Author Archives: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Broadcast fusion in Julia: all you need to know to avoid pitfalls

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from:


Broadcasting is a powerful feature of Julia and quickly becomes a tool of choice
of developers because it is convenient to use.

However, in more complicated scenarios it can be tricky. The issue is that because
of its power broadcasting has a complex design and even the Julia Manual has it covered in four
different parts to discuss different aspects of the functionality:
here, here, here, and here.

For this reason, some time ago I have written a post about @. to
clarify its usage. A recent discussion on Julia Discourse prompted me to write
another post about this topic.

I will cover two things related to broadcast fusion today:
broadcasting of containers having different shape
and aliasing in broadcasted assignment.

The presented examples were tested under Julia 1.9.0-rc1.

Broadcasting of containers having different shape

Let me start with an example:

julia> x = string.([1, 2, 3], ",", ["a" "b"], ":")
3×2 Matrix{String}:
 "1,a:"  "1,b:"
 "2,a:"  "2,b:"
 "3,a:"  "3,b:"

julia> y = rand.(Int8, 1:3)
3-element Vector{Vector{Int8}}:
 [65, -119]
 [-77, -78, -5]

julia> string.(x, y)
3×2 Matrix{String}:
 "1,a:Int8[-95]"           "1,b:Int8[-95]"
 "2,a:Int8[65, -119]"      "2,b:Int8[65, -119]"
 "3,a:Int8[-77, -78, -5]"  "3,b:Int8[-77, -78, -5]"

julia> string.([1, 2, 3], ",", ["a" "b"], ":", rand.(Int8, 1:3))
3×2 Matrix{String}:
 "1,a:Int8[-127]"            "1,b:Int8[-93]"
 "2,a:Int8[92, -91]"         "2,b:Int8[-88, 118]"
 "3,a:Int8[-104, -29, -38]"  "3,b:Int8[23, 109, 76]"

What we can see here is that the x = string.([1, 2, 3], ",", ["a" "b"], ":") operation creates a 3×2 matrix,
while y = rand.(Int8, 1:3) creates a 3-element vector. Since in Julia vectors are treated as columnar
the matrix and vector have matching dimensions and can be used in broadcasting.
The call string.(x, y) reuses elements of y in each row. As a result the suffix of every string
in the resulting matrix is the same for each row.

Therefore, you might be surprised that when you combine the expressions into one call
string.([1, 2, 3], ",", ["a" "b"], ":", rand.(Int8, 1:3)) you get a different result.
Now each suffix is different (I used random numbers to show you that the suffix is different indeed).

What is the reason for this behavior? As is explained in the Julia Manual entries I linked to in the introduction
Julia performs broadcast fusion. This means that it behaves as if it created a single loop over two
dimensions of the output matrix and evaluates the expression:
string(p, ",", q, ":", rand.(Int8, r)) for values of p, q and r appropriately determined
from the source data [1, 2, 3], ["a" "b"], and 1:3 without caching them when doing the expansion
of the 1:3 vector over the second dimension. This means that we get different suffix in each cell.
Sometimes it is indeed desired, in other cases it can be surprising and not wanted.

First, let me explain how to resolve this issue. You can use the identity function (not-broacasted)
to break broadcast fusion behavior. Here is how you can do it:

julia> string.([1, 2, 3], ",", ["a" "b"], ":", identity(rand.(Int8, 1:3)))
3×2 Matrix{String}:
 "1,a:Int8[45]"           "1,b:Int8[45]"
 "2,a:Int8[-121, 60]"     "2,b:Int8[-121, 60]"
 "3,a:Int8[47, -25, 42]"  "3,b:Int8[47, -25, 42]"

The part of the expression wrapped in identity gets evaluated and then is fed into the enclosing
broadcasting expression.

