markets using my AlpacaMarkets.jl package.

Enjoy these types of posts? Then you should sign up for my newsletter. It’s a short monthly recap of anything and everything I’ve found interesting recently plus
any posts I’ve written. So sign up and stay informed!

A few packages to get started and I’m running Julia 1.8 for this

using AlpacaMarkets
using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta
using Dates
using Plots, PlotThemes, StatsPlots
using RollingFunctions, Statistics, StatsBase
using GLM

All good data analysis starts with the data. I’m downloading the
daily statistics of SPY the S&P 500 stock index ETF which will represent
the overall stock market.

function parse_date(t)
   Date(string(split(t, "T")[1]))

function clean(df, x) 
    df = @transform(df, :Date = parse_date.(:t), :Ticker = x, :NextOpen = [:o[2:end]; NaN])
   @select(df, :Date, :Ticker, :c, :o, :NextOpen)

spyPrices = stock_bars("SPY", "1Day"; startTime = now() - Year(10), limit = 10000, adjustment = "all")[1]
spyPrices = clean(spyPrices, "SPY")
last(spyPrices, 3)
3×5 DataFrame
Row Date Ticker c o NextOpen
Date String Float64 Float64 Float64
1 2023-02-22 SPY 398.54 399.52 401.56
2 2023-02-23 SPY 400.66 401.56 395.42
3 2023-02-24 SPY 396.38 395.42 NaN

I’m doing the usual close-to-close returns and then taking the 100-day moving average as my trend signal.

spyPrices = @transform(spyPrices, :Return = [missing; diff(log.(:c))])
spyPrices = @transform(spyPrices, :Avg = lag(runmean(:Return, 100), 1))
spyPrices = @transform(spyPrices, :BigMove = abs.(:Return) .>= 0.025)
sp = scatter(spyPrices[spyPrices.BigMove, :].Date, spyPrices[spyPrices.BigMove, :].Return, legend = :none)
sp = scatter!(sp, spyPrices[.!spyPrices.BigMove, :].Date, spyPrices[.!spyPrices.BigMove, :].Return)

plot(sp, plot(spyPrices.Date, spyPrices.Avg), layout = (2,1), legend=:none)

Daily big moves and trend signal

By calling a ‘big move’ anything greater than \(\pm\) 0.025 (in log terms)
we can see that they, the blue dots, are slightly clustered around
common periods. In the plot below, the 100-day rolling average of
the returns, our trend signal, also appears to be slightly correlated with these big returns.

scatter(spyPrices.Avg, abs.(spyPrices.Return), label = :none,
            xlabel = "Trend Signal", ylabel = "Daily Return")

Trend signal vs daily return

Here we have the 100-day rolling average on the x-axis and the
absolute return on that day on the y-axis. If we squint a little we
can imagine there is a slight quadratic pattern, or at the least, these
down trends appear to correspond with the more extreme day moves. We
want to try and understand if this is a significant effect.

A Binomial Model

We will start by looking at the probability that each day might
have a ‘large move’. We first split into a train/test split of 70/30.

trainData = spyPrices[1:Int(floor(nrow(spyPrices)*0.7)), :]
testData = spyPrices[Int(ceil(nrow(spyPrices)*0.7)):end, :];

The GLM.jl package lets you write out the formula and fit a wide
variety of linear models. We have two models, the proper one that uses
the Avg column (our trend signal) as our features and a null model
that just fits an intercept.

binomialModel = glm(@formula(BigMove ~ Avg + Avg^2), trainData, Binomial())
nullModel = glm(@formula(BigMove ~ 1), trainData, Binomial())

spyPrices[!, :Binomial] = predict(binomialModel, spyPrices);

To look at the model we can plot the output of the model relative to
the signal at the time.

plot(scatter(spyPrices.Avg, spyPrices[!, :Binomial], label ="Response Function"), 
    plot(spyPrices.Date, spyPrices[!, :Binomial], label = "Probability of a Large Move"), layout = (2,1))

From the top graph, we see the higher probability of an extreme move comes from when the moving average is a large negative number. The probability then flatlines beyond zero, which suggests there isn’t that much of an effect for large moves when the momentum in the market is positive.

We also plot the daily probability of a large move and see that it
has been pretty bad in the few months lots of big moves!

Binomial Intensity

We need to check if the model is any good though. We will just check
the basic accuracy.

using Metrics
binary_accuracy(predict(binomialModel, testData), testData.BigMove)
binary_accuracy(predict(nullModel)[1] .* ones(nrow(testData)), testData.BigMove)


So the null model has an accuracy of 95% on the test set, but the
fitted model has an accuracy of 93%. Not good, looks like the trend
signal isn’t adding anything. We might be able to salvage the model
with a robust windowed fit and test procedure or look at a
single stock name but overall, I think it’s more of a testament to how
hard it is to model this data rather than anything too specific.

We could also consider the self-exciting nature of these large moves. If one happens, is there a higher probability of another happening? Given my Ph.D. was in Hawkes processes, I have done lots of writing around them before and this is just another example of how they can be applied.

