Author Archives: Christopher Rackauckas

Finalizing Your Julia Package: Documentation, Testing, Coverage, and Publishing

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from:

In this tutorial we will go through the steps to finalizing a Julia package. At this point you have some functionality you wish to share with the world… what do you do? You want to have documentation, code testing each time you commit (on all the major OSs), a nice badge which shows how much of the code is tested, and put it into metadata so that people could install your package just by typing Pkg.add(“Pkgname”). How do you do all of this?

Note: At anytime feel free to checkout my package repository DifferentialEquations.jl which should be a working example.

Generate the Package and Get it on Github

First you will want to generate your package and get it on Github repository. Make sure you have a Github account, and then setup the environment variables in the git shell:

$ git config --global "FULL NAME"
$ git config --global "EMAIL"
$ git config --global github.user "USERNAME"

Now you can generate your package via


For the license, I tend to use MIT since it is quite permissive. This will tell you where your package was generated (usually in your Julia library folder). Take your function files and paste them into the /src folder in the package. In your /src folder, you will have a file PkgName.jl. This file defines your module. Generally you will want it to look something like this:

module PkgName
#Import your packages
using Pkg1, Pkg2, Pkg3
import Base: func1 #Any function you add dispatches to need to be imported directly
abstract AbType #Define abstract types before the types they abstract!
include("functionsForPackage.jl") #Include all the functionality
export coolfunc, coolfunc2 #Export the functions you want users to use

Now try on your computer using PkgName. Try your functions out. Once this is all working, this means you have your package working locally.

Write the Documentation

For documentation, it’s recommended to use Documenter.jl. The other packages, Docile.jl and Lexicon.jl, have been deprecated in favor of Documenter.jl. Getting your documentation to generate starts with writing docstrings. Docstrings are strings in your source code which are used for generating documentation. It is best to use docstrings because these will also show up in the REPL, i.e. if someone types ?coolfunc, your docstrings will show here.

To do this, you just add strings before your function definitions. For example,

"Defines a cool function. Returns some stuff"
function coolFunc()
Defines an even cooler function. ``LaTeX``.
### Returns
 * Markdown works in here
function coolFunc2()

Once you have your docstrings together, you can use them to generate your documentation. Install Documenter.jl in your local repository by cloning the repository with Pkg.clone(“PkgLocation”). Make a new folder in the top directory of your package named /docs. In this directory, make a file make.jl and add the following lines to the file:

using Documenter, PkgName
deploydocs(deps   = Deps.pip("mkdocs", "python-markdown-math"),
    repo = "",
    julia  = "0.4.5",
    osname = "linux")

Don’t forget to change PkgName and repo to match your project. Now make a folder in this directory named /src (i.e. it’s /docs/src). Make a file named This will be the index of your documentation. You’ll want to make it something like this:

#Documentation Title
Some text describing the package.
## Subtitle
More text
## Tutorials
Pages = [
Depth = 2
## Another Section
Pages = [
Depth = 2
## Index

At the top we explain the page. The next part adds 3 pages to a “Tutorial” section of the documentation, and then 3 pages to a “Another Section” section of the documentation. Now inside /docs/src make the directories tutorial and sec2, and add the appropriate pages,, These are the Markdown files that the documentation will use to build the pages.

To build a page, you can do something like as follows:

# Title
Some text describing this section
## Subtitle

What this does is it builds the page with your added text/titles on the top, and then puts your docstrings in below. Thus most of the information should be in your docstrings, with quick introductions before each page. So if your docstrings are pretty complete, this will be quick.

Build the Documentation

Now we will build the documentation. cd into the /docs folder and run make.jl. If that’s successful, then you will have a folder /docs/build. This contains markdown files where the docstrings have been added. To turn this into a documentation, first install mkdocs. Now add the following file to your /docs folder as mkdocs.yml:

site_name:           PkgName
site_description:    Description
site_author:         You
theme:               readthedocs

  - codehilite
  - extra
  - tables
  - fenced_code
  - mdx_math # For LaTeX

  - assets/Documenter.css

  - assets/mathjaxhelper.js

docs_dir: 'build'

- Introduction:
- Tutorial:
  - Title 1: tutorials/
  - Title 2: tutorials/
  - Title 3: tutorials/
- Another Section:
  - Title 1: sec2/
  - Title 2: sec2/
  - Title 3: sec2/

Now to build the webpage, cd into /docs and run `mkdocs build`, and then `mkdocs serve`. Go to the local webserver that it tells you and check out your documentation.