In our example this changes the result of the operation, because we generated random numbers.
However, even if the result would not be impacted it can affect the performance significantly.
Have a look at this example (timings are after compilation):

julia> @time sin.(1:1000) .+ cos.((1:1000)');
  0.032546 seconds (2 allocations: 7.629 MiB)

julia> @time identity(sin.(1:1000)) .+ identity(cos.((1:1000)'));
  0.005688 seconds (4 allocations: 7.645 MiB)

What is the reason of the difference? In the first case both sin and cos
are evaluated 1,000,000 times (for each cell separately).
In the second example we have only 1000 calls of sin and cos.

You might ask when the default behavior might be desirable? It is useful when for example
you want to avoid aliasing. Take a look:

julia> m1 = tuple.([1 2], vcat.(1:3, 4:6))
3×2 Matrix{Tuple{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}:
 (1, [1, 4])  (2, [1, 4])
 (1, [2, 5])  (2, [2, 5])
 (1, [3, 6])  (2, [3, 6])

julia> push!(m1[1, 1][2], 100)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> m1
3×2 Matrix{Tuple{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}:
 (1, [1, 4, 100])  (2, [1, 4])
 (1, [2, 5])       (2, [2, 5])
 (1, [3, 6])       (2, [3, 6])

julia> m2 = tuple.([1 2], identity(vcat.(1:3, 4:6)))
3×2 Matrix{Tuple{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}:
 (1, [1, 4])  (2, [1, 4])
 (1, [2, 5])  (2, [2, 5])
 (1, [3, 6])  (2, [3, 6])

julia> push!(m2[1, 1][2], 100)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> m2
3×2 Matrix{Tuple{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}:
 (1, [1, 4, 100])  (2, [1, 4, 100])
 (1, [2, 5])       (2, [2, 5])
 (1, [3, 6])       (2, [3, 6])

As you can see, in this case we typically would want vcat to be called separately for every cell.
When we broke broadcast fusion with identity(vcat.(1:3, 4:6)) we get the same vector in every cell in a single row,
which could lead to hard-to-catch bugs.

Another question is when broadcast fusion is useful from the performance perspective?
The answer is that in simple calls like (timings are after compilation):

julia> @time cot.(sin.(cos.(tan.(1:10^6))));
  0.057595 seconds (2 allocations: 7.629 MiB)

we avoid unnecessary allocation of intermediate objects. We can simulate non-fused performance
by injecting identity to see the difference:

julia> @time cot.(identity(sin.(identity(cos.(identity(tan.(1:10^6)))))));
  0.085532 seconds (8 allocations: 30.518 MiB)

Aliasing in broadcasted assignment

Another potential issue is aliasing in broadcasted assignment .=. Have a look at this example:

julia> x = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> x .= sum.(Ref(x))
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 10  35
 19  68

julia> x = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> x .= identity(sum.(Ref(x)))
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 10  10
 10  10

In the first case of x .= sum.(Ref(x)), as we already discussed, sum.(Ref(x))
gets executed for each cell of x matrix. Now, since we use .= broadcasted assignment
the operation happens in-place, which means that x gets updated during the process
and consecutive sum.(Ref(x)) calls use changed x. Again, breaking broadcasting
fusion with identity(sum.(Ref(x))) forces Julia to materialize the sum before
doing the outer broadcasted assignment and we get 10 in every cell.

To give another example let us have a look how we can fill a vector with consecutive
powers of 2 (of course there are better ways to do it):

julia> x = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
7-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> x .= sum.(Ref(x))
7-element Vector{Int64}:


In summary, it is important to keep in mind that Julia performs broadcast fusion when
operating on several broadcasted function calls that are chained together.

This broadcast fusion in general improves performance and reduces allocations, but in some
cases it is not desirable. The most common scenarios are:

  • when we broadcast operations over containers of different dimensions
    (when it can degrade performance, or lead to different results).
  • when we perform broadcasted assignment to a container that is also used on right hand side of
    an expression (when it can lead to unexpectedly incorrect results).