Hawkes Processes

Hawkes processes! The bane of my life for four years. Still, I am
forever linked with them now so might as well put that Ph.D. to use. If
you haven’t come across Hawkes processes before it is a self-exciting
point process where the occurrence of one event can lead to further
events. In our case, this means one extreme event can cause further
extreme events, something we are trying to use the downtrend to
predict. With the Hawkes process, we are checking whether the events
are just self-correlated.

I’ve built the HawkesProcesses.jl package to make it easy to work
with Hawkes processes.

using HawkesProcesses, Distributions

Firstly, we get the data in the right shape by pulling the number of
days since the start of the data of each big event.

startDate = minimum(spyPrices.Date)
allEvents = getfield.(spyPrices[spyPrices.BigMove, :Date] .- startDate, :value);
allDatesNorm = getfield.(spyPrices.Date .- startDate, :value);
maxT = getfield.(maximum(spyPrices[spyPrices.BigMove, :Date]) .- startDate, :value)

We then fit the Hawkes process using the standard Bayesian method for
5,000 iterations.

bgSamps1, kappaSamps1, kernSamps1 = .+ rand(length(allEvents)), maxT, 5000)
bgSamps2, kappaSamps2, kernSamps2 = .+ rand(length(allEvents)), maxT, 5000)

bgEst = mean(bgSamps1[2500:end])
kappaEst = mean(kappaSamps1[2500:end])
kernEst = mean(kernSamps1[2500:end])

intens = HawkesProcesses.intensity(allDatesNorm, allEvents, bgEst, kappaEst, Exponential(1/kernEst));
spyPrices[!, :Intensity] = intens;

We get three parameters out of the Hawkes process. The background rate
\(\mu\), the self-exciting parameter \(\kappa\) and an exponential
parameter that describes how long each event has an impact on the
probability of another event, \(\beta\).

(bgEst, kappaEst, kernEst)
(0.005, 0.84, 0.067)

We get \(\kappa = 0.84\) and \(\beta = 0.07\) which we can interpret
as a high probability that another large move follows and that takes
around 14 days (business days) to decay. So with each large move,
expect another large move within 3 weeks.

When we compare the Hawkes intensity to the previous binomial
intensity we get a similar shape between both models.

plot(spyPrices.Date, spyPrices.Binomial, label = "Binomial")
plot!(spyPrices.Date, intens, label = "Hawkes")

Binomial and Hawkes Intensity

They line up quite well, which is encouraging and shows they are on a similar path. If we zoom in specifically to 2022.

plot(spyPrices[spyPrices.Date .>= Date("2022-01-01"), :].Date, 
     spyPrices[spyPrices.Date .>= Date("2022-01-01"), :].Binomial, label = "Binomial")
plot!(spyPrices[spyPrices.Date .>= Date("2022-01-01"), :].Date, 
      spyPrices[spyPrices.Date .>= Date("2022-01-01"), :].Intensity, label = "Hawkes")

2022 Intensity

Here we can see the binomial intensity stays higher for longer whereas
the Hawkes process goes through quicker bursts of intensity. This is
intuitive as the binomial model is using a 100-day moving average
under the hood, whereas the Hawkes process is much more reactive to
the underlying events.

To check whether the Hawkes process is any good we compare its
likelihood to a null likelihood of a constant Poisson process.

We first fit the null point process model by optimising the
null_likelihood across the events.

using Optim
null_likelihood(events, lambda, maxT) = length(events)*log(lambda) - lambda*maxT

opt = optimize(x-> -1*null_likelihood(allEvents, x[1], maxT),  0, 10)

Which gives a likelihood of:

null_likelihood(allEvents, Optim.minimizer(opt), maxT)

Whereas the Hawkes process has a likelihood of:

likelihood(allEvents, bgEst, kappaEst, Exponential(1/kernEst), maxT)

A substantial improvement, so all in the Hawkes process looks pretty

Overall, the Hawkes model subdues quite quickly, but the binomial model can remain elevated. They are covering two different behaviours. The Hawkes model can describe what happens after one of these large moves happens. The binomial model is mapping the momentum onto a probability of a large event.

How do we combine both the binomial and the Hawkes process model?

Point Process Model

To start with, we need to consider a point process with variable intensity. This is known as an inhomogeneous point process. In our case, these events depend on the value of the trend signal.

\[\lambda (t) \propto \hat{r} (t)\]

\[\lambda (t) = \beta _0 + \beta _1 \hat{r} (t) + \beta_2 \hat{r} ^2 (t)\]

Like the binomial model, we will use a quadratic combination of the values. Then, given we know how to write the likelihood for a point process, we can do some maximum likelihood estimation to find the appropriate parameters.