Now that we are documented, let’s add testing. In the top of your package directory, make a folder /test. In there, make a file runtests.jl. You will want to make it say something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env julia
#Start Test Script
using PkgName
using Base.Test
# Run tests
println("Test 1")
@time @test include("test1.jl")
println("Test 2")
@time @test include("test2.jl")

This will run the files /test/test1.jl and /test/test2.jl and work if they both return a boolean. So make these test files use some of your package functionality and at the bottom make sure it returns a boolean saying whether the tests passed or failed. For example, you can have it make sure some number is close to what it should be, or you can just put `true` on the bottom on the file. Now use


And make sure your tests pass. Now setup accounts at Travis CI (for Linux and OSX testing) and AppVoyer (for Windows testing). Modify .travis.yml to be like the following:

# Documentation:
language: julia
  - linux
  - osx
  - nightly
  - release
  - 0.4.5
    - julia: nightly
  email: false
#  - if [[ -a .git/shallow ]]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi
  - julia -e 'Pkg.init(); Pkg.clone("")'
  - julia -e 'Pkg.test("PkgName",coverage=true)'
  - julia -e 'Pkg.clone("")'
  - julia -e 'cd(Pkg.dir("PkgName")); include(joinpath("docs", "make.jl"))'
  - julia -e 'cd(Pkg.dir("PkgName")); Pkg.add("Coverage"); using Coverage; Codecov.submit(Codecov.process_folder())'
  - julia -e 'cd(Pkg.dir("PkgName")); Pkg.add("Coverage"); using Coverage; Coveralls.submit(process_folder())'

If you are using matplotlib/PyPlot you will want to add

ENV["PYTHON"]="";"PyCall"); using PyPlot;

before Pkg.test(“PkgName”,coverage=true). Now edit your appvoyer.yml to be like the following:

  - JULIAVERSION: "julialang/bin/winnt/x86/0.4/julia-0.4-latest-win32.exe"
  - JULIAVERSION: "julialang/bin/winnt/x64/0.4/julia-0.4-latest-win64.exe"
    - JULIAVERSION: "julianightlies/bin/winnt/x86/julia-latest-win32.exe"
    - JULIAVERSION: "julianightlies/bin/winnt/x64/julia-latest-win64.exe"
    - master
    - /release-.*/
  - provider: Email
    on_build_success: false
    on_build_failure: false
    on_build_status_changed: false
# Download most recent Julia Windows binary
  - ps: (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile(
  - set PATH=C:Miniconda3;C:Miniconda3Scripts;%PATH%
# Run installer silently, output to C:projectsjulia
  - C:projectsjulia-binary.exe /S /D=C:projectsjulia
# Need to convert from shallow to complete for Pkg.clone to work
  - IF EXIST .gitshallow (git fetch --unshallow)
  - C:projectsjuliabinjulia -e "versioninfo();
      Pkg.clone(pwd(), "PkgName");"PkgName")"
  - C:projectsjuliabinjulia --check-bounds=yes -e "Pkg.test("PkgName")"

Add Coverage

I was sly and already added all of the coverage parts in there! This is done by the commands which add Coverge.jl, the keyword coverage=true in Pkg.test, and then specific functions for sending the coverage data to appropriate places. Setup an account on Codecov and Coveralls.

Fix Up Readme

Now update your readme to match your documentation, and add the badges for testing, coverage, and docs from the appropriate websites.

Update Your Repository

Now push everything into your Git repository. `cd` into your package directory and using the command line do:

git add --all
git commit -m "Commit message"
git push origin master

or something of the like. On Windows you can use their GUI. Check your repository and make sure everything is there. Wait for your tests to pass.

Publish Your Package

Now publish your package. This step is optional, but if you do this then people can add your package by just doing `Pkg.add(“PkgName”)`. To do this, simply run the following:


This will give you a url. Put this into your browser and write a message with your pull request and submit it. If all goes well, they will merge the changes and your package will be registered with METADATA.jl.

That’s it! Now every time you commit, your package will automatically be tested, coverage will be calculated, and documentation will be updated. Note that for people to get the changes you made to your code, they will need to run `Pkg.checkout(“PkgName”)` unless you tag and publish a new version.

The post Finalizing Your Julia Package: Documentation, Testing, Coverage, and Publishing appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.

Optimal Number of Workers for Parallel Julia

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from:

How many workers do you choose when running a parallel job in Julia? The answer is easy right? The number of physical cores. We always default to that number. For my Core i7 4770K, that means it’s 4, not 8 since that would include the hyperthreads. On my FX8350, there are 8 cores, but only 4 floating-point units (FPUs) which do the math, so in mathematical projects, I should use 4, right? I want to demonstrate that it’s not that simple.

Where the Intuition Comes From

Most of the time when doing scientific computing you are doing parallel programming without even knowing it. This is because a lot of vectorized operations are “implicitly paralleled”, meaning that they are multi-threaded behind the scenes to make everything faster. In other languages like Python, MATLAB, and R, this is also the case. Fire up MATLAB and run

A = randn(10000,10000)
B = randn(10000,10000)

and you will see that all of your cores are used. Threads are a recent introduction to Julia, and so in version 0.5 this will also be the case.