As I have shown, in such cases one of the ways to fix the problem is to break broadcast fusion
by injecting a non-broadcasted function call forcing materialization of intermediate results
of computation. The identity function can be used to achieve this effect.

What is new in DataFrames.jl 1.5

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from:


The objective of this post is simple: I want to discuss
the most important new functionalities that DataFrames.jl 1.5 offers.

The changes I cover today are:

  • more powerful Cols selector;
  • group order setting in groupby;
  • setting row order in joins;
  • new options of handling duplicate rows in unique;
  • making flatten function scalar-aware.

The post was tested under Julia 1.9.0-rc1 and DataFrames.jl 1.5.0.

More powerful Cols selector

The Cols selector has gotten two new features:

  • ability to mix condition function selector with other selectors;
  • new operator keyword argument.

Let me explain both by example. Start with using condition function selector.

This is the old behavior that was supported:

julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame(x1=1, x2=2, y1=3, y2=4)
1×4 DataFrame
 Row │ x1     x2     y1     y2
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      3      4

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("x")))
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x1     x2
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2

The startswith("x") condition function was required to be the only argument to Cols.
Now you can flexibly mix it with other selectors:

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("x"), r"2"))
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x1     x2     y2
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      4

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("x"), endswith("2")))
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x1     x2     y2
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      4

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("x"), :y2))
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x1     x2     y2
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      4

The second change is operator keyword argument. By default Cols, when passed multiple arguments
takes their union:

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("x"), endswith("2")))
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x1     x2     y2
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      4

However, you can pass other operators that specify the way how columns selected by individual
arguments should be combined together. For example you can take their intersection:

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("x"), endswith("2"), operator=intersect))
1×1 DataFrame
 Row │ x2
     │ Int64
   1 │     2

or set difference:

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("x"), endswith("2"), operator=setdiff))
1×1 DataFrame
 Row │ x1
     │ Int64
   1 │     1

Group order setting in groupby

Previously grouby when you passed sort=true sorted groups in ascending order.
Here is an example:

julia> df = DataFrame(id=["a", "c", "b"], row=1:3)
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ id      row
     │ String  Int64
   1 │ a           1
   2 │ c           2
   3 │ b           3

julia> show(groupby(df, :id, sort=true), allgroups=true)
GroupedDataFrame with 3 groups based on key: id
Group 1 (1 row): id = "a"
 Row │ id      row
     │ String  Int64
   1 │ a           1
Group 2 (1 row): id = "b"
 Row │ id      row
     │ String  Int64
   1 │ b           3
Group 3 (1 row): id = "c"
 Row │ id      row
     │ String  Int64
   1 │ c           2

Now you can use pass in sort any set of keyword arguments that sort accepts as a named tuple.
For example if you wanted groups to be sorted in reverse order do:

julia> show(groupby(df, :id, sort=(rev=true,)), allgroups=true)
GroupedDataFrame with 3 groups based on key: id
Group 1 (1 row): id = "c"
 Row │ id      row
     │ String  Int64
   1 │ c           2
Group 2 (1 row): id = "b"
 Row │ id      row
     │ String  Int64
   1 │ b           3
Group 3 (1 row): id = "a"
 Row │ id      row
     │ String  Int64
   1 │ a           1

Setting row order in joins

By default join operations do not guarantee the order of rows in the output
(just like databases):

julia> df_left = DataFrame(id=[1, 2, 4, 5], left=1:4)
4×2 DataFrame
 Row │ id     left
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      1
   2 │     2      2
   3 │     4      3
   4 │     5      4

julia> df_right = DataFrame(id=[2, 1, 3, 6, 7], right=1:5)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ id     right
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     2      1
   2 │     1      2
   3 │     3      3
   4 │     6      4
   5 │     7      5

julia> outerjoin(df_left, df_right, on=:id)
7×3 DataFrame
 Row │ id     left     right
     │ Int64  Int64?   Int64?
   1 │     2        2        1
   2 │     1        1        2
   3 │     4        3  missing
   4 │     5        4  missing
   5 │     3  missing        3
   6 │     6  missing        4
   7 │     7  missing        5

However, often users want the result to follow the order of rows of one of the source tables.
This can be achieved now using the order keyword argument.