Our rhat function need to return the signal at a given time.

function rhat(t, spy)
    dt = minimum(spy.Date) + Day(Int(floor(t)))
    spy[spy.Date .<= dt, :Avg][end]

And our likelihood which uses the rhat function, plus making it compatible with arrays.

function lambda(t, params, spy)
   exp(params[1] + params[1] * rhat(t, spy) + params[2] * rhat(t, spy) * rhat(t, spy))

lambda(t::Array{<:Number}, params::Array{<:Number}, spy::DataFrame) = map(x-> lambda(x, params, spy), t)

The likelihood of a point process is

\[\mathcal{L} = \sum _{t_i} log(\lambda (t_i)) – \int _0 ^T \lambda (t) \mathrm{d}\]

We have to use numerical integration to do the second half of the equation which is where the QuadGK.jl package comes in. We pass it a function and it will do the integration for us. Job done!

function likelihood(params, rate, events, maxT, spy)
    sum(log.(rate(events, params, spy))) - quadgk(t-> rate(t, params, spy), 0, maxT)[1]

With all the functions ready we can optimise and find the correct parameters.

using Optim, QuadGK
opt = optimize(x-> -1*likelihood(x, lambda, allEvents, maxT, spyPrices), rand(3))
3-element Vector{Float64}:

This also has a maximum likelihood of -334. Which if you scroll up
isn’t much better compared to the null model. So warning bells should
be ringing that this isn’t a good model.

plot(minimum(spyPrices.Date) + Day.(Int.(collect(0:maxT))), 
     lambda(collect(0:maxT), Optim.minimizer(opt), spyPrices), label = :none,
     title = "Poisson Intensity")

Poisson Intensity

The intensity isn’t showing too much structure over time.

To check the fit of this model we simulate some events with the same
intensity pattern.

lambdaMax = maximum(lambda(collect(0:0.1:maxT), Optim.minimizer(opt), spyPrices)) * 1.1
rawEvents = rand(Poisson(lambdaMax * maxT), 1)[1]
unthinnedEvents = sort(rand(Uniform(0, maxT), rawEvents))
acceptProb = lambda(unthinnedEvents, Optim.minimizer(opt), spyPrices) / lambdaMax
events = unthinnedEvents[rand(length(unthinnedEvents)) .< acceptProb];
histogram(events,label= "Simulated", bins = 100)
histogram!(allEvents, label = "True", bins = 100)

Simulated Events

It’s not a great model as the simulated events don’t line up with the
true events. Looking back at the intensity function we can see it
doesn’t vary much around 0.03, so whilst the intensity function looks
varied, zooming out shows it is quite flat.

Next Steps

I wanted to integrate the variable background into the Hawkes process
so we could combine both models. As my Hawkes sampling is Bayesian I
have an old blog post to turn the above from an MLE to full Bayesian
estimation, but that code doesn’t work anymore. You need to use the
LogDensityProblems.jl package to get it working, so I’m going to
have to invest some time in learning that. I’ll be honest, I’m not
sure how bothered I can be, I’ve got a long list of other things I
want to explore and learning some abstract interface doesn’t feel like
it’s a good use of my time. Frustrating because the whole point of
Julia is composability, I could write a pure Julia function and
use HCMC on it, but now I’ve got to get another package involved. I’m sure
there is good reason and the LogDensityProblems package solves some issues but it feels a bit like the Javascript ecosystem where everything changes and the way to do something is outdated the minute it is pushed to main.


So overall we’ve shown that the large moves don’t happen more often in
down-trending markets, at least in the broad S&P500 view of the market.
Both a binomial and point process model showed no improvement on a
null model for predicting these extreme days whereas the Hawkes model shows that they are potentially self-exciting.

Trend Following with ETFs

By: Dean Markwick's Blog -- Julia

Re-posted from:

Trend following is a rebranded name for momentum trading strategies. It looks at assets where the price has gone up and buying them because it believes the price will continue to rise and likewise for falling prices where it sells. I’ll use this post to show you how to build a basic trend-following strategy in Julia with free market data.

Enjoy these types of posts? Then you should sign up for my newsletter. It’s a short monthly recap of anything and everything I’ve found interesting recently plus
any posts I’ve written. So sign up and stay informed!

Trend following is one of the core quant strategies out there and countless pieces are written, podcasts made, and threads discussed all over Twitter about how to build and use a trend following strategy effectively. This blog post is my exploration of trend-following and uses ETFs to explore the ideas of momentum.

Over the past few months, we have been experiencing the first actual period of sustained volatility and general negative performance across all asset classes. Stocks no longer just go up. This is driven by inflation, the strengthening of the dollar, and the rise in global interest rates it feels like always buying equities 100% isn’t a foolproof plan and diversifying can help. This is where trend following comes in. It wants to try and provide positive returns whether the market is going up or down and, give diversification in regimes like we appear to be in today.

As ever I’ll be using AlpacaMarkets.jl for data and walking you through all the steps. My inspiration comes from the Cantab Capital (now part of GAM) where they had a beautiful blog post doing similar: Trend is not your only friend. Since moving over to the GAM website it no longer looks as good!

using AlpacaMarkets
using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta
using Dates
using Plots, PlotThemes
using RollingFunctions, Statistics

ETFs vs Futures in Trend Following

In the professional asset management world trend following is implemented using futures. They are typically cheaper to trade and easier to use leverage. For the average retail investor though, trading futures is a bit more of a headache as you need to roll them as they expire. So ETFs can be the more stress-free option that represents the same underlying.