Another large place where implicit parallelization comes up is in linear algebra. When one uses a matrix multiplication, it is almost surely calling an underlying program which is an implementation of BLAS. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) is aptly named just a set of functions for solving linear algebra problems. These are written in either C or Fortran and are heavily optimized. They are well-studied and many smart people have meticulously crafted “perfect code” which minimizes cache misses and all of that other low level stuff, all to make this very common operation run smoothly.

Because BLAS (and LINPACK, Linear Algebra Package, for other linear algebra routines) is so optimized, people say you should always make sure that it knows exactly how many “real” processors it has to work with. So in my case, with a Core i7 with 4 physical cores and 4 from hyperthreading, forget the hyperthreading and thus there are 4. With the FX8350, there are only 4 processors for doing math, so 4 threads. Check to make sure this is best.

What about for your code?

Most likely this does not apply to your code. You didn’t carefully manage all of your allocations and tell the compiler what needs to be cached etc. You just wrote some beautiful Julia code. So how many workers do you choose?

Let’s take my case. I have 4 real cores, do I choose 4? Or do I make 3 workers to allow for 1 to “command” the others freely? Or do I make 7/8 due to hyperthreading?

I decided to test this out on a non-trivial example. I am not going to share all of the code (I am submitting it as part of a manuscript soon), but the basic idea is that it is a high-order adaptive solver for stochastic differential equations. The code sets up the problem and then calls pmap to do a Monte Carlo simulation and solve the equation 1000 times in parallel. The code is mostly math, but there is a slight twist where some values are stored on stacks (very lightweight datastructure). To make sure I could trust the times, I ran the code 1000 times and took the average, min, and max times.

So in this case, what was best? The results speak for themselves.

Average wall times vs Number of Worker Processes, 1000 iterations
Number of Workers Average Wall Time Max Wall Time Min Wall Time
1 62.8732 64.3445 61.4971
3 25.749 26.6989 25.1143
4 22.4782 23.2046 21.8322
7 19.7411 20.2904 19.1305
8 19.0709 20.1682 18.5846
9 18.3677 18.9592 17.6
10 18.1857 18.9801 17.6823
11 18.1267 18.7089 17.5099
12 17.9848 18.5083 17.5529
13 17.8873 18.4358 17.3664
14 17.4543 17.9513 16.9258
15 16.5952 17.2566 16.1435
16 17.5426 18.4232 16.2633
17 16.927 17.5298 16.4492

Note there are two “1000”s here. I ran the Monte Carlo simulation (each solving the SDE 1000 times itself) 1000 times. I plotted the mean, max, and min times it took to solve the simulation. From the plot it’s very clear that the minimum exists somewhere around 15. 15!

What’s going on? My guess is that this is because of the time that’s not spent on the actual mathematics. Sometimes there are things performing logic, checking if statements, allocating new memory as the stacks grow bigger, etc. Although it is a math problem, there is more than just the math in this problem! Thus it seems the scheduler is able to effectively let the processes compete and more fully utilize the CPU by pushing the jobs around. This can only go so far: if you have too many workers, then you start to get cache misses and then the computational time starts to increase. Indeed, at 10 workers I could already see signs of problems in the resource manager.

Overload at 10 Workers as seen in Window's Resource Manager

Overload at 10 Workers as seen in Window’s Resource Manager

However, allowing one process to start re-allocating memory but causing a cache miss (or whatever it’s doing) seems to be a good tradeoff at low levels. Thus for this code the optimal number of workers is far above the number of physical cores.

Moral of the Story

The moral is, test your code. If your code is REALLY efficient, then sure, making sure you don’t mess with your perfect code is optimal. If your code isn’t optimal (i.e. it’s just some Julia code that is pretty good and you want to parallelize it), try some higher numbers of workers. You may be shocked what happens. In this case, the compute time dropped more than 30% by overloading the number of workers.

The post Optimal Number of Workers for Parallel Julia appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.

Benchmarks of Multidimensional Stack Implementations in Julia

By: Christopher Rackauckas

Re-posted from:

Datastructures.jl claims it’s fast. How does it do? I wrote some quick codes to check it out. What I wanted to do is find out which algorithm does best for implementing a stack where each element is three integers. I tried filling a pre-allocated array, pushing into three separate vectors, and different implementations of the stack from the DataStructures.jl package.