If you want the result to have rows in the order of left table (and then added
non-matching rows from the right table at the end, if needed) do:

julia> outerjoin(df_left, df_right, on=:id, order=:left)
7×3 DataFrame
 Row │ id     left     right
     │ Int64  Int64?   Int64?
   1 │     1        1        2
   2 │     2        2        1
   3 │     4        3  missing
   4 │     5        4  missing
   5 │     3  missing        3
   6 │     6  missing        4
   7 │     7  missing        5

Similar option is available if you want to keep the row order of the right table:

julia> outerjoin(df_left, df_right, on=:id, order=:right)
7×3 DataFrame
 Row │ id     left     right
     │ Int64  Int64?   Int64?
   1 │     2        2        1
   2 │     1        1        2
   3 │     3  missing        3
   4 │     6  missing        4
   5 │     7  missing        5
   6 │     4        3  missing
   7 │     5        4  missing

New options of handling duplicate rows in unique

By default unique (and related functions unique! and nonunique) kept
the first duplicate row in case of duplicates. Here is an example:

julia> df = DataFrame(a=[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4], id=1:6)
6×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      id
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      1
   2 │     2      2
   3 │     3      3
   4 │     1      4
   5 │     2      5
   6 │     4      6

julia> unique(df, :a)
4×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      id
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      1
   2 │     2      2
   3 │     3      3
   4 │     4      6

However, users sometimes wanted a different behavior. Two more are now supported.
If instead you want to keep the last of duplicate rows pass keep=:last:

julia> unique(df, :a, keep=:last)
4×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      id
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     3      3
   2 │     1      4
   3 │     2      5
   4 │     4      6

While, if you do not want to keep any duplicate rows pass keep=:noduplicates:

julia> unique(df, :a, keep=:noduplicates)
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      id
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     3      3
   2 │     4      6

Making flatten function scalar-aware

The flatten function is often useful when one wants to unnest a column that
holds collections (e.g. vectors). Here is an example:

julia> df = DataFrame(id=1:3, col=[["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e", "f"]])
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ id     col
     │ Int64  Array…
   1 │     1  ["a", "b"]
   2 │     2  ["c", "d"]
   3 │     3  ["e", "f"]

julia> flatten(df, :col)
6×2 DataFrame
 Row │ id     col
     │ Int64  String
   1 │     1  a
   2 │     1  b
   3 │     2  c
   4 │     2  d
   5 │     3  e
   6 │     3  f

However, sometimes such a column might hold values that are not collections and we do not want to try expanding them.
The most common case is missing:

julia> df = DataFrame(id=1:3, col=[["a", "b"], missing, ["e", "f"]])
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ id     col
     │ Int64  Array…?
   1 │     1  ["a", "b"]
   2 │     2  missing
   3 │     3  ["e", "f"]

julia> flatten(df, :col)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching length(::Missing)

As you can see the operation failed as missing is not a collection that has length (thus it cannot be expanded).

Now you can specify that missing is a scalar that, when encountered, should not be expanded.
You do it by passing scalar=Missing keyword argument:

julia> flatten(df, :col, scalar=Missing)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ id     col
     │ Int64  String?
   1 │     1  a
   2 │     1  b
   3 │     2  missing
   4 │     3  e
   5 │     3  f


I hope you will find the new additions that were introduced in DataFrames.jl useful for your data wrangling tasks!

A puzzle hidden within a classic rod cutting puzzle

By: Blog by Bogumił Kamiński

Re-posted from:


Today im my post I want to concentrate on a less technical topic
(at least to start with 😄).