More importantly, Alpaca Markets has data on ETFs for free whereas I think I would have to pay for the futures market data.

So let’s start by getting the data and preparing it for the strategy.

We will be using three ETFs that represent the different assets classes:

  • SPY for stocks
  • BND for bonds
  • GLD for gold

We expect the three of these ETFs to move in a somewhat independent manner to each other given their different durations, sensitivity to interest rates, and risk profiles.

The stock_bars function from AlpacaMarkets.jl returns the daily OHCL data that we will be working with. You also want to use the adjustment="all" flag so that dividends and stock splits are accounted for.

spy = stock_bars("SPY", "1Day"; startTime = now() - Year(10), limit = 10000, adjustment = "all")[1]
bnd = stock_bars("BND", "1Day"; startTime = now() - Year(10), limit = 10000, adjustment = "all")[1];
gld = stock_bars("GLD", "1Day"; startTime = now() - Year(10), limit = 10000, adjustment = "all")[1];

We do some basic cleaning, formatting the time into a DateTime and just pulling the columns we want, Open, Close Next Open.

function parse_date(t)
   Date(string(split(t, "T")[1]))

function clean(df, x) 
    df = @transform(df, :Date = parse_date.(:t), :Ticker = x, :NextOpen = [:o[2:end]; NaN])
   @select(df, :Date, :Ticker, :c, :o, :NextOpen)

spy = clean(spy, "SPY")
bnd = clean(bnd, "BND")
gld = clean(gld, "GLD");

Joining it all into one long data frame gives us the model data going forward

allPrices = vcat(spy, bnd, gld)
allPrices = sort(allPrices, :Date)
last(allPrices, 6)

6 rows × 5 columns

Date Ticker c o NextOpen
Date String Float64 Float64 Float64
1 2022-10-31 SPY 386.21 386.44 390.14
2 2022-10-31 BND 70.35 70.36 70.58
3 2022-10-31 GLD 151.91 152.16 153.82
4 2022-11-01 SPY 384.52 390.14 NaN
5 2022-11-01 BND 70.26 70.58 NaN
6 2022-11-01 GLD 153.46 153.82 NaN
plot(plot(spy.Date, spy.c, label = :none, title = "SPY"),
plot(bnd.Date, bnd.c, label = :none, title = "BND", color = "red"),
plot(gld.Date, gld.c, label = :none, title= "GLD", color = "green"), layout = (3,1))

ETF Closing Prices

The prices of each ETF are on different scales. BND is between 70-80, GLD in the 100’s and SPY is in the 300-400 range. The scale on which they move is also different. SPY has doubled since 2016, GLD 80% increase, and BND hasn’t done much. Therefore we need to normalise both of these factors to something comparable across all three. To achieve this we first calculate the log-returns of the close-to-close move of each ETF. We then calculate the rolling standard deviation of the price series to represent the volatility which is used to normalise the log returns

\[\hat{r} = 0.1 \frac{\ln p_t – \ln p_{ti}}{\sigma}.\]

allPrices = @transform(groupby(allPrices, :Ticker), 
                      :Return = [NaN; diff(log.(:c))],
                      :ReturnTC = [NaN; diff(log.(:NextOpen))]);

We also calculate the returns of using the NextOpen time series as a way to assess the transaction costs of the trend-following strategy, but more on that later.

runvar calculates the 256-day moving variance, which we take the square root of to get the running volatility. There the normalisation step is a simple multiplication and division.

allPrices = @transform(groupby(allPrices, :Ticker), :RunVol = sqrt.(runvar(:Return,  256)));
allPrices = @transform(groupby(allPrices, :Ticker), :rhat = :Return .* 0.1 ./ :RunVol);

Dropping any NaNs removes the data points before we had enough observations for the 256-day volatility calculation and calculating the cumulative sum of the returns gives us an equity curve.

allPricesClean = @subset(allPrices, .!isnan.(:rhat ))
allPricesClean = @transform(groupby(allPricesClean, :Ticker), :rhatC = cumsum(:rhat), :rc = cumsum(:Return));

To check this transformation has worked we aggregate across each ticker.

@combine(groupby(allPricesClean, :Ticker), :AvgReturn = mean(:Return), :AvgNormReturn = mean(:rhat),
                                           :StdReturn = std(:Return), :StdNormReturn = std(:rhat))

3 rows × 5 columns

Ticker AvgReturn AvgNormReturn StdReturn StdNormReturn
String Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 SPY 0.000372633 0.00343358 0.0122161 0.115383
2 BND -9.4164e-5 -0.00223913 0.00349196 0.113982
3 GLD 0.000214564 0.00288888 0.0086931 0.101731

Summarising the average and standard deviation of the return and normalised return shows the standard deviation is now close to 0.1 as intended.