function baseline()
  stack = Array{Int64,2}(1000000,3)
  for i=1:1000000,j=1:3
function baseline2()
  stack = Array{Int64,2}(1000000,3)
  for j=1:3,i=1:1000000
function f0()
  stack = Array{Int64}(1000000,3)
  for i = 1:1000000
    stack[i,:] = [i,i,i]
function f02()
  stack = Array{Int64}(3,1000000)
  for i = 1:1000000
    stack[:,i] = [i;i;i]
function f1()
  stack1 = Vector{Int64}(1)
  stack2 = Vector{Int64}(1)
  stack3 = Vector{Int64}(1)
  for i = 1:1000000
function f2()
  stack1 = Stack(Int)
  stack2 = Stack(Int)
  stack3 = Stack(Int)
  for i = 1:1000000
function f3()
  stack = Stack{}(Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64})
  for i = 1:1000000
function f4()
  stack = Stack{}(Vector{Int64})
  for i = 1:1000000
using Benchmark
using DataStructures
base = benchmark(baseline,"baseline",1000)
base2 = benchmark(baseline2,"baseline2",1000)
df0 = benchmark(f0,"array",1000)
df02 = benchmark(f02,"arrayTranspose",1000)
df1 = benchmark(f1,"vectorStack",1000)
df2 = benchmark(f2,"dsStacks",1000)
df3 = benchmark(f3,"dsStackTuple",1000)
df4 = benchmark(f4,"dsStackVector",1000)

The results were as follows:

| Row | Category   | Benchmark  | Iterations | TotalWall | AverageWall |
| 1   | "baseline" | "baseline" | 1000       | 11.7169   | 0.0117169   |
| Row | MaxWall   | MinWall    | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.0158455 | 0.00978837 | "2016-02-29 23:23:51" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |
1x12 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | Category    | Benchmark   | Iterations | TotalWall | AverageWall |
| 1   | "baseline2" | "baseline2" | 1000       | 9.84362   | 0.00984362  |
| Row | MaxWall   | MinWall    | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.0126953 | 0.00694176 | "2016-02-29 23:24:01" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |
1x12 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | Category | Benchmark | Iterations | TotalWall | AverageWall | MaxWall  |
| 1   | "array"  | "array"   | 1000       | 114.288   | 0.114288    | 0.172499 |
| Row | MinWall   | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.0775942 | "2016-02-29 22:45:42" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |
1x12 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | Category         | Benchmark        | Iterations | TotalWall |
| 1   | "arrayTranspose" | "arrayTranspose" | 1000       | 110.981   |
| Row | AverageWall | MaxWall  | MinWall   | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.110981    | 0.183495 | 0.0741138 | "2016-02-29 22:47:34" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |
1x12 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | Category      | Benchmark     | Iterations | TotalWall | AverageWall |
| 1   | "vectorStack" | "vectorStack" | 1000       | 34.4623   | 0.0344623   |
| Row | MaxWall   | MinWall   | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.0455326 | 0.0285367 | "2016-02-29 22:48:09" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |
1x12 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | Category   | Benchmark  | Iterations | TotalWall | AverageWall |
| 1   | "dsStacks" | "dsStacks" | 1000       | 38.0762   | 0.0380762   |
| Row | MaxWall   | MinWall   | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.0508213 | 0.0303853 | "2016-02-29 22:48:47" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |
1x12 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | Category       | Benchmark      | Iterations | TotalWall | AverageWall |
| 1   | "dsStackTuple" | "dsStackTuple" | 1000       | 19.3516   | 0.0193516   |
| Row | MaxWall   | MinWall   | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.0296347 | 0.0140451 | "2016-02-29 22:49:06" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |
1x12 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | Category        | Benchmark       | Iterations | TotalWall |
| 1   | "dsStackVector" | "dsStackVector" | 1000       | 184.126   |
| Row | AverageWall | MaxWall  | MinWall | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.184126    | 0.227575 | 0.16454 | "2016-02-29 22:52:11" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |
1x12 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | Category      | Benchmark     | Iterations | TotalWall | AverageWall |
| 1   | "vectorTuple" | "vectorTuple" | 1000       | 23.65     | 0.02365     |
| Row | MaxWall   | MinWall   | Timestamp             |
| 1   | 0.0375346 | 0.0200302 | "2016-02-29 23:29:45" |
| Row | JuliaHash                                  | CodeHash | OS        |
| 1   | "a2f713dea5ac6320d8dcf2835ac4a37ea751af05" | NA       | "Windows" |
| Row | CPUCores |
| 1   | 8        |

Things to learn from this are:

  • Using a tuple is by far the fastest.
  • Datastructures.jl does beat out all except the pre-allocated array
  • The standard vector is pretty close to the DataStructures.jl result

The end result is: use arrays when you can pre-allocate and need mutability, but if you want to throw and retrieve things from a dynamic data structure, using tuples is key. Datastructures.jl has some nice features and (obviously) implementations of data structures, and although they are slightly faster than the native implementation, don’t expect a massive speedup. Still, it’s a well-made package you should try out.

The post Benchmarks of Multidimensional Stack Implementations in Julia appeared first on Stochastic Lifestyle.