We will discuss solving the following classic puzzle:

You are given a 1 meter long rod. Someone cuts it in n places.
The locations of the cuts are picked independently uniformly at random.
As a result of the process you get n+1 pieces. What is the probability
that it is possible to create a polygon using them?

There are many approaches that can be used to solve this puzzle.
I will want to discuss one that uses only basic probability
theory and does not require any tricks.

Next we will validate the solution using Julia 1.9.0-rc1. The solution
will lead us to another puzzle, that I think is important to understand
by people using random number generation in Julia.

Analytical solution

We start with the observation that if we are given n+1 line segments it is
possible to create a polygon using them if and only if every of them has less
than 50% of total length of the original rod.

Denote the locations of the cut points on the rod by X(i) for i going
from 1 to n. We are measuring location from the left of the rod.

When would be the above condition not met? We have two cases (I am ignoring
events having zero probability for simplicity of notation):

  1. all X(i) are greater than 0.5 (then the first segment is overly long), or
  2. for some X(i) it is less than 0.5 and there is no other X(j) such that
    0 < X(j) - X(i) < 0.5 (then the segment that begins at point X(i) is overly long).
    We have n such cases.

The second crucial observation is that the n+1 considered events are disjoint.
The reason is that it is impossible that two line segments that are longer than 0.5
at the same time.

Therefore the probability that any of the segments is longer than 0.5 is sum
of the probabilities of the individual events.

So what is the probability that all X(i) are greater than 0.5? It is relatively
easy. We have n independent events, each having probability 0.5 so the total
probability is 1/2^n.

And what is the probability that X(i) is less than 0.5 and there is no other
X(j) such that 0 < X(j) - X(i) < 0.5? Again we have n independent events
(one for location of X(i) and n-1 for location of X(j) for j other than i)
and each of these events has 0.5 probability, so again we have that the probability
is 1/2^n.

In total we get that the probability that at least one of the segments is longer than
0.5 is (n+1)/2^n, so the probability that we can create a polygon is 1-(n+1)/2^n.

Checking the solution using simulation

Let us write a simple simulation in Julia to check our result. First write a function that
takes n points from the [0, 1] interval and checks if they cut the rod into segments
from which one could create a polygon:

check(x) = maximum(diff(sort!([0.0; x; 1.0]))) < 0.5

First add start (0.0) and end (1.0) points of the rod. Next, we arrange the passed points
in ascending order in-place using sort!. By running the diff operation, we compute the lengths
of the created rod segments, and check if longest of them is less than 0.5.

Now we are ready to write a function that runs this simulation multiple times
(1 million in my example) to get an estimate of the probability:

runtest(n) = count(_ -> check(rand(n)), 1:10^6) / 10^6

Let us run the simulation for several values of n and compare the results against analytical result:

julia> using Random

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> [(n=n, theory=1-(n+1)/2^n, simulation=runtest(n)) for n in 1:10]
10-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:n, :theory, :simulation), Tuple{Int64, Float64, Float64}}}:
 (n = 1, theory = 0.0, simulation = 0.0)
 (n = 2, theory = 0.25, simulation = 0.250275)
 (n = 3, theory = 0.5, simulation = 0.500066)
 (n = 4, theory = 0.6875, simulation = 0.687842)
 (n = 5, theory = 0.8125, simulation = 0.812825)
 (n = 6, theory = 0.890625, simulation = 0.890247)
 (n = 7, theory = 0.9375, simulation = 0.9374)
 (n = 8, theory = 0.96484375, simulation = 0.964881)
 (n = 9, theory = 0.98046875, simulation = 0.980502)
 (n = 10, theory = 0.9892578125, simulation = 0.989465)

The results look consistent.