This is where leverage comes in because bonds have lower volatility than stocks, we have to borrow money to increase the volatility of our bond investment. For example, let’s borrow £100 with £10 of collateral and invest the £100 in BND. If BND moves up by 1% it is now worth £101, we sell and pay back our loan and we are left with £11 which is a 10% return on our original investment. So even though the price only moved by 1% the use of leverage has amplified our return by 10x.

Plotting the cumulative log returns shows how they are on similar scales now.

plot(allPricesClean.Date, allPricesClean.rhatC, 
     group = allPricesClean.Ticker, legend=:topleft, title = "Normalised Cumulative Returns")

ETF Log Returns

The Trend Following Signal

With our data in a good shape, we can move on to the actual signal construction. Just like the Cantab article, we will be using the 100-day moving average. Using the RollingFunctions.jl package again we just have to set the window length to 100 and it will do the hard work for us. The actual signal is whether this running average is positive or negative. If it is greater than zero we want to go long as the signal is saying buy. Likewise, if the rolling average is less than zero then we want to go short, the signal is saying sell. So this simply means taking the sign of the rolling average each day.

If we didn’t want to go short, we just want to know when to buy or sell to cover we can simplify it further by just using the signal when it is positive. We will call this the long only signal.

Using data frame manipulation we can calculate the signal per day for each ETF.

allPricesClean = @transform(groupby(allPricesClean, :Ticker), 
                            :Signal = sign.(runmean(:rhat, 100)), 
                            :SignalLO = runmean(:rhat, 100) .> 0);

Evaluating the Trend Following Strategy

We’ve got our signal that says when to go long and short for each ETF. We need to combine the return of each ETF per day to get out the Trend Following return. As we are using log returns this is as simple as summing across the ETFs multiplied by the signal on each day. We have three ETFs so need to weight each of the returns by 1/3 otherwise when comparing to the single ETFs we would have 3x as much capital invested in the trend following strategy.

portRes = @combine(groupby(allPricesClean, :Date), 
           :TotalReturn = sum((1/3)*(:Signal .* :rhat)), 
           :TotalReturnLO = sum((1/3)*(:SignalLO .* :rhat)),
           :TotalReturnTC = sum((1/3) * (:Signal .* :ReturnTC)),
           :TotalReturnUL = sum((1/3) * (:Signal .* :Return)));

Again, plotting the cumulative returns shows that this trend-following strategy (dark blue) is great. I’ve massively outperformed just being long the SPY ETF. Even when we remove the shorting element (Trend Following – LO, red) this has done well.

portRes = @transform(portRes, :TotalReturnC = cumsum(:TotalReturn), 
                              :TotalReturnLOC = cumsum(:TotalReturnLO), 
                              :TotalReturnTCC = cumsum(:TotalReturnTC),
                              :TotalReturnULC = cumsum(:TotalReturnUL))

plot(portRes.Date, portRes.TotalReturnC, label = "Trend Following", legendposition = :topleft, linewidth=3)
plot!(portRes.Date, portRes.TotalReturnLOC, label = "Trend Following - LO", legendposition = :topleft, linewidth=3)

plot!(allPricesClean.Date, allPricesClean.rhatC, group = allPricesClean.Ticker)

Trend following results

It’s up and to the right which is a good sign. By following the trends in the market we can profit when it is both going up and down. This is without any major sophistication on predicting the direction either. Simply using the average produces enough of a signal to be profitable.

Let’s focus on just what has happened this year

portRes2022 = @transform(@subset(portRes, :Date .>= Date("2022-01-01")), 
            :TotalReturnC = cumsum(:TotalReturn), 
            :TotalReturnLOC = cumsum(:TotalReturnLO),
            :TotalReturnULC = cumsum(:TotalReturnUL))

allPricesClean2022 = @subset(allPricesClean, :Date .>= Date("2022-01-01"))
allPricesClean2022 = @transform(groupby(allPricesClean2022, :Ticker), :rhatC = cumsum(:Return))

plot(portRes2022.Date, portRes2022.TotalReturnULC, label = "Trend Following", legendposition = :topleft, linewidth = 3)
plot!(portRes2022.Date, portRes2022.TotalReturnLOC, label = "Trend Following - LO", legendposition = :topleft, linewidth =3)
plot!(allPricesClean2022.Date, allPricesClean2022.rhatC, group = allPricesClean2022.Ticker)

2022 Trend Following Results

The long-only (red line) staying flat is indicating that we’ve been out of the market since July. The trend-following strategy has been helped by the fact that it is all one-way traffic in the markets at the minute. It’s just been heading lower and lower across all the asset classes since the summer.

Implementation Shortfall and Thinking Practically

Everything above looks like a decent trend-following approach. But how do we implement this, or simulate an implementation? By this, I mean obtaining the trades that should be made.

The mechanics of this strategy are simple:

  1. Calculate the close-to-close return of an ETF
  2. If it is above the 100-day moving average buy, if it’s below sell or go short.

The price we can trade at though is not the close price, markets are closed, and you can’t place any more orders! Instead, you will be buying at the open on the next day. So whilst our signal has triggered, our actual price is different from the theoretical price.

Sidenote, it is possible to trade after hours, and in the small size, you might be able to get close to the closing price.

Given this is retail and the sizes are so small, we are going to assume I get the next day’s open price. We can compare our purchase price to the model price. The difference between the two is called ‘Implementation Shortfall’ and measures how close you traded relative to the actual price you wanted to trade.

If we are buying higher than the model price (or selling lower) we are missing out on some of the moves and it’s going to eat the performance of the strategy.

To calculate this Implementation Shortfall (IS) we pull out the days where the signal changed, as this indicates a trade needs to be made.

allPricesClean = @transform(groupby(allPricesClean, :Ticker), :SigChange = [NaN; diff(:Signal)])

trades = @subset(allPricesClean[!, [:Date, :Ticker, :o, :c, :Signal, :NextOpen, :SigChange]], 
             :SigChange .!= 0);

Then by calculating the difference between the next open and closing price we have our estimation of the IS value.

@combine(groupby(trades, :Ticker), 
        :N = length(:Signal), 
        :IS = mean(:Signal .* 1e4 .* (:NextOpen .- :c) ./ :c))

3 rows × 3 columns

Ticker N IS
String Int64 Float64
1 SPY 40 14.7934
2 BND 69 -6.45196
3 GLD 61 10.4055

For both SPY and GLD we have lost 15bps and 10bps to this difference between the close and the next open. For BND though we actually would earn more than the close price, again, this is down to the one-way direction of bonds this year. But overall, implementation shortfall is a big drag on returns. We can plot the equity curve including this transaction cost.

plot(portRes.Date, portRes.TotalReturnULC, label = "Trend Following", legendposition = :topleft)
plot!(allPricesClean.Date, allPricesClean.rc, group = allPricesClean.Ticker)
plot!(portRes.Date, portRes.TotalReturnTCC, label = "Trend Following - TC", legendposition = :topleft, linewidth = 3)

Equity Curve with Transaction Costs

What’s the old saying:

“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice – in practice there is” (Yogi Berra)

Implementation shortfall is just one transaction cost. There are also actual physical costs to consider too:

  • Brokerage costs
  • Borrow fees
  • Capacity

Let’s start with the simple transaction costs. Each time you buy or sell you are probably paying some sort of small fee. At Interactive Brokers, it is $0.005 with a minimum of $1. So if you trade $100 of one of the ETFs you will be paying 1\% in feeds. You could get rid of this fee completely with a free broker like Robinhood which is one way to keep the costs down.

This model requires you to go short the different ETFs, so you will also need to pay borrow fees to whoever you borrow the ETF from. This is free for up to $100k in Interactive Brokers, so not a concern for the low-capacity retail trader. You can’t short sell on Robinhood directly, instead, you’ll have to use options or inverse ETFs which is just complicating matters and overall not going to bring costs down.

All these fees mean there is both a minimum amount and a maximum amount that you can implement this model with. If you have too small of a budget your returns will just be eaten up by transaction costs. If you have a large amount of money, the implementation shortfall hurts. This is what we mean by capacity.

Next Steps in Trend Following

The above implementation is the most basic possible trend following. It only uses three assets when there is a whole world of other ETFs out there. It has a simple signal (running average) and uses that to either allocate 100% long or 100% short. There are several ways in which you can go further to make this better.

  • Expand the asset universe.

Including more ETFs and ones that are uncorrelated to SPY, BND and GLD gives you a broader opportunity to go long or short. I would look at including some sort of commodity, real estate, and international equity component as the next ETFs.

  • A better trend signal.

The simple moving average is great as there are no moving parts, but nothing is stopping it from being expanded to a more sophisticated model. Including another moving average with a faster period, say 5 days, and then checking as to whether this faster average is higher or lower than the slow average is also commonly used.

  • Better asset allocation using the signal

The current signal says {-1, 1} and no in-between. This can lead to some volatile behaviour where the signal might be hovering around 0 and leading to going long and short quickly around multiple days. Instead, you should map the signal strength onto a target position with some sort of function. This could mean waiting for the signal to get strong enough before trading and then linearly adding to the position until you max out the allocation.


Trend following is a profitable strategy. We’ve shown that using a simple rolling average of the returns can produce a profitable signal. When scrutinising it a bit further we find that it is difficult to achieve these types of returns in practise. The overnight price movements in the ETFs means that we trade at a worse price. This combined with the general transaction costs of making the trades makes it a hard strategy to implement and to rely on another quote, there is no such thing as a free lunch, you have to put in a remarkable amount of effort to scale this kind of strategy up. We then highlight several ways you could take this research further. So you now have everything at your fingertips to explore Trend Following yourself. Let me know anything I’ve missed in the comments below.