Making the simulation faster

Let us benchmark the speed of our code:

julia> @time [(n=n, theory=1-(n+1)/2^n, simulation=runtest(n)) for n in 1:10];
 10.075038 seconds (100.03 M allocations: 4.621 GiB, 10.55% gc time, 0.69% compilation time)

We could make it faster by avoiding unnecessary allocations:

function runtest_faster(n)
    x = zeros(n+2)
    x[end] = 1.0
    v = @view x[2:end-1]
    return count(1:10^6) do _
        m = 0.0
        xa = first(x)
        @inbounds for i in 2:n+2
            xb = x[i]
            m = max(m, xb - xa)
            xa = xb
        return m < 0.5
    end / 10^6

First let us check the results:

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> [(n=n, theory=1-(n+1)/2^n, simulation=runtest_faster(n)) for n in 1:10]
10-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:n, :theory, :simulation), Tuple{Int64, Float64, Float64}}}:
 (n = 1, theory = 0.0, simulation = 0.0)
 (n = 2, theory = 0.25, simulation = 0.250275)
 (n = 3, theory = 0.5, simulation = 0.500066)
 (n = 4, theory = 0.6875, simulation = 0.687842)
 (n = 5, theory = 0.8125, simulation = 0.812825)
 (n = 6, theory = 0.890625, simulation = 0.890247)
 (n = 7, theory = 0.9375, simulation = 0.9374)
 (n = 8, theory = 0.96484375, simulation = 0.964919)
 (n = 9, theory = 0.98046875, simulation = 0.980717)
 (n = 10, theory = 0.9892578125, simulation = 0.989311)

What is interesting is that up to n=7 we get identical results, but they start to differ
for n=8. We will investigate it shortly.

However, first we check the timing:

julia> @time [(n=n, theory=1-(n+1)/2^n, simulation=runtest_faster(n)) for n in 1:10];
  1.792463 seconds (22.75 k allocations: 1.533 MiB, 2.80% compilation time)

As we can see there is a significant reduction in the number of allocations.

Investigating random number generation process

Have a look at this code:

julia> Random.seed!(1234); rand(7)
7-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> Random.seed!(1234); rand!(zeros(7))
7-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> Random.seed!(1234); rand!(view(zeros(7), :))
7-element view(::Vector{Float64}, :) with eltype Float64:

All looks good. The results are identical. Now increase the length of the vector by one:

julia> Random.seed!(1234); rand(8)
8-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> Random.seed!(1234); rand!(zeros(8))
8-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> Random.seed!(1234); rand!(view(zeros(8), :))
8-element view(::Vector{Float64}, :) with eltype Float64:

What is going on here? We have just hit a puzzle I have promised
that is hidden in our original puzzle.

It turns out that the default random number generator
in Julia uses a different method for random number generation for Array
than for general AbstractArray in some cases.

The relevant code for our case is as follows.
The one used by Julia for Vector{Float64}:

function rand!(rng::Union{TaskLocalRNG, Xoshiro},
    GC.@preserve dst xoshiro_bulk(rng,

and the code used for a view:

function rand!(rng::AbstractRNG, A::AbstractArray{T}, sp::Sampler) where T
    for i in eachindex(A)
        x = rand(rng, sp)
        @inbounds A[i] = x

Therefore, what you need to remember that if you change in your
code rand into rand! to improve performance the results
of your computations might change.


I hope you liked the puzzle. If you wonder if the analytical solution
could have been simpler the answer is yes. We can get rid of the special
cases in our derivation by the following observation. Instead of analyzing
cutting a rod in n places you can imagine that you cut a circle in n+1
places. Then we notice that all cutting points are indistinguishable,
and what we need to check if there is a gap of 0.5 length from a given
point looking clockwise from it. The probability of such gap is 1/2^n
as we have n points that cannot lie in a zone of length 0.5. The rest of
the arguments in the derivation are the same as above.

Also, as usual, we have a (hopefully useful) lesson about running
stochastic simulations in Julia (especially if you want them to be reproducible):
rand and rand! are not guaranteed to produce the same sequences of random numbers.