Optimising FPL with Julia and JuMP

By: Dean Markwick's Blog -- Julia

Re-posted from:

One of my talks for JuliaCon 2022 explored the use of JuMP to optimise a Fantasy Premier League (FPL) team. You can watch my presentation here: Optimising Fantasy Football with JuMP and this blog post is an accompaniment and extension to that talk. I’ve used FPL Review free expected points model and their tools to generate the team images, go check them out.

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Now last season was my first time playing this game. I started with an analytical approach but didn’t write the team optimising routines until later in the season, by which time it was too late to make too much of a difference. I finished at 353k, so not too bad for a first attempt, but quite a way off from that 100k “good player” milestone. I won’t be starting a YouTube channel for FPL anytime soon.

Still, a new season awaits, and with more knowledge, a hand-crafted optimiser, and some expected points, let’s see if I can do any better.

A Quick Overview of FPL

FPL is a fantasy football game where you need to choose a team of 15 players that consists of:

  • 2 goalkeepers
  • 5 defenders
  • 5 midfielders
  • 3 forwards

Then from these 15 players, you chose a team of 11 each week that must conform to:

  • 1 goalkeeper
  • Between 3 and 5 defenders
  • Between 2 and 5 midfielders
  • Between 1 and 3 forwards

You have a budget of £100 million and you can have at most 3 players from a given team. So no more than 3 Liverpool players etc.

You then score points based on how many goals a player scores, how many assists, and other ways. Each week you can transfer one player out of your squad of 15 for a new player.

That’s the long and short of it, you want to score the most points each week and be forwarding looking to ensure you are set for getting the most points.

A Quick Overview of JuMP

JuMP is an optimisation library for Julia. You write out your problem in the JuMP language, supply an optimiser and let it work its magic. For a detailed explanation of how you can solve the FPL problem in JuMP I recommend you watch my JuliaCon talk here:

But in short, we want to maximise the number of points based on the above constraints while sticking to the overall budget. The code is easy to interpret and there is just the odd bit of code massage to make it do what we want.

All my optimising functions are in the below file which is will be hosted on Github shortly so you can keep up to date with my tweaks.


FPL Review Expected Points

To start, we need some indication of each player’s ability. This is an expected points model and will take into account the player’s position, form, and overall ability to score FPL points. Rather than build my expected models I’m going to be using FPL Reviews numbers. They are a very popular site for this type of data and the amount of time I would have to invest to come up with a better model would be not worth the effort. Plus, I feel that the amount of variance in FPL points means that it’s a tough job anyway, it’s better to crowdsource the effort and use other results.

That being said, once you’ve set your team, there might be some edge in interpreting the statistics. But that’s a problem for another day.

FPL Review is nice enough to make their free model as a downloadable CSV so you can head there, download the file and pull it into Julia.

df ="fplreview_1658563959", DataFrame)

To verify the numbers they have produced we can look and the total number of points each team is expected to score over the 5 game weeks they provide.

sort(@combine(groupby(df, :Team), 
       :TotalPoints_1 = sum(cols(Symbol("1_Pts"))),
       :TotalPoints_2 = sum(cols(Symbol("2_Pts"))),
       :TotalPoints_3 = sum(cols(Symbol("3_Pts"))),
       :TotalPoints_4 = sum(cols(Symbol("4_Pts"))),
       :TotalPoints_5 = sum(cols(Symbol("5_Pts"))) 
        ), :TotalPoints_5, rev=true)

20 rows × 3 columns

Team TotalPoints_1_2 TotalPointsAll
String15 Float64 Float64
1 Man City 117.63 296.58
2 Liverpool 115.52 284.36
3 Chelsea 94.37 243.1
4 Arsenal 90.38 241.0
5 Spurs 90.85 237.81
6 Man Utd 92.77 215.76
7 Brighton 79.35 205.93
8 Wolves 87.02 203.23
9 Aston Villa 88.65 202.32
10 Brentford 74.75 199.51
11 Leicester 77.99 197.34
12 West Ham 76.19 197.33
13 Leeds 80.61 194.82
14 Newcastle 89.81 190.98
15 Everton 68.46 189.73
16 Crystal Palace 64.95 180.66
17 Southampton 72.23 176.97
18 Fulham 63.02 172.57
19 Bournemouth 62.31 161.9
20 Nott'm Forest 69.65 161.05

So looks pretty sensible, Man City and Liverpool up the top, the newly promoted teams at the bottom. So looks like the FPL Review knows what they are doing.

With that done, let’s move on to optimising. I have to take the dataframe and prepare the inputs for my optimising functions.

expPoints1 = df[!, "1_Pts"]
expPoints2 = df[!, "2_Pts"]
expPoints3 = df[!, "3_Pts"]
expPoints4 = df[!, "4_Pts"]
expPoints5 = df[!, "5_Pts"]

cost = df.BV*10
position = df.Pos
team = df.Team

#currentSquad = rawData.Squad

posInt = recode(position, "M" => 3, "G" => 1, "F" => 4, "D" => 2)
df[!, "PosInt"] = posInt
df[!, "TotalExpPoints"] = expPoints1 + expPoints2 + expPoints3 + expPoints4 + expPoints5
teamDict = Dict(zip(sort(unique(team)), 1:20))
teamInt = get.([teamDict], team, NaN);

I have to multiply the buy values (BV) by 10 to get the values in the same units as my optimising code.

The Set and Forget Team

In this scenario, we add up all the expected points for the five game weeks and run the optimiser to select the highest scoring team over the 5 weeks. No transfers and we set the bench-weighting to 0.5.

# Best set and forget
modelF, resF = squad_selector(expPoints1 + expPoints2 + expPoints3 + expPoints4 + expPoints5, 
    cost, posInt, teamInt, 0.5, false)

Set and forget

It’s a pretty strong-looking team. Big at the back with all the premium defenders which is a slight danger as one conceded goal by either Liverpool or Man City could spell disaster for your rank. Plus no Salah is a bold move.

To add some human input, we can look at the other £5 million defenders to assess who to swap Walker with.

first(sort(@subset(df[!, [:Name, :Team, :Pos, :BV, :TotalExpPoints]], :BV .<= 5.0, :Pos .== "D", :Team .!= "Arsenal"), 
     :TotalExpPoints, rev=true), 5)
Name Team Pos BV TotalExpPoints
String31 String15 String1 Float64 Float64
1 Walker Man City D 5.0 16.53
2 Digne Aston Villa D 5.0 15.25
3 Doherty Spurs D 5.0 15.18
4 Romero Spurs D 5.0 15.03
5 Dunk Brighton D 4.5 14.74

So Doherty or Digne seems like a decent shout. This just goes to show though that you can’t blindly follow the optimiser and you can add some alpha by tweaking as you see fit.

Update After Two Game Weeks

What about if we now allow transfers? We will optimise for the first two game weeks and then see how many transfers are needed afterward to maximise the number of points.

model, res1 = squad_selector(expPoints1 + expPoints2, cost, posInt, teamInt, 0.5)
currentSquad = zeros(nrow(df))
currentSquad[res1[1]["Squad"] .> 0.5] .= 1

res = Array{Dict{String, Any}}(undef, length(0:5))

expPoints = zeros(length(0:5))

for (i, t) in enumerate(0:5)
    model, res3 = transfer_test(expPoints3 + expPoints4 + expPoints5, cost, posInt, teamInt, 0.5, currentSquad, t, true)
    res[i] = res3[1]
    expPoints[i] = res3[1]["ExpPoints"]

Checking the expected points of the teams and adjusting for any transfers after the first two free ones gives us:

expPoints .- [0,0,0,1,2,3]*4
6-element Vector{Float64}:

So making two transfers improve our score by 5 points, so seems worth it. If we go beyond two transfers, then we will pay a 4 point penalty, so it seems worth

Update after 2 GWs

So Botman and Watkins are switched out for Gabriel and Toney. Again, not a bad-looking team, and making these transfers improves the expected points by 5.


The FPL community can be split into two camps, those that think data help and those that think watching the games and the players help. So what are the major issues with these teams?

Firstly, Spurs have a glaring omission from any of the results. Given their strong finish to the season and high expectations coming into the season this is potentially a problem.

Things can change very quickly. After the first week, we will have some information on how different players are looking and by that time these teams could be very wrong with little flexibility to change them to adjust to the new information. I am reminded of last year where Luke Shaw was a hot pick in lots of initial teams and look how that turned out.

How off-meta these teams are. It’s hard to judge what the current template team is going to be at these early stages in the pre-season, but if you aren’t accounting for who other people will be owning you can find yourself being left behind all for the sake of being contrarian. For example, this team has put lots of money into goalkeepers when you could potentially spend that elsewhere.

Some of the players in the teams listed might not get that many minutes. Especially for the cheaper players, I could be selecting fringe players rather than the reliable starters for the lower teams. Again, similar to the last point, there is are ‘enablers’ that the wider community believes to be the most reliable at the lower price points.

And finally variance. FPL is a game of variance. Haaland is projected to score 7 points in his first match, which is the equivalent to playing the full 90 minutes and a goal/assist. He could quite easily only score 1 point after not starting and coming on for the last 10 minutes and you are then panicking about the future game weeks. Relying on these optimised teams can sometimes mean you forget about the variance and how easy it is for a player to not get close to the number of points they are predicted.

Conclusion and What Next

Overall using the optimiser helps reduce the manual process of working out if there is a better player at each price point. Instead, you can use it to inspire some teams and build on them from there adjusting accordingly. There are still some tweaks that I can build into the optimiser, making sure it doesn’t overload the defence with players from the same team and see if I can simulate week-by-week what the optimal transfer if there is one, should be.

I also want to try and make this a bit more interactive so I’m less reliant on the notebooks and have something more production-ready that other people can play with.

Also given we get a free wildcard over Christmas I can do a mid-season review and essentially start again! So check back here in a few months time.